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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Thanks for the thought Yachtsman1. No joy, in fact worse. Still full screen, and bad pixelation on fade (used custom 1000x668, 60fps, quality 100)
  2. Sorry about the long story to get to my question, but I thought it better to give the background..... I am trying to understand the video output from PTE….. A little background. I am in midst of converting about 100 of my many PTE shows that I have produced over the past 11-12 years. Most of the images are 1280 x 960 (or smaller) because that was what computers could handle best in the “old” days. I am not going to take the time to rescan, re-edit, re-crop all the images in the presentations. Been there, discussed it, and settled. The MAIN and SCREEN Project Options are set for: - aspect ratio 4:3 - full screen mode, 1280 x 960 fixed size of slide I am setting the convert to video options usually at: - 1280 x 960 - 30 fps - one pass – bit rate - 12,000 bit rate (99% of the shows do not have video, nor pan, nor zoom, so those settings seem to work OK.) However, I am working with one show that, for some reason or another that I cannot recall, has images at 1000 x 667. They are night shots with some very pale colours in the sky. After adjusting the settings to change for the 3:2 ratio and different sizes, I converted at 30fps, one pass, 12,000 bit rate. But this seemed to give too much pixilation on the fades with the pale colours and black. So I changed it to two pass, 60 fps and 24,000 bit rate which produced a better result. However the images are going full screen (1080 high) which seems to be stretching what few pixels there are in the files. All my videos use the full height of the screen (1080) despite the settings being for 960, or even 720. My general question after all that….. Why does the video go full height ? Is there no way to cap it’s height at whatever I specify on conversion ? I always kept the size restrained in the exe versions to preserve the quality of the image, can I not do it with the video output ? See attached screen captures. Thanks
  3. Thanks Peter and Lin Muchly appreciated
  4. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't see it in this part of the forum, nor the help (but I may have missed it) I am converting all my shows to MP4 and have two questions (at this point) 1. My images are 1280x960. Should I be "publishing" at 1280x960 or 1280x720 ? "People" are recommending "720p" which I assume is 1280x720. I don't think I see a difference when I try both. 2. I am offered a choice of one pass or two passes one the encoding. I asume for simple shows (no videos, or pans) that two passes are perhaps overkill. The resultant file sizes are the same (±) Any thoughts would be appreciated Thanks Jim
  5. JRR

    MP4 bitrate

    You are right Peter !!!! Hope all all is well with you
  6. JRR

    MP4 bitrate

    Thanks Gary. I know where to go to get the details now (whether I will understand it all is another matter..... )
  7. JRR

    MP4 bitrate

    Not sure where I got the 48,000kbps.... I was intending to refer to the video, but I still got it wrong. (see attached screen capture) Can't trust these luddites :rolleyes:/>/> :rolleyes:/>/> Thanks for the offer of advice. I'm OK now, but if I hit an issue you can be sure I will be back. The forum has always been a great place to talk and resolve issues.
  8. JRR

    MP4 bitrate

    Thanks Lin I hadn't discovered the "Custom" feature yet in PTE. I'll read the reference you gave me and try to understand it all better. Muchly appreciated !! Jim
  9. Question re the bitrate in the MP4 file. It seems to be just under 5500kbps. Is this the highest that is achievable ? My camera outputs video at 48,000kpbs. I am by no means knowledgeable in this techie stuff, but it is being suggested to me that the higher the bitrate the better. I am having no issues playingback on my computer, but just wondering.... Thanks Jim
  10. Wonderful control, great job Thanks Lin and Jean
  11. Bill: I just rec'd a notice for a new show all seems to be OK Thx Jim
  12. Thanks Bill: Took me a few minutes to find it all, but I see my email notification was not "ticked", only the Notification list was ticked. I ticked the e-mail options and I'll let you know if it all works in due course. Could have sworn I had rec'd one notification, but I guess I was dreaming... Thx again Jim
  13. I seem to have the same issue, although it did notify me once
  14. Yup there it is. Thanks Ken I hadn't selected the SLIDE SHOW category, I was sitting on ALL CATEGORIES........ Easy when you know where to look
  15. Gary and Davegee: Guess I'm getting a little bit blind, where do you see "Follow this category" ?? Thanks Jim
  16. Bill Congratulations! You have done an extraordinary job over the years for us all. The time and dollars you invested on our behalf was MUCHLY appreciated. Thank you is not enough, but I guess it will have to do. Jim
  17. Nicely done Jeff. As Ken says nice transitions between images and smooth entrance and exit to video component. Videos were handled nicely and were just the right mix. The music worked well too. I've used some of the music for my shows - it was VERY familiar :) What ship were you on when your circumnavigated Iceland ?
  18. Nicely done Peter
  19. Nicely done Lin ! And it downloaded without a blip for me this time !! :lol:
  20. Nicely done Barry. Carefully synched to the music.
  21. Yup, that'll do !! :P BTW both files downloaded lickety-split unlike the last one !
  22. Nicely done Lin !! (I like Ken's trout idea - I was thinking along the lines of someone (out of sight) dropping a stone in the still water and concentric circles emanating from the centre of the drop. :rolleyes: )
  23. Maureen: Just sent you a note.... Beautifully done in all aspects Thanks for sharing
  24. Downloaded in 5 seconds !!! Hurrah ! The storm must have cleaned out all the plugged collections from a few days ago. Thanks for the show. Jim
  25. Very nicely done Gilio
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