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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Thought I would add one more request (as a result of some recent "fun and games" moving PTE folders from one drive to another. This might not be a "popular" enough item to warrrant a change in PTE, but I thought I would mention it. I assign each PTE show a folder and a subfolder. The folder has the .pte and .exe files, the subfolder has has the images and the music. When I moved my shows from drive C to drive D, I learned about paths !!! The pte files could not find their images even though they were right there ! So could we have (an optional) feature that sets the images with a relative path, not an absolute path (If I have the terminalogies right) so I don't have to use ALROBIN's ADJUSTOR program to change the paths. Thx
  2. Igor: I sat on the sidelines watching all that was going on, you amaze me !!!!! As do the others that all pitched in with the testing and debugging. Go take a LONG break....
  3. I must admit I am a little uneasy about adding to this thread. Poor Igor hasn't got Beta 16 fully finalized and launched yet. I think he needs time off after what he has just been through But while I am here... I seem to recall somewhere along the line in the past few weeks, he did talk about "pause and resume" for a synced show. I hope this would be controlled by mouse clicks, even with the mouse hidden.
  4. Guido: Double AMEN to your request!!!!!!!!!!!! We are expecting too much of Igor and things are getting a little out of hand with requests flying all over the place. Lets get the great progress he has made stablized, give Igor a vacation (one day will do <grin> ) Then he can move us on to greater heights with 4.20
  5. Igor: Great !!! But don't forget to get some sleep and eat some food every now and then !!!! Doing great work !!
  6. Another way anyone can take copies of images off screen. See: http://abone.turk.net/bulentb27/index.htm#...#screenrecorder
  7. I suspect I am missing something here, but don't we want the images sorted by file name ?? I guess it depends on how one creates the list for inclusion in PTE. But as I say, I may have missed something.... Not the first time and won't be the last
  8. Dear oldie (from another) Could you just not create a sound file of nothing but silence for the time desired and use that as your "music" in PTE until you sort out the music ?
  9. I was going to try to help as I have used the model a few times, but I seemed to hit the same glitch you just did !! I know it something simple, but I am sorry we'll have to wait for Al. Watch out for the mosquitoes !!
  10. LumenLux: Al is "enjoying" a few days of camping in the rain with his wife, which is why you have not had the usual speedy reponse from him. He should be back later today I think.
  11. If you mean compress as in "lower quality jpg", Irfanview, and PhotoShop can do that in batch processing.
  12. Igor: Pause and resume on synch shows ??? Geez Igor if you keep up with all these requests, the well is going to run dry !!! Great work !!!!!!!
  13. From Igor's posting of July 23 (2:18 on my screen) (I couldn't get the quote to work) It can be easily fixed, if this delay is constant and I just will add time correction. I use COOL EDIT and did not know about this time addition in conversion to MP3 - thanks Harold BUT I am not sure Igor should build in the delay as not everyone uses COOL EDIT and will not have this delay. I still use Accoustica and dBpowerAMP from time to time for various reasons. I know to check, and correct for, Accoustica adding up to 1 second when converting to MP3. I have not noticed a delay with dBpowerAMP. I would rather be aware of the delay bulit in and each of us correct in our sound software. Two other choices would be: 1. All PTE users are given a copy of COOL EDIT to use. 2. PTE build the sound mixer into the PTE software as ADOBE Premiere does. Of course there are "minor" cost implcations.......
  14. Harold: It is not important in the scheme of things, but Bumble Bees is synched, I did click the new transitions in by hand, but the beat is so fast that it is not properly "synched" to the music. Anyway, sounds like you and Igor are working out the issues. Great !!!
  15. Harold: I was going to e-mail you off-forum, but it seems I can't. I have followed (somewhat as it is going over my head to a certain degree) but I was going to suggest that you might (not) want to try my Bumble Bee show with the various versions of PTE. It is available at the Cottage. It is 257 images in just over a minute, all cuts. Images are quite small, less than 50kb and 800x600pixels Not sure if this would help the cause or not, just a suggestion
  16. Letzel: Welcome to PTE !! There have been many discussions on this topic and the various success some people have had. As I have no need for VCD/DVD I did not pay a lot of attention to the threads. I am sure of you do a search for DVD or VCD the various threads will come up and provide you with your answer.
  17. Guido: I was wondering where you have been ! Glad you are back and will now be able to do something for yourself !!! (which we hope you will share with the rest of us !
  18. Linda: Welcome to the PTE Forum. You have come to the right place for assistance, usually a number of people throw in their views and somewhere amongst the replies you will find a solution for your situation. Sound issues come up lots of times, it ain't as easy as one would hope, but once you get the hang of it..... no problems. When you say you have "cd audio track" format, I assume you mean you have an audio CD from which you want to use one of its tracks for a PTE AV show. (We won't talk about copyright issues here as that gets a whole 'nother discussion going ... again What you need to do is to record, in your computer, the audio track which will turn it to a .wav file. I use MUSICMATCH JUKEBOX to do that. (used to be a free basic version, not sure if it is still there) I believe dBpowerAMP (http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm) can do it too (free). There is other software as well. (We really need a separate "pinned" posting that lists all these as questions come about on this frequently ) I suspect there is a built-in package in WinXP (I don't have XP) that will do it, but you end up, I think, with another file type that can, for current versions of PTE, cause problems (Igor is about to change that I think) Anyway, once you have a .wav file, you can save it as a .mp3 (dBpowerAMP, or Acoustica, Cool Edit etc) Watch out for Acoustica, it can sometimes add a second of silence to the front end. While PTE can work with a .WAV file, those files are quite large and can cause problems. So MP3 is better as it is compressed. Hope that is somewhat clear. Wiser people will come along and provide with help too Good luck !
  19. Quite the intro to PTE !!!! It is obviously quite hard to figure out what might have gone wrong, but one "routine" I always use in saving is to SAVE AS so you can see the name it is going to be saved under. Same with CREATE AS for the exe file. I have a number of times in my early initiation to PTE mixed things up. The PROJECT NAME is what always throws me out of whack, so my routine protects me from myself. Maybe you should call up the old version off the CD and work up the new one using SAVE AS and see if that helps. I am sure wiser people will come along with other/better hints/thoughts
  20. Barry: I don't think there is, but you might want to contact Beechbrook cottage via e-mail
  21. Ken: What do you mean "used" the pentax screw mount ????? I still use my Pentax Spotmatic IIs from time to time. If the batteries runout, you keep on shooting, they are rugged, they have never needed repairs for 35 years and several 1000 rolls. (I have not gone digital yet, shooting Canon AE2 mainly now, but thinking of the Canon 10D.) This new 4/3 format and agreement with several manufacturers sounds interesting, but it reminds me of the introduction of APS and we know where that is today.
  22. I had to revamp an existing PTE show by inserting 14 additional images into three different places. Before Al's ADJUSTOR, I would have had to key in revised timings for all the images in the show, or re synch it. But using the adjustor I had the timing changes done in less than 60 seconds !!!! Great tool Al ! Now if we can just get the sound tracks on to the PTE screen too so we can cut, paste, etc etc to revamp the sound files.. I know that is asking too much but one can dream can't we........
  23. Nick: Welcome to PTE Once you sort out your inital problems you will find PTE to be a VERY flexible effective software. It does many different things for many different users. I am not sure why you are having this problem with the key, but have you tried rebooting your computer ?
  24. For jigsaw effect see: http://www.ephotozine.com/techniques/viewt...e.cfm?recid=289
  25. Michiele: Yes, that's what I do, either choice. Other forum readers might have other good alternatives.
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