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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Love the "Run application after last slide", BUT on the basis of currently working with three shows, done by different people, to have them run back to back, we decided it would be nice if the "Run application after last slide" function would work when in PREVIEW mode. That would permit you to make changes to the preceeding show's ending slides/music etc, run it in preview mode and check the smoothness etc on the next show starting, without having to run the full preceeding show via the .exe file. Much faster (and less boring ) We tried the full screen PREVIEW as well as the TIME LINE synch preview, neither kicked started the next show.
  2. Further to Alan's note... When you re-size to whatever pixel size you decide to go with, (But make sure they are max'ed at whatever screen size you opt for) don't bother changing the resolution it really does not make a difference. But save the images as jpg's at a quality to give a maximum file size of 250-300kb.
  3. Count me in for the specs too please. We are in the market for a new laptop. Brand and model number that would make it real nice for us, but that is asking for too much I suspect Thx
  4. CC: It worked !!! As much as I have used PTE over and over and over in the past few years, I must admit I have never used templates. Guess I had better start doing it now !!!! Thanks very much. I didn't have much hair left to pull out
  5. I believe this problem has been discussed many months before in terms of "re-compiling" a .pte file within the same computer but in a different (sub)folder - the solution I understand is found by using templates. However this time the "fun" had last night was when one of three of us, (working on separate PTE shows to be linked via "Run application after last slide") had to load their pte file and images into a different computer than the one on which it was originally saved. The original pte file and images were on the D drive, the re-compilation was being done on the C drive of the other computer (It has no D drive by the way). When we opened the PTE file, we were told the images (and music), described by their original paths, could not be found. (That was expected from past experiences working within one computer) We tried various ways of pointing to the new location for the images/music, but the only one route that did not seem to upset the existing transition timing was a one by one replacement of each image through the "show image" line on the main page of the PTE screen. The music from the new location had to be added before the old location could be removed. To say the least this was time consuming and frustrating. Question: - Did we miss the "proper" way to do this ? If not, it would nice if a future version could some how solve this issue. Currently when using OBJECTS and asking for an application to be run (and we are quite sure the same applies, using "Run application after last slide") it does not matter what the original path was to the 2nd .exe file, so long as the .exe file is in the same folder as the first .exe when presenting. I hope this note is somewhat clear. Thanks
  6. Scooley: I think the lack of reponse unfortunately indicates that there is no solution for your problem. This issue of MACs comes up regularly and essentially it is a no-go.
  7. Kevin: From Igor's notes I think you can do it within 4.30, but I have not tried it yet. I am sure someone has and will be along with the steps shortly. In the meantime, you could use your photo-editing software to do it and bring the rotated iimages into the PTE show. Jim
  8. Igor: Hope you had a good weekend off, now let's see what we can keep you occupied with.... - Jimbo suggested random viewing of images - one small thing that I would like (if possible) is some signal sent wherever during the playing of the shows that would prevent the screen saver from coming on in the middle of a show. I realize that if one remembers they can go in and turn the screen saver off, but I don't always remember, and some neophytes don't know how... My screen saver is set to come on after 10 minutes and there are more and more shows out there that last more than 10 minutes (including some of my instructional/educational ones that last 20-25) (I suspect my show length will gather off topic comments on its own )
  9. Igor: As I said before with the last version, and will say again after you play some more and produce 4.40..... Way to go !!! Thanks for all your hard work
  10. Better late than never...... Igor, I have been rather pre-occupied with other things the past few months, but Alrobin mentioned that I should pop into the forum and take a look at the new beta. (I have not looked at it since 4.20 was issued) What can I say ?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are continuing to out do yourself, where will it all end ?? Congrats to you and your assistants, and to all the users for encouraging you to continue to take PTE to new heights.
  11. Annie: Welcome to PTE ! I am not an expert on websites, but to my knowledge and memory of past discussions, the PTE show can be run from the website, but has to be downloaded. The resultant download file can NOT be run on a MAC as it is a .exe file
  12. I am not sure I am following all this stuff re sizing images in this thread But If you are trying to size images to a fixed width for horizontal and fixed width for verticals and still keep the proportions, it can be done in PhotoShop actions. example: take all horizontals and make them 800 by whatever and all verticals whatever by 600 load a sample image in PS, create an action (the usual way) with the only step being "FIT IMAGE" (FILE>AUTOMATE>FIT IMAGE) and set it to CONSTRAIN WITH Width:800, Vertical:600. Then run the action. Is this what you are trying to do ?
  13. Sandy: To register your PTE sotware you have to use the KEY that the WNSOFT People send when you buy it. If you have the key, click on PTE HELP and follow instructions You might want to get the latest copy though - 4.20
  14. Al: Congrats and thanks for all your help (a good amount of which does not appear as posts so you may well be at 2000 already !!) Of course your PTE Adjustor and Tutorial 101 count for another 1000 posts each. The work you do behind the scenes with the design team should count another 1000. So that would make how many posts ?????? Where would we be without you Sir ???
  15. Carol: It can't be done the way you want with PTE (or any .exe file that I know of). Sorry Someone did accidently put a CD with a PTE show of mine into a DVD player- they were able to get to see the images but no music or nice transitions. How and why I don't know. Perhaps the CDs with images that did work was simple file of jpgs. But not being a DVD expert in anyway I can't help.
  16. Geez, I go away three days and look at forum !!!! Igor:, I know you printed the thread, but I would like to be a voice in the wilderness and add one more: OBJECTS that don't move with changes in resolutions. The solution of putting an invisible gif in each corner has solved it somewhat, but just plain MOVE RELATRIVELY would be great. thx EDIT: Don't use invisible GIF, I goofed - use TEXT OBJECTS with a couple of blanks in them (Thx Alrobin ! )
  17. Igor: I would second all the above comments !! (Now of course if you were to build the sound editing function right into PTE.....)
  18. epartain: Welcome to PTE, you will find it to be a great program. Yes you can have PTE automatically time images to the music length. Select PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN>synchronize slideshow to music duration. Put the music in via: PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC>add You can customize the transitions and timings by selecting PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN>custom synchronization>timed points>add arranged and then move the numbers below the line to where you want them. (That is the easiest way - who can also play the music and insert the transitions by hand - clicking on NEW TRANSITION Hope that gets you started You might want to download Alrobin's PTE 101 Tutorial from here, it is on page 4
  19. Rudy: Glad you were able to solve it !! There is always a solution, just takles time to find it sometimes
  20. Jopo I follow somewhat the same process as you do. I am not a professional but I have more than a few dozen shows, both digitally and analog. There is no one way to do it to me mind. Just go with what works for you, and yes you will get tired of watching your show before you get it finalized. Boxig utilities are good, Alrobin's ADJUSTOR has a light table as well and lets you do timing changes to groups of slides at the sametime
  21. Rudy: Can you combine the MP3s into one track using a sound editing software to see if that makes any differences, not sure why it would, but it might help if the problem occurs arund the change in tracks. Audacity is a free sound software that will do it for you - there are other softares available too. I don't see a reference to the indivdual size of the images. (maybe I missed it) Are they around 100-200 kb ?
  22. Rudy: As Al said WELCOME !! Once you get the hang of thinhs you will find PTE great. I think the issue is that you have not gone wquite far enough into the Synchroization. WHen you tick the box next to question mark, that is part of the trick. The second trick is to click on the CUSTOMIZE SYNCHRONIZATION bar that gets you access to the TIMELINE. You do all your synching from there. I usually take it the easy way out and click on TIMED POINTS and ADD ARRANGED POINTS and then move them arround as I want. I use the CUSTOMIZE SLIDE (bottom right of TIMELINE box) to play with the transition time and type. Hope that helps
  23. I suspect that I am one of the heavier users of PTE to make narrated slide shows, be they educational or travelogues, of my images. These are just as valid types of slide shows as any other that I, and others, do with music and photos. PTE is great tool for both. Having got that off my chest.... I would agree that adding recording of narration within PTE is perhaps not the most pressing priority right now. We all have our own priorities and Igor always does a good job of sorting out our competing "demands".
  24. mondello: Yes that would be a nice feature, but the "add-on" would be an ability for that narration to "spill-over" to the next image. Many times my narrations extend the length of two images.
  25. Ed: I agree with you that it would be nice to shift a bunch of images together. Until Igor comes up with an update on it, Alrobin's PTE ADJUSTOR (avaialable on the Beechbrook site) is the way to go.
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