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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Nickles: I had the same problem just last night doing a presentation to a medium sized group. I should know better as I do many showings a year, but my mind absentmindedly just let the fingers click twice. On shows that I give to people to run on their own, I stick a large note on the screen wehere they click to ClICK ONLY ONCE. I seem to recall that we asked IGOR to make some changes in the sofatwre that would only have a shoiw run once, despite how many times we clicked I hope it is still on his "to do" list.
  2. Bethalan: Ken's suggestion is a good one, but one other thing. What size (kb-wise) are your images ? They should be maximum 200kb or smaller. Larger files can create such problems. What RAM do you have ?
  3. Peggy: You might have been thinking about Audacity (It is a free sound editting software that many use. you can find it here Others mentioned in past threads are: Acoustica MP3 mixer $25 +/- Adobe Audition $300+/- you can google them to find the websites
  4. JRR


    Cici: When you downloaded the new version it might have been saved somewhere else other than where you expected. It usually saves to where you last downloaded something. I suspect when you installed the software, you were thinking you were installing the latest, but you likely had an old version sitting there. I usually change the name before downloading and make absolutely sure where it is being downloaded to. (I learned that the hardway with other downloads)
  5. What I was referring to (and what I thought Ken was referring to) was the availablilty of the music "visually" (like an old ocilliscope) adjacent to the time line, so you can see the beats (at times). I have an analog slide dissolve system that does that (Arion Wizard). Adobe Premiere has it as well. Adobe Premiere also has a sound editor (a basic one) bult-in as well so you can move different sound tracks around without having to exit out of the AV software to fine tune your sound (This is especially nice when you have sound effects to go with certain slides) Yes you can use the Sound line at the bottom of the main page, but that only works for the one image, if your sound effect goes across more than one, then you have a problem. I am not knocking PTE at all, the number of times I would use the sound editor in PTE is not that great, but when I do, it sure would be great !! ) The visual music would be nice, but thumbnails are MUCH more important !!!!
  6. Ken: That would be great as a feature I agree. Even have the music "show" in the PTE timeline. Unfortunately the only software that allows that (that I know) is Adobe Premiere. (Cool Edit is now Adobe Audition). Premiere only costs somewhere around $700US....
  7. Igor: - It might not be a PTE problem, but I have no problems with any other software on the computer - I have done a virus check - Yes it showed up on earlier versions that were still installed when the problem started - Yes it is a problem when I FILE>OPEN to an existing project - Opening an existing project from EXPLORE is OK - Changing panel on left to an existing show file and then going FILE>OPEN seemed OK (once anyway) - I have restarted the computer at times with no differences. - Sometimes after PTE shuts down due to error, the resources in the computer are so low that I have shut down and start again I have ways around the issue, but it is a nuisance Feel free to contact me "off forum" if you want to rather than staying on the forum Thanks
  8. I have been working with PTE since version 3.75 with no computer problems at all. But I am having some "fun" now with beta 8. Ever since I added the suggested two extra lines of code in the APR.ini file I have run into PTE shut down problems. The symptoms vary, but generally when I open PTE and then go FILE>OPEN, the new show comes up, but the preview screen (top right) flickers for a second and no image is visible. When I try to work with the show I get : Apr has caused an error in <unknown> Apr will now close I tried running one of the earlier versions and found the same thing I have uninstalled all the versions of PTE and re-installed PTE beta 8 and still get the same problem. If I doubleclick the appropriate PTE file in EXPLORE, it opens OK and I can work with it. Anyone experienced this ? Or have suggestions ? ( I am not a techie) Thx
  9. Oleg and Carol: Great work !!!! This will take the msytery out of your shows, not sure if that is good or not Really great the way everyone shares their knowledge here at PTE. What do you to for an encore to top this presentation ??
  10. Welcome Glazzers: Making an object move across the screen is not really a feature of PTE as we are dealing with slides(stills), not movies. But you might want to try one of the new transitions that Igor has introduced. Make sure you are working with the latest version: 4.20.8 "Overlays" are achieved outside of PTE in your photoediting software. Create your non-overlay image, then the overlay image and fade them together in PTE Look at this show"Olga Boritsch, Photographer" at Beechbrook cottage for some great examples Hope that helps
  11. Thanks Igor !!!! You continue to amaze us all
  12. JRR


    Claire: There have been many threads on sound editing - but think I can find them now ?? I send you an offline e-mail that might help
  13. Igor: Interesting effect with starting first transition from desktop. But its applicability for me will be limited (at this point anyway), my screen res 1152x864 and my shows are 800x600 so there is quite a flutter as the first image comes on the screen - which is normally black.
  14. Philip: You can likely go back and download 4.14 and as Ken says install it in a separate folder.
  15. Garris: There is another forum for the DVD types. check it out: here You will get a better answer there I hope
  16. Sandee: Are you using a current version of PTE ?? (4.20 beta 5) WHen using the Custom Synch in the versions since last fall, there is a gray bar after the start of the transition to show you how long the slide is on screen for. WIth that visiual you should be able to stop any "overlapping" Slides repeating sounds to me as though you have transitions on top of each (not enough of a separation between images) Just my two cents worth
  17. Oleg: I hoped WNSOFT and Adobe PhotoShop would sponsor you Rooskidiver and I will be carry your bags
  18. You should not need to leave a second between transitions. Usually half a second or sometime a quarter is usually OK.
  19. STan: You need to rip it from the CD and save as a .mp3 file around 96kpbs. You can use dbPowerAMP, and other softwares that were recently hightlighted in another thread.
  20. Carol: Great show, wonderful transitions, page set-ups etc etc And the pictures were good too !!!! <grin> Must have taken you a day or two to set create it ! A friend who watched it with me was fascinated with all the underwater creatures and the colour. You should publish a program to go with the show so we will learn about what we are looking at. Congrats !! PS: You are an excellent student of Oleg's !
  21. But I learned everything I know from Oleg and his shows Same goes for me. Oleg is a wonderfully creative person. Maybe he should do a world tour and offer seminars ?
  22. femart: To add to Stu's good advice, if you really are trying to play two tracks (Narration plus music ??) at once in synch mode, you can do it by using the sound line under the image list (on the main screen) for the appropriate image. But this second sound file will cut off when the image transitions off the screen.
  23. Why not use Beechbrook Cottage ? here
  24. reply deleted as I just found the other thread
  25. Adding to Fred's answers: Question 1: Music added via PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC tab will play as background and will loop if you ask it to. Unless you synch it, it plays indepenedently of the images You can add music on the SOUND line under the slide list for particular slides. This sound will play along with the background, only while the associated image is on the screen. You can add music under CUSTOMIZE SLIDE>MUSIC. That music will over ride the background music and stop it. QUestion 2. As Fred says there is no sound editor to fade/edit sound files within PTE. Only program that I know that has that is Adobe Premiere, it only costs $1000 But if you use the sound line you can synch your images throughout the show to the music and line up a slide transtion as the music changes.
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