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Everything posted by Cèlou

  1. In order to lighten my EXE, videos are not inclusent
  2. Hello to you all and best wishes for the New Year. Currently, the mayor of my town, I prepare a montage of about 30 minutes. This arrangement comes in the form of a book that opens with, on each page, that enlarge photos. At times, these pictures are replaced with mini video clips totaling thirty sequence, the longest of which is 2 minutes These videos have all been converted to MPEG2. The concern is that PTE is unstable and almost every reading of each of these pages, error messages apparaisent blocking me sometimes to the point of reading block for me when my PC. I confess to being powerless over the problem. Could you please give me advice. In advance thank you M @ RCEL
  3. Good evening gentlemen, know that I encounter the same problems as Gary and I confess not to find explanations
  4. Is there someone to answer my question please
  5. Sorry Dave, I had to miss the topic in his time. Thank you for supporting this request, because I think it is still important. We hope that Igor and his team looks at this problem to find a solution. greetings
  6. Hello Igor When one changes the length of a video by changing in turn, the timing of the beginning and the end, using the cutting tool, the final duration of this video is automatically changed. By cons, when it returns to the main interface, we see that the length of the frame of the video has not changed and that we must act manually. Would it be possible to ensure that here too, the length is changed automatically? Thank you in advance for the answer
  7. Congratulations Igor great idea ..........
  8. I tried all the software and slide shows without exception PTE is the only one completely satisfied me. It allowed me to express myself differently in photography, especially by creating montages as well as more sound. I am also organizing galas in my area and in France and all thanks to PTE that allows me to prepare summary pages also launched. Certainly now with the video, the program will rise to the pinnacle. Vive PTE Country : Provence (France) M@rcel
  9. He is happy dear Igor you can take a vacation and you have absolutely no excuse for you. Enjoy for a good well deserved rest and at the same time to take pictures of this beautiful country. Happy holidays Igor
  10. Will we then turn down the sound of a video. By advance thank you
  11. What is required of a program designed to make the slide show is to do what he can do well. Do not try to overcomplicate PTE in making this program a gas plant that will be incomprehensible to newcomers. PTE does what he has to do and so much the better. The only thing for me would be a breakthrough would be to move several key point at once.
  12. Hi Barry, my screen resolution is 1680x1050 and soon, 1920x1080
  13. Igor hello and thank you to consider my request. Apparently, and oddly, now everything works. Note however that to answer your questions: 1 - To launch my page, I used PTE 6.5.8 2 - The assembly that I throw is designed from PTE 7.0 beta4 3 - The command to start the installation is: Start the application or open the file from the tab "Common"
  14. Hello, I created a page to launch a slideshow with PTE 6.5 and everything works perfectly. By cons, a montage was created with PTE 7.0 and when I click on the image to start the installation, nothing happens.
  15. When l' one places a video in the list of sights, the figure corresponding to time (1) is different from that the viewer (2). It would not be possible, to simplify all that, to modify this figure of time as on the figure (3), in order to be able to modify it more easily, or to make so that in 1, it is similar qu' in 2? Thank you d' avnce for your answer
  16. Simply magnificent with perfect fluidity ........... great job. Congratulations to the team. MERCI M@rcel
  17. Super IGOR, each day brings its share of new ... I count the days.
  18. As a lot, I am impatient and it defers me being able to use this version of PTE which proves to be great. But very as Peter and Greg it would be good to make apparaitre the icon of the list of views, because all do not use out of necessity the keys of shortened keyboard. On the contrary concerning effects, I shall definitely see them being on the right or left partioe of every view. I reach with you a capture of screen for my vision of things.
  19. Fantastic, huge, PTE is spirit to become a MUST in its class. I am anxious that this version is finalized so that we can discover its power. Congratulations to Igor you and your entire team.
  20. Igor thank you for making the necessary, I think it's settled.
  21. Hello, I am writing this mail, following a complaint from a friend. As I am PTE trainer in France, he thought fit me to interact with you. This friend is named Roland Oudet, its order number is: 38M5PM3 73PM5-and so far it has not received its license key. He has sent confirmation that my order is passed, and sorry to tell you, wanting to solve his problem, the links I've highlighted in yellow in the attachment, are not at all active or simply disabled. Thank you to tell me what to do in order to oblige Cordially
  22. BRAVO Igor and team. You are very fantastic. Super
  23. White spaces things in his time and a time for everything, and be happy with what we proposed. What progress by the team to Igor .. BRAVO
  24. Igor excellent and great news. PTE is a spirit to overcome enormous cape and we owe it to yourself and your team. Personally, I look forward to finally test this new version that I'm on a lot of people delight. That's up to you to keep us informed of your progress Thank you Mr. Kokarev
  25. Goodnight Igor Just like the first 3 players, I agree with them. Taxes differs from one country to another and I think that to turn everything upside down, will be confusing to many. So I think it is best to continue to do as you did.
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