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Everything posted by Vid

  1. Hi there...I'm pretty new to all of this P2exe stuff. I've managed to create a P2exe slideshow that works fine. Also, I've managed to convert it into a dvd using Ulead's Movie Factory 4. Here's my question: When I created the P2ex slideshow, I gave it an expiration date. Will this expiration date also be on the converted dvd? If not, is there any way to give a converted dvd an expiration date? Thanks, in advance, for your help! -vid- <><
  2. Hi there. I'm a newbie. I created a PTE musical slideshow for a wedding couple. The relatives loved it so much...they want copies! The problem is that they have Mac's! As I understand it, PTE won't run on a Mac. What should I do? Are there any other similar slideshow programs, (inexpensive/robust), that will run on Macs? Hey, GEE TANX...in advance...for your support! -Vid-
  3. Lately, there's been lots of questions on how to create a slideshow with multiple songs. The show would hang when the song changed. There were some solutions given, but I was still confused after reading them. After fiddling around for a while, I stumbled onto the solution. Just thought I'd share it here...in very simple terms. Yes, you have to make all of the music tracks into one single track. To do this, download the free Audacity software. If you use mp3 tracks like I do, you'll also need to download the free LAME software. 1) Open up Audacity. 2) Under Project, import your music files. 3) Use the "time shift tool" to locate the end of track #1. 4) Use the "selection tool" to copy and paste track #2 . 5) Copy & paste the remaining tracks in the same way. 6) Export your combined single file. (mp3 needs LAME file) 7) Add this combined single file into your pic2exe slideshow. There might be a better way to do it, but this works. Try it. It's lots easier than I probably made it sound! ;-) Joyfully, -david soderman- <><
  4. Howdy. I'm a brand new kid on the block here. Chances are...I have a really dumb question, but - I really could use some help here! I have a long slide show. 600+ images. I don't have any choice with that! ;-) Anway, I check the synch music to slides box. I have more than enough music to play through the show. The slide show seems to work fine at first. However, when it gets to the 2nd or 3rd song, the slides "hang up" and get stuck. The music keeps playing, but no more images. If I uncheck the "synch music to slides" box I can get the show to work. But I need the synch to slides feature. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance! Joyfully, -vid-
  5. Hi, I'm back; the greenhorn with questions. Besides the nice slideshow, I'd like to offer my viewers a contact sheet of thumbnails. They could use this as reference index to the slideshow - as well as browse/zoom in on the numbered images while ordering photographs. Can I use p2e do make such an index? If so, how? Thanks a whole bunch! -Vid
  6. Hi everybody. This is my very first post here. I'm really liking p2e, but can't figure out how to manually sort the slide sequence. Can I do the sorting from within p2e - or do I need to use other software for that? (Sorry if this question has been beat to death. I read most of the posts, but couldn't find an answer). Thanks. -Vid
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