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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Igor: When running a show that is CONTROLLED (either manual or synched) there are times I really don't want the Navigation Bar showing. I realize there is an auto-hide option, but that creates a distraction when you mouse over and it pops up. Plus the mouse coursor is always on the screen. We already have a way to CONTROL under PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED by using the mouse buttons. So we can advance, reverse etc with the mouse buttons, we can exit by hitting ESC.... how about letting us PAUSE by using the space bar ? That gives us most of the CONTROL we need, without the mouse cursor and the navigation bar appearing. Of course maybe this is already possible and I missed it Thanks
  2. kdwolfe: We'll need a little more information.... (pardon the obvious - but are the speakers on and volume turn up?) - is this the first time you tried adding sound, if no what are you doing differently? - where are you adding the sound files? PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC ? SOUND line on main page? Customize slide tab? - where are you viewing the show from (Timeline ? PREVIEW? .Exe file ?)
  3. When using the TIMELINE to fine tune the synching of the show, additional sounds added via a slide's SOUND line are not heard. But as soon as I used the PREVIEW, all the sound bites played. Any chance of having all the sounds play when using the TIMELINE ???
  4. Solved it !! Alrobin reminded me that you have to use the "SOUND" line on the main screen to add the extra sounds with a synched show. I had tried that too with no success, but then I discovered the problem(s). 1. I had forgotten that I had added the extra sounds on a few slides (further up the timeline) via the MUSIC TAB on CUSTOMIZE SLIDE so they were stopping the synched process from working with the extra sounds I had added correctly via the SOUND line. 2. When using the TIMELINE to fine tune the synching of the show, the sounds added via the SOUND line are not heard. Thus I was convinced that even though I had done it "correctly" it still was not working. But as soon as I used the PREVIEW, all the sound bites played. I'll post #2 as a wish list change for future versions as I checked and the problem was there in version 4.3 Igor's change with 4.5 allowing sounds added via the SOUND line to continue when the next slide comes up is a godsend !!!
  5. Stonemason Alrobin's PTE ADJUSTOR available here on beechbrook will also let see the PTE file and adjust it too
  6. Mary: see private e-mail I sent you
  7. I have done presentations in the past with carefully prepared sound tracks that have a background musical piece mixed with voice overs/sound effects for specific slides. The shows were done with the pre-mixed sound track and PROJECT OPTIONS> MUSIC and PROJECT OPTIONS>CUSTOM SYNCHRONIZATION. This time around I decided to do a show with background music only as above and add the snippets of voice-over/sound effects “assigned” to particular slides. I tried “assigning” them two ways: 1. CUSTOMIZE SLIDE>MUSIC 2. Adding the music track to a particular slide on the main screen. Neither seemed to work as I could not get the background music and the shorter pieces to play together. Either I can’t do what I want in a synchronized show, or I am missing something very basic. I am trying to avoid the time it takes to get the voice over in just the right spot in the mixed track but still have a synched show. Any help would be appreciated. (keep it polite if I missed something basic please)
  8. Dusty this has been dioscussed many times on the forum. To the best of my knowledge no one has a MAC version working as .exe files don't work on MACs
  9. ed Try this link here
  10. Steve: Maybe I missed something, as I trust Guido more than myself <grin> , but I just tried a custom synched show that I have and all I did was use "always show mouse cursor" in the ADVANCED and the mouse arrow stayed on the screen. (I had expected that I might have to go with "PERMIT CONTROL of the SHOW" to get it working, but no) There weren't any OBJECTS in my show so I didn't do a full test for you, but at least my cursor showed. I am using 4.31
  11. Steve: One way to use the Timeline with no music, is to just give it a track of silence for whatever time period you want.
  12. Re the "floating" OBJECTS. This has been an "issue" for a long time and is a nuisnace if you use OBJECTS when presenting shows on different computers. Sounds as though you have developed a workaround which is great. In response to many requests over a year ago, Igor has indicated that he will look at the OBJECTS and I believe hopes to have them stablized in the next beta (not in the current series of 4.4 betas). But this might be wishful thinking on my part
  13. JRR


    Terry: Welcome to PTE Timeline for synching can be found at: PROJECTION OPTIONS>MAIN> turn on "synchronize slide show to music duration" > customize synchronization Alrobin has a great tutorial for PTE you can find it on Beechbrook site here
  14. Kenny: Did you leave the mouse cursor showing ?? PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED If not, then I don't think the Navigation Box will show.
  15. JRR


    Guido: We help Bill with his expenses at Beechbrook, can we not help with your costs in connection with the on-line storage of the copyright free music ?
  16. Denwell Amazing what little shortcuts lurk behind the scenes BTW, I just discovered that clicking the space bar again returns it to the light table
  17. Coffeyb There a couple of ther ways depending on what you want: 1. PROJECT OPTONS>ADVANCED>run application after last slide 2. Use OBJECT EDITOR (right of CUSTOMIZE SLIDE on main screen) on whatever image you want and place a button with whatever ACTION you want
  18. marmart: Welcome to PTE ! I am quite familair with PROSHOW, but I use PTE as it is much more flexible to do the things I want with my shows. There are pros and cons to all software. PTE does not have the zoom feature yet. Igor (our genius program creator) has it in the books for the next beta version I understand.
  19. JRR


    Guido: Great stuff !!!!!!! It will help all PTE users, new and experienced. Thank you VERY much.
  20. Igor: I admit I have not had time to try the new beta yet, but I have been following the forum and it sure seems the timeline and deleting transitions/slides is causing confusion and problems, other aspects seem to be going OK. Alrobin's suggestions sound great to me in theory (keeping in mind I have not had time to play yet). Al didn't pay me to say this by the way
  21. How I start depends on the show. If I am doing a travelogue, lecture/educational, I pick out the images I want to use and put them in the order I want (usually not the order they were taken in, but in order by colour and subject). The shows goes together, then I find the music. Picking out the images is a hard process as you have to be fairly ruthless in your editing if you want a good presentation. The editing can taking weeks before assembling them for the show. If I am doing a show to a specific piece of music, I sort out the number of images required, what the image should be of (to match the music (words in a song) etc etc and then put it together. Of course there are combinations and permutations between those two simplistic ones.
  22. Generally I agree that slide shows should be 5-8 minutes long maximum. But it depends on your target audience. I have some that are 25 minutes long that will bore the pants off many audiences, but leave other audiences wanting more. I have seen 5 minute, or shorter, shows that will bore the pants of anyone except its producer See thread in PTE Presentations forum re "Stimulation vs ??? " here
  23. Igor: Guess I think the somewhat the same as Al Robinson. I really don't want "fill the screen" as a default for the same reason as Al. Also if this is away around stationary OBJECTS, as much as I have been pushing for stationary OBJECTS for several years , I am not sure this is a good solution as image quality will suffer on larger res screens. But then I am second guessing you on this comment
  24. Randy: Glad the problem was solved by the exchange of e-mails we had.
  25. Happy Birthday Peter I loved the shows of yours that I have seen. Hope to see more sometime
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