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Everything posted by pollreman@sbcglobal.net

  1. OK I FINALLY GOT IT. I hope this software is not this difficult. Thanks for the site... I am sure I will be back to ask more questionas about this software.
  2. Yes, I rec'd the key but I dont know where to put it. Am I missing a step. I het the load key botton. I get an box that has the following Folders and files. Pictureto exe- Telmplates, Faq, history,license, order readme. The file name is blank and File of type - PicturetoExe (*.key, *.reg, *txt). I put the key in the blank file name area and I get an invalid key #. I am copying and pasting the key code. What am I doing wrong?
  3. I purchased picture to exe software last night and I tried to register the LONG key but I keep getting an invalid error. I even cut and paste the key in the box and I am still getting the same error. Please help. Wayne
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