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About JEB

  • Birthday 06/04/1941

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    Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

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  1. Hi, Has anybody had any experience with using a Loupedeck (or similar) with PTE or indeed related software (LR, PS etc) ? Any opinions would be appreciated. Regards John
  2. Finally, Downloaded and installed Windows 11 and it now works on Media Player. Over and out, John
  3. Thank you Igor, I think I should upgrade to Window 11. John
  4. Hi Igor, I have created a Backup in Zip which I would be happy to send to you but it exceeds the 7.81 MB. I could send it with WeTransfer if you care to give me an email address. Since I raised this I have made an abridged version of the show that was badly out of sync with Media Player and notice that this abridged version also is out of sync with Media Player but meets my expectations on VLC. I look forward to your findings. Regards John
  5. Thank you Igor, That has done it. I was using M/S Media Player (11.2312.7.0) as my default player and have now changed it to VLC and it runs perfectly. Regards John
  6. Hi Igor, Thank you for your reply. Let me know exact version of PTE AV Studio (from the About window). 11.0.11 (64-bit) Build 1 Check a state of an option "Synchronize slides and soundtrack" in the Project Options > Advanced tab. This option should be ticked. Yes, this is ticked. Do you use MP3, WAV or another format? MP3 Regards, John
  7. Why is it that when I make an HD video from a PTE sequence that is tightly synchronised with the beat of music the HD video is out of sync yet an .exe and the PTE are both in sync?
  8. JEB


    Hi Barry, Thanks, yet again, for your input. I was aware and indeed have been using the PNG process but was looking to see if a style wouldn't do the job more slickly. The aspect I hadn't thought of was using a "temporary" border/frame file as you have demonstrated, rather than a "stock" file. It certainly provides more flexibility for changing multiple slides. Regards John
  9. JEB


    Hi, Slide Styles is not something I use very frequently, primarily because I tend to prefer to build my shows with variable slide lengths and contents and would not know which style if any I may wish to use at the outset, and indeed will probably change my mind at least once! I have recently wanted to add a thin border to EVERY slide (all with variable lengths) when I finished my sequence. I found I could do this utilising Borders/Simple and adjusted size %’ages to my liking, ticking “Keep Slide Order” but find this not reliable as it appears to alter the first slides length to the specified length of the slide style. I have also created my own style but find no way of overriding the specified length issue. There is a second issue which I would need to overcome and that is that on some slides I could have more than one image (object). I have found that when applying my “Border” style subsidiary images (objects) are removed. Any ideas how I might be able to achieve this? I have also been playing about with “Templates” and a .png border image, so far with limited success. Anybody got any ideas? John
  10. Sorry Denisb for not replying before now. I have been so absorbed in using this technique I forgot to thank you. John
  11. Explanation please. Working in a Frame in O&A I am finding that I am not able to apply “opacity” to multiple objects between keyframes within the frame, but I can apply “blur”. I can achieve the effect of fading in “opacity” by applying maximum blur and zero blur between keyframes. Is there a reason for this. Confirmation that I am not missing something would be appreciated. John
  12. JEB


    Thank you. It is so obvious. I've been struggling with this for years even though at the back of my mind I felt sure I had done it in the past. Thanks again John
  13. Hi, I haven't been active on the forum for a while so I thought I should stir things up. I can't recall how many times I have raised this but it must be several and don't recall getting a decisive answer. Equally, I can't believe that I am the only person who finds this at least irritating! Is there no way of giving TEXT objects distinctive names rather than TEXT 1, TEXT 2, etc. I can have several (6-10) TEXT objects on one slide all doing different things at different times and always require changes being carried out during the creation of the slide. Names such as Text 1,2 etc. become meaningless and totally confusing. Even the first 5-10 characters being automatically displayed and/or a manual naming would be extremely helpful. What do people think. I thought that at on time in the dim and distant past we could do this, but perhaps not! John
  14. Hi Dave, Thanks for your reply. As I said its not a big problem and not something I have so far found worth going to the trouble of renaming manually. It just seems illogical to me and surprising that it has not been addressed. Not possessing any knowledge of programming, in my ignorance I would have expected it to be a relatively simple task to have the file name shown be that of the file image shown. John
  15. I’m quite certain this will have been addressed in the past and there will be a very good reason, but it escapes me. When an image is added to the timeline the slide created takes the file name of that image – logical. When you add a second image to that slide it retains the name of the first image yet when you remove the first image the slide retains the file name of the first image. Not a big issue but why? John
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