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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Happy Birthday Peter I loved the shows of yours that I have seen. Hope to see more sometime
  2. Vicking: If I understand what you ant correctly, you can do numbers 2,3,and 4 right now. You just have to put extra copies of the individual slides in the show where you want them. i.e. slide one, slide two, slide one, slide three etc for #2 wish, you can do that by preparing the images you want to display in PhotoShop
  3. Hi Hollowman: I realize that this is not going to help you any in real terms, but I have three PTE shows of over 200 slides and 25 minutes in length, they all work like a charm. A few thoughts you might want to consider as the following are sometimes factors: - I usually compress sound track to an an MP3 using 96kbps. - image files are jpgs, no more than 200kb (the odd one might hit 275kb, but most are 100-150kb) - I keep at least 0.5 seconds between transtions. I tend to use FADES, with transitions of 1500ms ± I am sure you will solve it very soon.
  4. Marianne: I have some jpg screen shots that might (not) help. I have used them in a short tutorial. But I need your e-mail so I can attach them in a note to you. The PTE forum e-mail form does not allow attachments. Pls send an e-mail to me at jrr@magma.ca and I will send them to you.
  5. Ron: I'll try to clarify the process: Each time you work on your PTE presentation, I assume you you save the current .pte file. You either click: FILE > SAVE or File > SAVE AS That saves the .pte file in whatever folder you are working from (SAVE AS is safer as you can actually see where it is going to be saved) Using the TEMPLATE is an extra step. After saving the .pte file you can save the .pt file by: FILE > TEMPLATE > CREATE TEMPLATE FROM THIS SHOW This creates a .pt file in your PTE Program Files folder. You can leave it there or move it wherever you want. You can back it up to whatever media you use for back-up. The .pt file holds all the images you are using, the sound file and the .pte file. It does not hold the .exe file, but you can easily re-create the .exe file by simply using the .pte file from the TEMPLATE .pt file and creating it in the usual way. Hope that makes sense
  6. Hi Kellychinphotos ! Welcome to PTE. I am not a website designer so much better advice will follow.... You would have to place the PTE .exe file on your website in whatever fashion allows for people to download it. It would not be a streaming option, but a physical download. You should load the .exe file as a zip file as some firewalls etc will not allow .exes to be downloaded. You would have to watch your file sizes as well if you wanted clients on dial-up to download the proofs Like I say better advice will follow By the way, this might be better posted perhaps at the general forum General Forum
  7. Hi Russell: Welcome to PTE. The transitions you have seen that leave one image in place and bring in another one is simply two (or more) separate images prepared in PhotoShop (or whatever photo editing software one uses). The common picture is on both images and PTE just transtions the slides, but the eye only sees one of the images change.
  8. Sens: You might be better off posting this in the DVD forum. See: DVD forum But I can tell you that I experienced the same thing and was told that the .avi file created is a temp file that disappears when you hit "finished". It is used as source in the making of the DVD file I know it was there as I clicked on, and watched, the .avi file before clicking on the FINISHED button after which it was no longer there.
  9. another option is to create a TEMPLATE for the show. You can move the template around to whatever folder, back-up device you want, etc. The pictures and sound are always there for you. FILE > TEMPLATE > CREATE TEMPLATE FROM THIS SHOW
  10. They are using a slower computer so I suspect that is the issue. Are you pictures about 200-300kb MAXIMUM size ?, is there about a half second between transitions ? Did you use the timeline to synch ? Those are some of the critical issues They might also be trying to run them from a CD rather than loading them onto the hard drive. By the way, you are better to ask thse types of questions on the general forum rather than the presentations forum. general forum
  11. Midknight: There is software that will do that for you. Its called Adobe Première, costs US$700
  12. Is this music copyright free ? I know Nickles said "it is free to download", but I don't see any copyright free info. So I assume "free to download" meant simply that - free to download, but not copyright free. I would like to know as what music I use sometrimes depends on what I am using a show for Thanks
  13. ratfugel: Did you create the PTE as a DVD vidoe type show (I don't do it, so I am not "up" on the terminology) or just copy the .exe file to a DVD You might want to go to this forum for further help on the DVD aspect here Regarding the synchronizing with the music, did you use the TIMELINE function to do the synching ? PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN>custom synchronization (button) That should hold the synching on any computer
  14. Ken: I lived in Toronto for 20 years 1978-98 (almost got used to it too ) They think they are the capital of world, not just Canada. (That is for any of them that have gone farther north than Steeles Ave !!! )
  15. If anyone is wondering what the "Capital" is in "Capital Lights", it is the capital of Canada - Ottawa
  16. see private e-mail I just sent you
  17. Mary: This is not the first time people have had this problem as some e-mail software seem to embed the key into the e-mail itself, not leaving it attached as a seprate file. There is information at this link about how to separate out the key from the text at the bottom of the email they received from the registration people: here
  18. Gracerod: Welcome to PTE ! I know someone will come along and correct me if I am wrong, but I believe PTE only uses mp3 and OGG (?) files. Although I saw a posting the other day that someone manged to use a wav file (it did not work well as WAV files are too big) I have never tried a WMA file as I don't use that file type, so I might be biased. Most (like almost all) people use mp3
  19. Digipics: Welcome to PTE, you'll catch on quickly to it. PTE has two file types (actually three but we won't go there now) When you FILE>SAVE, you are saving the PTE file. it has the "instructions" you just loaded to make the show. (Actually most of us use FILE>SAVE AS) The actual show is created when you go FILE>Create slide show, this produces the .exe file which is what I think you are calling "just the slide show". (Again many of us always use FILE>CREATE SLIDESHOW AS) Hope that helps
  20. Congrats Al ! Guess I had better get into the 21st century and update my EXCEL version Jim
  21. Jeanie: There is another forum for dealing with DVD aspects of PTE. I think you might get a better answer here
  22. Happy Birthday (yesterday) Igor !!!!! better late than never
  23. Igor: Sounds great !! We'll take any and all you've got. If this is heading to go into 4.40, I can hardly wait for 4.6 and 4.7!!!!!
  24. I always use the FILE>SAVE AS for the same reason - I am in control
  25. Bob: There have been MANY discussions re AUTO RUN/START with many variations as to how to make it work Try doing a search for AUTO RUN. BOXIG has some utilities that might help you
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