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Everything posted by Cèlou

  1. Great job Igor. Congratulations to you and your entire team for the work rendered. The finished product is high quality and promises long hours of discovery and attempts of any kind. Congratulations Celou
  2. Many innovations expected in this new version of PTE. Whaou!! that happiness. I am bursting with impatience and I'm aching to use this program. Igor Bravo and congratulations for this constant desire to move and all for our pleasure.
  3. Hello, I possess an account on YouTube and I would like to insert a video there, but I meet a problem. Indeed, when I click the button " to Publish on YouTube ", me seized my identifier as well as my password and when I click on following, one young makes windows indicate " your identifier is incorrect ". That to make and thank you for your answer.
  4. Cèlou


    PTE loses one of his biggest specialist there, not to say the biggest. It is in any case my opinion, so Jean-Pierre was compétant and inexhaustible on the subject. With his disappearance, me also loses my mentor PTE. Hello JPD and I shall end by having a big thought for his partner with whom I join in her pain.
  5. It is a very beautiful and great news that you tell us dear Igor. Indeed, having to accept my joint work on projects that include photos and videos, that this does not suit me because knowing "a little" PTE this will only strengthen my work and give substance to my interlocutors. Thank you very much, Mr. Kokarev
  6. BRAVO IGOR POUR CE NOUVEAU TOUR DE FORCE IGOR BRAVO FOR THE NEW TOWER OF STRENGTH You deserve a good rest and we thank you for this wonderful work. My compliments
  7. I do not participate much on this forum and yet I do daily incursions. My only problem is that I do not so easily that the English language and yet I have so much to say to Igor, his team, to all those who make every effort to make this wonderful tool PTE it has become. Each day on earth, all people are on the lookout for any novelty that goes out of the hat to Igor the wizard, so be grateful for all the pleasure we derive from it using PTE.
  8. My name is Marcel Boi, I live at 574 chemin de P Redon, 13720 La BOUILLADISSE and my email address is: boimarcel@hotmail.com.

    I have nearly 60 years and I practice the photo since the age of 20.

    Since digital has taken over the photography, I have a great interest in the slideshow and PTE has only increased that passion.

    I learned how to serve me well PTE and that is ...

  9. Happy birthday to PTE and congratulations to their designers. Since I discovered this program, I did go, because between him and me is a love story. I love you PTE :wub:
  10. Hello everyone, I do not know if this has been reported (I think not), I found a small bug. I click on the button "Project Options" tab "Main" button "Customize windows" Show startup window. When I run the preview on the screen 1, nothing happens When I run the preview on the screen 2, the assembly began, but it is impossible to stop when I press the "Esc"
  11. Hello everyone, I do not know if this has been reported (I think not), I found a small bug. I click on the button "Project Options" tab "Main" button "Customize windows" Show startup window. When I run the preview on the screen 1, nothing happens When I run the preview on the screen 2, the assembly began, but it is impossible to stop when I press the "Esc"
  12. Another thing I just discovered through testing. I open a fitting on the screen 1 and a second fitting on the screen 2. I keep the default configuration, I do not therefore unchecks the box: "Pause when slide show window becomes inactive" I in turn launches the first and second mounting and clicking with the mouse on one or the other screen, I can look at the screen assembly 1 and 1 by clicking on the Both the screen assembly 2. This may be interesting to compare two almost identical assemblies or with modifications.
  13. Igor Bravo and congratulations to you and your team. Innovations that I personally find very interesting. In fact, as I used to work with two screens, I tried to launch a different editing screen and I have not encountered any problem since it works perfectly, provided uncheck the "Pause when slide show window becomes inactive". Good work, bravo
  15. Igor Hello and congratulations to your entire team for the great work that you provide. As against, can I afford a small request? The download file is in "EXE", would it not be possible, as in the past that you Zip compression, because some antivirus blocks. Thank you for your understanding
  16. Merci beaucoup Igor pour ce beau travail et bravo. Igor thank you very much for this great work and congratulations
  17. Igor thank you to you and your team for the improvements you make to our editing software preferred. I think you deserve the rest to spend the holidays in peace. Merry Christmas and good year-end
  18. Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à vous tous et avant toute chose, Très Joyeux Noël Good holidays to you all and foremost, Very Merry Christmas Buona vacanze di tutti voi e soprattutto, molto Buon Natale Frohe Feiertage zum Jahresende an alle und vor allen Dingen sehr Frohe Weihnachten Buenas vacaciones a todos ustedes y sobre todo, muy Feliz Navidad :rolleyes:
  19. Hello Dear Igor, Today is your day, then forget PTE space of a moment to think not only you and you alone. We, we will wait and it is the least we can do. On this anniversary, let me wish you the best for you. Happy birthday IGOR Avec mon amitié cher IGOR
  20. I do not think it is a French alliance to unite behind all JPD is simply a matter of common sense. The French and those who speak French do you dislike are very good editors. To persuade you, do not hesitate to watch their montages. Several forums offer works for download: Diapositif, Diapovision, The DCCN, Diaporam@Forum, as well as particular sites such as JPD and mine amongst others. And even if you do not understand our language, make efforts as we use a translator because they have a big feature that I find great is that it works both ways
  21. Hello and thank you for your reply Igor. My friends have solved the problem.
  22. Dear Igor Hello, A friend created a montage with images with each size as 1024x768. The assembly includes 1500 images with a maximum weight of 400 K ° per image and the total weight of the total is 560 M°. Only after the 1224 th image editing stops and it does not go beyond, why? So he decided to make 2 montages of 750 views in applying for the first assembling the number of sight "from the tab Comments" of "Project Options" My question is this, for the second assembly, would it be possible to start this comment from No. 751? Should this change to the model " <% SlideIndex%> "? If yes, thank you to tell me how to proceed.
  23. En Français Tout à fait d'accord avec les demandes de Peter, concernant les formes d'ondes. Au sujet de la timeline de l'éditeur d'objet (OA), sera-t-il possible à l'avenir et c'était entre autres unes de mes suggestions, de pouvoir sélectionner plusieurs points sur cette timeline afin de les déplacer voire même les copier? Merci de votre réponse In English Strongly agree to requests by Peter on the waveform. About the timeline of the publisher of object (OA), will it be possible in the future and was among one of my other suggestions, to select several points on this timeline to move even even copy? Thank you for your response На русском языке Решительно согласен с просьбами о Питер сигнала. О сроках от издателя объекта (OA), можно будет в будущем, и был одним из моих других предложений, чтобы выбрать несколько точек на этом сроки перейти даже даже копию? Спасибо за Ваш ответ
  24. Hello to all of you and congratulations to Igor and his entire team. This new version will influence-in're all creators who like me use all the tricks of PicturesToExe. Although very satisfied with the progress of PTE in several areas, knowing there is still work to do to have a unique and fabulous, I remain perplexed by the fact that you have deleted this version of the "Original Mode" which I was an essential function. Like JPD I greatly regret its absence in this new version say that the works perfectly. So I ask you dear Igor, why this step backwards or simply withdrawal? Thank you in advance.
  25. Cèlou


    Hello Igor, I hope you have a good trip and you appreciate those moments spent away from home. Welcome back to the forum and pleased to receive you.
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