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Everything posted by JRR

  1. If anyone is wondering what the "Capital" is in "Capital Lights", it is the capital of Canada - Ottawa
  2. see private e-mail I just sent you
  3. Mary: This is not the first time people have had this problem as some e-mail software seem to embed the key into the e-mail itself, not leaving it attached as a seprate file. There is information at this link about how to separate out the key from the text at the bottom of the email they received from the registration people: here
  4. Gracerod: Welcome to PTE ! I know someone will come along and correct me if I am wrong, but I believe PTE only uses mp3 and OGG (?) files. Although I saw a posting the other day that someone manged to use a wav file (it did not work well as WAV files are too big) I have never tried a WMA file as I don't use that file type, so I might be biased. Most (like almost all) people use mp3
  5. Digipics: Welcome to PTE, you'll catch on quickly to it. PTE has two file types (actually three but we won't go there now) When you FILE>SAVE, you are saving the PTE file. it has the "instructions" you just loaded to make the show. (Actually most of us use FILE>SAVE AS) The actual show is created when you go FILE>Create slide show, this produces the .exe file which is what I think you are calling "just the slide show". (Again many of us always use FILE>CREATE SLIDESHOW AS) Hope that helps
  6. Congrats Al ! Guess I had better get into the 21st century and update my EXCEL version Jim
  7. Jeanie: There is another forum for dealing with DVD aspects of PTE. I think you might get a better answer here
  8. Happy Birthday (yesterday) Igor !!!!! better late than never
  9. Igor: Sounds great !! We'll take any and all you've got. If this is heading to go into 4.40, I can hardly wait for 4.6 and 4.7!!!!!
  10. I always use the FILE>SAVE AS for the same reason - I am in control
  11. Bob: There have been MANY discussions re AUTO RUN/START with many variations as to how to make it work Try doing a search for AUTO RUN. BOXIG has some utilities that might help you
  12. Congrats Ken !! That does not include the many behind the scenes e-mails either
  13. Igor: If I read you right, the much requested "keep the OBJECTS in place when Resolution changes" is coming in 4.50 For that I will owe you a large bottle of Champagne !!!!
  14. Larry: Al's route has worked for me the few times that I have needed to do what you want. Yes the occasional time I have seen a momentary "flash", but not always. It seems to be a function of the shows that being put together. I have not figured out what the "commonality" is for getting the flash vs not getting it. I suspect load time might be a possible issue. If I used that feature more I would likely have it figured out and Igor would resolve it for us I am sure.
  15. I have had some success with copying my slides using using a gizmo attached to the digital camera lens. The gizmo from here fits on the lens of most digital cameras and holds the slide to be copied. I used a flash on the slide to copy it. I have good success with some slides, and not so good with others. Not sure what the difference is. Scanning is best, but this gizmo does a remarkable job at times compared to commercial scans.
  16. Kevthewev: Another "kick at the cat" I assume you have your copyright info on a jpg file. Can you not SELECT your copyright information from your jpg and right click "layer via copy". Then drag it over to the image, adjusting the opacity as desired ? That does mean doing it in PhotoShop for each image, but there is likely a way to set up an action to do it in batch mode.
  17. Moelwyn: Sounds as though you are running the show from the CD, and then while it is showing, you are rejecting the CD. Maybe I misunderstood, but if that is what you are doing, you can't do that. You need the CD to stay in the drive if you want the show to continue. Yes, when taking a CD out prematurely when copying from it, I have found the same problem of the computer telling me the disk is not there even though I have re-inserted it. You just have to learn to not reject it before the computer is finshed with it. You could copy the show to the hard drive and then reject the CD if that is what you really want
  18. Hi Kevthewev: Welcome to PTE !! Re the Copyright sign: Is what you want this sign: © ??? If so then add it as a TEXT layer to your image using ARIAL and keystrokes ALT+0169. Use your caharacter Map to find the ascii keystrokes if you don't want to use ARIAL. Then reduce the opacity of the text layer to the level you want. Sorry, but I am not sure what you mean by the second question re positioning the text
  19. Igor: You are "a bear for punishment aren't you ?" I think I have mentioned these before, but just to have them in one place: - OBJECTS that stay aligned regardless of screen resolution (I think you have been hearing this for a few years) - "jump to" using a hot key (no navigation bar on screen) - Something to tell the screen saver not to come on during a show - "run application after last slide" that would work when in PREVIEW mode - getting rid of paths without having to use TEMPLATES If you can do half the things we are asking, you will deserve a long vacation
  20. Bill: Most of us recommend file sizes of about 200kb max (well maybe 250-300 in a pinch). Personally I re-size to 800x600 or 1024x768 and save as jpg quality 5 or 6. That can be done in a batch routine in PhotoShop so it is no work for you. Depending on screen size, you may want to use larger image size. I suspect your problem is PTE trying to read the large files from the CD in time for the next transition. Reading from CDs can be quite slow depending on your drive. Autoruns do work, there have been many discussions and several solutions used by many PTE users. Do a search, bottom right of forum screen, for AUTOSTART. BOXIG has a utility that will do it, plus run your shows from the CD. Part of this is in a current on-going thread. I prefer to use a "front page" with objects on the first page that link to each show. Then I just click on the show I want to present and away I go. We all have our own routines that produce the same end result. Good luck
  21. Igor: With regards to the JUMP to Feature... What we were thinking of was for synchronized or non-synchonized shows to be able to "jump" to any chosen slide (or time spot) by clicking on a "hot key" (" j ' as an example). You be able to jump forward and backwards as you checked out the show. It was found to be very useful to a group of people who used to use another software, who are now "sold" on PTE, but miss that feature. It helps with creating shows. While PTE allows to start a certain point in PREVIEW, once started there you can no longer jump (in synched shows). Re using HOT KEYS rather than the navbigation bar allows control of the show without the 'distracting" navigation bar and cursor on the screen. Hot keys could be as you described plus a few more perhaps such as the "J" all of which could be used with synched or non-synched shows without the navigation bar and the mouse cursor on the screen. Is that a little clearer ? Thanks
  22. Bob (Lumenlux): Sorry I was so slow... (Alrobin had to clue me in via phone, but I see you posted a clarification for me the thick headed person.) Yes your option is a good work around in the interim. Alan Lyons: Your idea has merit too, but in this case we were trying to fine tune the music and images in show one that lead into show two and we needed the "real" show one ending to make sure we had it right. Thanks guys !
  23. Bob: You understand the issue correctly, I think Igor does, but his work around does not rteally solve the problem in the interim. Your idea of using an OBJECT is another choice (that I did not think of) of synthsizing it. It would not really show how it would work in the real presentation though as it would be a manual interaction - but it would be close. Thanks
  24. Thanks Igor, sounds great. You are your responsive self Any chance of having "control of show" without the navigation bar showing, with the actions being controlled by hot keys ?
  25. I think something like this might have been talked about before, but a "jump to..." feature would be nice. This would allow you to jump to any slide number (or time point) in a show (be it synchronized or not). The feature could be added to the navigation bar, or better yet, use a short cut key of "J" that you could tap on at anytime and enter the slide number you want to jump to (or time point) with or without "permit control of show" turned on).
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