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Everything posted by JRR

  1. I use 1152x864 so that is likely the issue. The partially hidden objects are at the end of the TEXT EFFECTS "REPLAY" and "RETURN" are partially hidden until the other text comes up on top of the image, they they too appear as a "top layer"
  2. Marco and Garnot: Great demo !!!!! BTW All I did was click on "Show.exe" and all worked without a hitch (except a couple of OBJECTS were partially hidden on one screen. (no big deal ) I read the README.txt first, sounded like a lot of things I had to do and how was I going to remember all them , so I said the heck with it, who reads instructions anyway ? and all went beautifully.
  3. Bubba: I am not a "printer", I mainly deal with slides and digital files, so I may not have the most update info, but someone will come along and correct my comments if I am out in left field. There is no need to scan twice, scan for the TIFF once, then just reduce the pixel size to whatever for the PTE jpg (1024x768 if slow fades/cuts, 800x600 for quicker fades). Do not change the res/dpi. As for scanning prints, people I talk to tell me going to 600dpi does not really produce a better print. But maybe if someone wants to try to make a 8x10 out of a 5x7, then scanning at a higher res would help. But don't quote me on that.
  4. As Stu suggests, try double clicking from the .exe file on the CD. What happens ? What kbps did you record the mp3 at at ? Are they 3 separate files ? If so are they assigned to a particular file, or as background or what ?
  5. The 40mb file is relatively large for running from some CD drives, but as Stu says there are lots of factors here. Image sizes over 200kb can be a little large too. Is there no sound file ? 110 images at 200kb plus exe "overheads" seem a little short of 40mb to me. I don't think the lower case "a" is a factor. I suspect it is more a factor of the speed/specs of the drives and computers involved. Any specs there for us ? As mentioned on another thread yesterday, why not copy to the hard drive and run from there. I know it is not as slick, but if it gets your show seen by others.....
  6. Eric: I am speaking not from authority here and thus might not be accurate. Others more "up" on sound files than I might jump in. I don't think it is any "harder" on the computer in terms of decompression to use a larger file vs the smaller. But the smaller file over all will help the communication with the CPU from the CD keep up to the show.
  7. Eric: You don't have to worry about the sound player the receiving computer might have. PTE has a built-in player.
  8. Bert: Welcome to the forum !!! You will find PTE lots of fun. Everyone tends to have their own work routine with digital, I will pass along mine for what it is worth. Scan at 1200 dpi (I do not normally print my images so that is why the 1200 dpi, if I was printing at 8x10 or larger I would scan at as high a dpi as possible) Keep the initial scan version as your "master" so you can always go back to them without scanning again. For PTE use, I make a copy of the master and then clean the dust etc up, adjust the colour etc, sharpen using USM and jpg them to 1024x864 or 800x600 quality 5. Just as in printing, do NOT over sharpen for digital projection as it will show even more than in a print.
  9. Eric: The reason for the sound files being of such different sizes is due to compression. A WAV file is like a TIFF file or a PSD (PhotoShop) file, they are uncompressed files. While the mp3 is like a JPG file, compressed. Just as you can compress JPGs to varying degrees, mp3s can be compressed to varying degree by using differing kbps. Clear as mud ??
  10. Congrats to all !!!!!!! Now I have to check out the shows again !
  11. Richard: Many of us have had good success with shows running from CDs. BUT there are many factors that make it work better or not. One factor is that the receiving computer CD drive be a relatively fast one in terms of connection to the CPU. Your 25MB .exe file sounds a little large, but I have run ones larger. Are your image files all under 200kb ? Have you used mp3 rather than a wav sound file ? Is your mp3 file relatively small (96-128kbps usually is OK) Did you use Custom Synch for your music ? Hope there is an answer in there for you someplace
  12. Stu: The lunar eclispe caused my clock to run fast, this is tomorrow isn't it ?? I found time to test it. You were correct, if you do the TEXT first, and then the BUTTON all is OK. Do the BUTTON first and then the TEXT, and the TEXT disappears. Thx I sent my test files off to Doctor Al to look at.
  13. Stu and Al: Thanks for your thoughts. I will do some experimenting and get back to you. It will likely be tomorrow
  14. I usually use BUTTONS when utilizing OBJECTS. But if for various reasons I want two or more lines of text in the OBJECT, I use the BUTTON and then use the TEXT OBJECT to insert the title within the BUTTON. That works fine, except I noticed this morning that when running the AV show (in v4.12) and clicking on the two line BUTTON all works well, but when the show returns to the screen from where you left off, the TEXT within the BUTTON is gone. If I back up a page and then come back in, the TEXT has returned. It is not a big deal, but just wanted to let you know. (I have not tried it in v4.14 as I am trying to keep the major show (and its 106 "sub-shows" - they keep multiplying ) I am working on all within the same version just in case.)
  15. Ron: I seem to recall a discussion on fancy buttons and several links to recommended software several months ago (maybe longer). Try doing a search (bottom right of screen) and look for "Buttons" or maybe "Icons"
  16. JRR


    Hi Skymot Welcome to PTE, I am sure you will find it a great software. I can't answer your question, but you might have better luck getting an answer if you post it on the forum for the PTE in general. You have posted it on the forum that generally applies for Presentations posted on the Beechbrook cottage. You can remove this posting from here and then click on the "picturestoExe Forums" above and then click on "PicturestoEXE" and you will find the other forum to post it on.
  17. Vinnie: I have not done this, but I do vaguely remember something like this being talked about before by using "templates" Try doing a search (bottom right of this forum) for templates and you might find it. I am sure someone will come along with the answer for you.
  18. M2 Was the projector at the church hooked up to the same computer it worked fine on ? I suspect not. The text being in different positions make me think that you used OBJECTS for the text. That works great as long as the screen resolution is the same as the one on which you created it. Otherwise it will move about on the screen of the other computer. This can be solved, usually, by using windowed mode (PROJECT OPTIONS>SCREEN) I use OBJECTS extensively and I still have to work at getting them to remain in the same place on other computers. Igor is planning to work out a way that they will not move about in a future release. In the meantime you can put the text on the image in PhotoShop if you want to guarantee it won't move. The timing of the show on one computer vs the other sounds as though one computer is slower in terms of specs than the other. Ensure your images are 800x600 to 1200x800 but keep them at about 100-200kb by compressing them. (Use quality 5 in PhotoShop). The sound file should be kept relatively small, I use 128 or 96kbps generally. Using fades all the time (I always do) is very "labour intensive" for any computer. Hope that helps
  19. Carol: Nice show, nice shots, nice PhotoShop work ! A couple of questions: 1. What screen setting did you use under PROJECT OPTIONS ? 2. What software did you use to make the frames ? Was it PS7.0 ? Thx (PS: I also posted this in the PTE Presentatioins forum)
  20. Carol: Nice show, nice shots, nice PhotoShop work ! A couple fo questions: 1. What screen setting did you use under PROJECT OPTIONS ? 2. What software did you use to make the frames ? Was it PS7.0 ? Thx
  21. Kavi instructions should work for you. I like to use an image on the page (I call it "Title Page") with the OBJECTS as it is a little more "polished". Try to use an image that has something to do with your shows. Also instead of the BUTTON OBJECT try the PICTURE OBJECT and select the title slide from each show as the "icon" from which to click to start each show. The PICTURE OBJECT has the same functions as the BUTTON All kinds of ways to accomplish the same thing !!
  22. JRR


    Joanna: One way I resolve your issue is that I make a one image show that has an OBJECT BUTTON link to each show. Then I add text (Use PhotoShop or a text OBJECT) to the one image that describes what you want the viewer to do with each icon (OBJECT BUTTON) For the one image, I try to select a meaningful image from one of the shows and then place the OBJECTS and text on top of it. Hope that helps
  23. Al: Good idea !! But (and there is always a "but" ) in many of my applications of OBJECTS the GIF approach would not be as flexible as the BUTTON. The button is fully size adjustable as you are "laying it down". I frequently use OBJECTS laid over an image or text already in a slide and the image or text length and size varies. So using the GIF with a border would be great if the OBJECTS were all standard sizes, but in my case they frequently aren't so I would be going back and forth to PhotoShop to try to get it sized correctly. BTW, I was after a different coloured border for the BUTTON as I am laying buttons over existing text on a white background. Thanks
  24. Al: Yes I meant coloured as in choice of colours for the border. Ron: In the use I am making of OBJECTS right now, I need to button to be visible. I have used "invisible" OBJECTS before by using a transparent .gif file as an OBJECT. I will have to go looking for you past post for other applications Thx
  25. Igor: I never noticed the keys were not disabled !! Yes, as Al says. The maker should be able to have total control over the navigating options. Thanks for looking at this. Looking forward to its implementation
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