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Everything posted by JRR

  1. JRR

    Bug ?

    Igor: Using 4.12, I got myself into a corner and had to CNTRL-ALT-DEL to get out of it. (and lost my work that had not been saved) I was working on the properties for an OBJECT. I told it to "RUN APPLICATION OR OPEN FILE". Then I discovered I did not have the .exe file created yet. (I am working on a project with about 50 PTEs running within one PTE show - I had the exe file listed as done, but oops !!) I stupidly left it it set to RUN APPLICATION but the application property was left blank. The OBJECT was created, but as soon as I want to do ANYTHING else I was told: "Access Violation at address 004D06F1 in module APR.EXE. Write of address 83DE3000" and could do nothing, no matter what I did I got the message. Could I ask that you change the coding to protect people like me and not allow the OBJECT to be created if it is not valid. Or at least allow the ESC key to get out. Thanks
  2. I don't have XP, I have Me, but I know this has come up before. Windows in ripping the CD puts it in some Microsoft (whatelse?) file type. You need to get another ripper. There are many out there, lots free. dBpoweramp is a good free one, get it at http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm You can use it to rip to WAV or MP3. It will also convert WAV to MP3 Hope that helps
  3. Marianne: I am doing a similar (well somewhat similar) show. I have broken the images down into smaller groups (use whatever catorgization you want) of 25-30 (approx) and created a pte show for each grouping.(Make sure each show EXITS at last image) The PTE can auto advance, advance with mouse clicks, or advance using navigation bar. Then I make up a one image PTE show with the one image being a plain background colour and links to each of the individual shows. Links via OBJECTS that run application i.e. one of the PTE shows from above. You might want to use a representative image from each grouping as the OBJECT. This lets the family members look at the images in small doses without going through them all each to get to where they left off. One of the main selling features (for me) to PTE over the other software is the flexible use of the OBJECTS. (and IGOR is going to make the OBJECTS even more useful with the proposed scaling !!!!) Hope that helps
  4. Bill: Welcome to PTE, I am sure you will find it great. Many people seem to use it for their wedding photography businesses. There have been many discussions re this use on the forum. I think I can answer your question, but I prefer to let WnSoft reply so you get the REAL answer. I suspect you will have a reply soon, although it is the weekend, so you might have to wait until Monday Have fun with it
  5. Igor: Sounds great !! I need the proportional scaling NOW!!!!! I am working on complex PTE presentation, that will incorporate about 30-40 (haven't finished counting yet) other PTE shows that start from precisely located objects on various pages within the main show. I will not have control over the screen resolution people will be running the show on. (You can only tell people, they don't always listen) So if this controls that, I will be a happy man. Happier if I had it within the next two weeks though Which I know is not possible
  6. Barry: I have had a lot of questions, directly to me off-forum, on all those topics since I uploaded the Beekeeping and Petrie shows to Beechbrook. So yes there is a market, whether people will pay for it when they can get the information free from us on the forum is another thing. I would recommend that you deal use Audacity or Acoutstica as your software demo as not everyone has, or can afford Audition.
  7. Guido: Your assistances are always so much more complete, so I'm glad you added yours
  8. WaltJones Welocme to the Forum !!!!! This has been discussed several times before . Try doing a search and you should get a more complete answer. Essentially as Oleg says use SOUND MIXER software to do it. The two he mentions are VERY good, but quite $$$$$ Use AUDACITY (free) ACOUSTICA (cheap) They are downloadable off the web. Google them to find the websites Once you have the mix done to your satisfaction, convert the wav file to a mp3 and bring that in through PROJECT OPTIONS > MUSIC You may have to fine tune the mix a little to get the timing right on some transitions
  9. Lenny: The creator's of these shows can give you specifics, but a lot of those effects are done with pages created in PhotoShop and then transitioned one into the next. OBJECTS can be used as well.
  10. Maureen (and others) The IAC in the UK has been mentioned many times on this forum as a source for Royalty Free music. I have e-mailed them at least 4 times to express an interest, but have never been graced with a reply. And I hold a British Passport and live in a former colony that still swears allegance to the Queen
  11. Sharon: Great demo Thanks !!!
  12. I am sure BOXIG will come up with a utility for that (If he doesn't have one in his bag of tricks already !!) You can do it now, for each image through PhotoShop or as OBJECTS, but I suspect you are looking for an automatic way for all images.
  13. JRR


    LumenLux Adobe Première has a zoom in and out for still images. But I am not exactly sure that is what you meant.
  14. Stu, Guido Thanks Guido: Is there any difference between adding the sound in the slot under the slide list, or adding it under the "Customize Slide" and then under the music tab ?? Using the slot under the slide list is certainly faster - I just forgot it was there as I have never used sound clips on a per image basis before. (I will have to see if the "Play background music" on the PROJECT OPTIONS will stop the sound clip on the indivdual slides if advanced to the next slide (that has not sound clip) before the clip is finished.)
  15. Stu: Of course !!! How dumb we are at times and get lost in the simplest thing. There is nothing to PAUSE if there is nothing moving the slide along. Guess I had better go back to grade three. Thanks Guys
  16. I am using version 4.12. I am trying to set up the navigation bar to include the PAUSE button. It is on the list along with the next, previous, first, exit etc, but it will not show on the bar ! Any hints ???
  17. With some help, I have partially solved the above questions. The sound clips stopped on #2 and #4 because I had forgotten I had the "play new music" ticked on in the music section of the customize slide for #2 and #4. If the "play new music" was not ticked then it would go on. Glad I spotted that as it is a useful feature that gives you the option to allow the sound clip to go on to the next image. I suspect my question #2 suggesting that the shows not be to back up past #1 image might upset some people as taking a feature away, so perhaps the solution is to allow a button to be ticked that would allow the show creator to prevent their viewers from back ing up past #1.
  18. I am working on what will prove to be a complex PTE show with links to various other PTE shows. I normally do synched shows to music or music/narration. this will be the first non-synched with sound clips attached to individual images (not all, but many). I set up a test show with 8 images. Sound clip attached to #'s 1 & 3. I have the navigation bar set up. (fwd, back, exit, first slide) When I start the show, the sound clip starts with image one and will cut out if I advance to #2 as expected. Sound clip for #3 starts when I advance to it and stops if I advance to #4 before it is finished. All OK. The same applies backing up, BUT if I back up past #1, #8 comes up on the screen and the sound clip for #1 keeps playing. 1. Should the sound clip not stop playing ? 2. Why am I allowed to back up into the end of the show, from the start of it ? Shouldn't it be set up to not back up past number 1 ? (See second posting below)
  19. Mike: It took me a number of tries to get my shows uploaded. Your ISP provides a much lower upload speed than download speed. For my shows the difference was like well over an hour to upload and slightly less than 5 minutes to download it (once up there as a test). That was a 35mb show being uploaded by a highspeed cable connection. (I used a friend's computer as I only have dial-up ) I found it best to start the upload and then go do something else and it eventually goes through. (as they say: A watched pot does not boil) It is not through until you get a message on the screen saying it is successfully uploaded. You will have a blank grey screen for a long time for the "success" message appears. There is an e-mail address on the upload page to ask Bill if there are problems at his end.
  20. JRR


    Harold: Auto-back-up is OK except if it defaults to the "project" name, then it can be worse than losing all the current work if your PTE file is named something else and the auto-back up clobbers your other version under the same project name. As mentioned before, it would be nice if PTE lost the PROJECT name concept.
  21. JRR


    Igor: Since you asked..... Some alternative to OBJECTS that won't with changes with screen resolution changes. I thought they wouldn't move in windowed mode, but they still do thx Glad you are still so keen
  22. Marianne: I have a little chart in front of me that I use when sharpening in PS (Unsharp mask) "normal" image 75-100% radius 1-1.5 threshold 4-8 Detail image 200-400% radius 0.4-0.6 threshold 4-8 smooth image 50-100% radius 2-3 threshold 4-8 Those numbers give me a starting point with each type of image. I do get noise the odd time, if the background plain, then I hit it with the FILTER > NOISE > DESPECKLE, but then you lose some sharpness. It is a trade-off I find.
  23. David: I will add my welcome to PTE too. Just one additional word to Alrobin and LumenLux's excellent advice. I tried a similar approach the other day with a very small show. I had the duration virtually equal to the transition, the transitions were almost continuous, but the music lost its synch. I ended up, as per the advice you received, backing off the durations a little to give PTE a chance to breathe before the next transition and the music synch was fine The transitions to my eye were no longer quite what I wanted, but others who saw the result claimed to not really see the slight "holds" in the transitions. We sometimes are our own harshest critic. Have fun with PTE
  24. Come on over and teach us a thing or two Oleg !!!!!
  25. Bill: I am blushing with embarrassment. I will pass your compliments along to Linda too !! The connection from the Discovery channel to here must be broken - no one has called yet Thx
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