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About Cèlou

  • Birthday 12/06/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Provence-Cote d'Azur
  • Interests
    Photographie, SlideShow and the life

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  1. Hello Igor and thank you for your quick response. On my PC, I have 450 fonts. The configuration is as follows: Windows 10 Professional : version 22H2 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Memory: 16.0 GB
  2. Good morning, I encountered these problems already with verison 10 and I thought that it would be corrected with version 11 and it is not. When I follow a page, on which I want to place a text, I click on the "Font name" box, and it remains frozen and does not run and at times it blocks the whole system and I have to restart my PC . Sometimes the list is displayed but nothing appears. Thank you for your reply.
  3. Thanks for the reply Igor But I just solved the problem that actually came from the speaker configuration. Sincerely M@rcel
  4. Hello Igor I uninstalled PTE and I reinstall it but the little problem persists. I only send you a small part of the project with which you can see, because even on this small part, I have the same concern. By cons, since this small part weighs 49M °, I send it to you via wetransfer. Thanks for your help. M @ rcel
  5. Hello, I admit I don't understand. I am preparing a montage with a soundtrack. When I click on the "Preview" button I have no problem, the images scroll and the sound is present. On the other hand, when I preview this same montage in the preview window, the images stream well but I have no sound. I'm on PTE AV Studio Pro. Merci ..
  6. Hello I'm really excited to see that my creation is progressing and giving ideas. I personally want to thank Lin
  7. Hello Igor Very impressed by your ability to adapt to the demands of the moment and make PTE an even more extraordinary program. A huge congratulations to you and to your entire team who are constantly working to improve PTE. I think that when this version is fully operational, it will be even more pleasant to create montages. Again congratulations and thank you
  8. Beautiful and big news. Many of us are looking forward to this version that will no doubt a huge success. Thank you to Igor ey his team
  9. Let's be gentlemen patients. Do not you think that we are spoiled and that the expensive Igor and his team have done a great job and the days are coming, PTE will have first-rate innovations ... Celou
  10. So, I followed your comments and I thank you and I have made it necessary.Perspective-V4.ptestyle Perspective-V4.zip
  11. OK, I'll see my copy and I will propose a style developed rained. No problem
  12. Excuse me, but everything works fine on my PC and I confess I do not understand your concern. This style was created to images 16/9
  13. Another variant of the style "Perspective" Perspective-V3.zip Perspective-V3.ptestyle
  14. Thank you for these initial findings that allow me to correct small errors present ... it's a first for me. I therefore propose the corrected version. Perspective-V2.zip Perspective-V2.ptestyle
  15. Good evening I just created my first style that I named, "Perspective". I think I might be able to develop it. Thank you for your understanding Perspective.zip Perspective.ptestyle
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