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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Steve: Just in case you are using any sound added by the SOUND LINE on the main screen, it does not play when you preview via the TIMELINE, you have to use the full screen PREVIEW I understand that Igor has said that he will look into that for a furure version.
  2. Harry: MACs and PTE have been discussed MANY times There is an active current thread on the forum about the topic.
  3. Re Paulnewsom's comment re quality 6 vs 10 looking the same... I agree with that for picures that have a lot of detail, texture, full density etc, BUT if you are dealing with pictures that have areas with little detail then you'll need higher quality as jpg compression on those images "gets carried away". For example I have a shots of a: - a rainbow against white overcast - many night shots with coloured smoke/haze (fireworks, light cloud cover reflecting city lights) All this shots fall apart when used in a FADE transitions. (espicially when projected) I have started forgetting about the quality factor and concentrating on compressing the images to obtain a file size of 200-300kb. It really amounts to the same thing, but I just watch the file size, not the compression factor.
  4. Ken: Much appreciate the link to the other two services for transfering large files. I have been using www.dropload.com for several months now after it was mentioned here. I have found it great until last week when they developed a gremlin and people were not notified that there was a file waiting for them. I think that is fixed now. The YouSendIt looks even better as you can use multiple e-mails addresses (I sent 10 people a 42mb PTE show via DROPLOAD over the weekend - it took a while as I had to do it individually, YouSendIt looks like it will solve that !) I looked at Yahoo's briefcase a while ago, but stopped looking when I saw it allowed only a max file size of 5mg for up/downloading. The third one (STREAMLOAD) looks good too, but will involve some $$$, but eh, everything can't be free or as good a deal as PTE is for $35(Cdn)
  5. SteveP You can preview starting at any slide you want. click on the slide you want to start with on the bottom of the main screen, and then click on the "slice of bread" (small icon to the bottom right of the large image view at top of main screen. Preview will start at the selected image and carry on from there. Re the OBJECT use of TEXT and their not staying where you "want" the text, I believe Igor is working on that and hopes to have it in the next major release. We have been after that for a long time. I use the OBJECTS a lot, not for text so much as for starting other shows/files from within a PTE presentation.
  6. Igor: Show has been re-compiled using beta 4 and played many times with no problems. The presentation has now been "released" for public consumption (and good reviews ) Thank you for your immediate service Jim
  7. Justin: Not exactly sure where you tried to open the new sound list from, but you should try it from top left corner of the PTE page, drill down through the drive they are on until you find them (just like you do in EXPLORE) PTE will list them like EXPLORE, or if you click on the "two pages" icon at the top left, you'll see thumbnails Does that help any ?
  8. Igor: Once again THANK YOU !!!!!! Excellent service. Next time I am not going to tell you about a problem until a Monday so you won't work on it on the weekend !
  9. Great detective work Igor !!! Looking forward to the fix so I can "release" my new show. Talk about customer service
  10. jevans: Unless I have missed your query as well, but let me see if I can muddy the waters..... There are two basic ways to do a slide show: 1. Start with the music and find the images to go with it (normally about 10 slides a minute for a basic show) and do a custom synch. (you might have to add or drop a slide, but so beit) or 2. pick your images, set up a custom synched show using a silent track (make one that is longer than you expect to need - again calculate one minute per 10 slides plus or minus for a basic show), and then find the music for the length of your draft show. Of course there will be minor adjustments later to synch the sldies to the beat, but not as much as you might think. Either way no show design should be so rigid that there is no flexibility. If you need to stretch or compress the music because you really can't bear to drop one or two images, well do it ! Up to 5% plus or minus and 99% of the audience won't notice. Not sure if that helps or hinders.....
  11. Mike: Yes that was the show. It was actually an introduction to a 14 minute PTE show on beekeeping.
  12. Igor: I could not replicate the problem with my test files. Alrobin tried them as well on his 4 computers (different specs and different OS) and all was OK. Everything behaved exactly as you programmed. I did not leave my recommended half second gap between the end of the sound clip and the start of the next slide in my tests to push the envelope. I had the sound track and slide finishing at exactly the same time. The "live" files I had problems with were 42mb files, so maybe it was the system could not keep up completely in a couple of spots. I will still leave a half second gap in future shows just to be sure. Thanks for your usual instant attention.
  13. Igor: The problem happened when I was watching the .exe file. Show runs on its own, no keyboard or mouse actions required on .exe file A sound clip was playing over previous slide(s) correctly, but when the next slide came up it's sound clip it didn't play. But the next slide along the way after did play it's sound clip properly. Then another slide further along would skip its sound clip. But playing the .exe file again, there would be no problem, or another sound would skip. As I mentioned I unfortunately did not keep the .pte and .exe files for the offending versions as I remedied the problem by giving that 0.5 second gap. I have made two test shows trying to replicate the problem. So far no replication. I have asked alrobin to test them on his computers. I'll let you know later today if I have replicated the problem. Thanks once again
  14. Wedford: I did a show a number of years ago that ran 275 images through in 60 seconds. I used jpg files. 800x600 about 50kb each It runs OK on most computers, but some older computers have difficulty keeping up and it loops on them. It was on BEECHBROOK for a while and got some good reviews. If you want a copy of the .exe file I can send it via DROPLOAD. It is a 9mb file.
  15. I completely agree with Guru. I use Adobe Audition because I am used to it, But for all the things that I do for PTE shows, there is nothing that Audacity can't do. (Or at least nothing that I have had to do yet )
  16. Igor: Thanks for getting back to me: - I had "Don't interrupt..." option on. - 2-3 sound clips intermittently did not play on the .exe version when replayed several times. That is they would not play on one run through, but would play the next time through etc etc - WinXP home - I had a background file of silence so I could use the Custom synch option. - No I only tried it on my computer (see specs in earlier post replying to Guido) - I had no problem with the sound clips going across several slides. That part worked fine, it was sound clips that intermittently did not play on the .exe file. - File size is 42mb, so I will send you the .pte file, but I have "fixed" the apparent problem by moving the "problem" slides with the attached sound clips over a small amount to ensure there is a half second gap between the end of the sound file on the last slide(s) and the start of the transition of the "problem" sound clip. Hope that helps. I can do a test exe file if you still want, but it might take me a day or so as I am on my way out and tied up the next few days. Thnaks again.
  17. Nigels If you use custom synchronization on the TIMELINE, everything should stay in place no matter what computer you are on Jim
  18. Igor: Any chance of allowing a .png file to be used in the OBJECT editor ? Thx
  19. danibrooks: When you re-sized the images, did you put them into a different folder and/or change their names slightly? PTE would be looking for the original names in the original folder. That would be my immediate thought.
  20. If you want to contact a member, click on "MEMBERS" at top right and find their name. Clicking on their name will bring you to their info page, top right of this page has an e-mail contact facility.
  21. Guido: It is Sunday Give the guy a day off !!!!
  22. Guru: CPU: AMD64 1.8ghz HDD: C:34gb for program files etc, D: 200gb for data Ram: 1 gb Graphics card: Matrox Millenium G550 Sound card: Realtek AC97 Auto
  23. I immediately took advantage to the new feature Igor added in 4.4 to allow sounds added by the sound line on the main page to continue even when the slide changes. The timing for this change was immaculate as I was in the midst of preparing a lengthy show with some 60-70 sound snippets. (birds and their calls) While everything seemed to work great most of the time, I did notice instances of the .exe file not playing all the sound snippets, even though the PREVIEW was OK. At first I thought I had left the sound out, so I went back into the .pte and checked. Then I discovered that the missing sounds occurred sporadically. I could play the .exe file three times in a row and sometimes all the sounds would be there, another time one or two might not be. Upon looking at the timings etc more closely and making adjustments, it seems that you need about 0.5 second between the end of the sound snippet and the start of the transition of the next slide for it to work flawlessly.
  24. As you will have seen in the original thread (thanks Maureen for starting a new one) Maureen solved my question(at 4AM her time.) I need to get new glasses: use OBJECT property: run application OR OPEN FILE...... I agree with the comments from the others, untick "show slide for x seconds" and everything works as it should.
  25. Maureen: Hope I can do it I may have missed it some place.. Problem resolved with Maureen's help: I can't read !!!! "Run application OR OPEN FILE......"
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