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Everything posted by JEB

  1. Ken, I would hate to think that I was being critical or complaining in any way. I am only too delighted to get my problem resolved. Your link in post No 8 leads ultimately to Registry Booster the product that has cured my problem. Best regards and thanks, John
  2. Hi Folks, I promised you an update. Firstly, for the moment it looks that things are sorted. Brian, I tried, with some trepidation, your suggestion without success. I have attached a screen print of the items that open. I unticked several of them but I understand that there could be some items that should NOT be disabled. Is this true and if so I would appreciate it you could indicate which. Ken, I followed your first post to Registry Booster which after a couple of failures to run indicated many errors which in order to remove you have to purchase the product. Caught between a rock and a hard place I relented and for the moment am a happy bunny (my pessimistic streak is showing). Thank you all for your support. John
  3. Peter, Brian, Thank you both very much. It's getting a bit late tonight to take this further but I will do tomorrow afternoon. I am fairly certain I am not running in 32bit/compatible mode as I assume I would have had to immplement that in some way and certainly am not aware of having done so. I must have some programs that fall into that catagory. In fact is PTE not 32bit? Will post later tomorrow. Regards and thaks to all. John
  4. Ken, Thanks for that but after watching the associated video it looks too techie for me! Eric, I hope your right. It opened first time this time so here's hoping! John
  5. Hi, I am having a problem on my PC that I can't get to the bottom of and hope that somebody may be able to cast some light on for me. I am running W7 64 bit Home Premium, Intel® Core i5 CPU with 4 GB RAM. I use AVG (full) and 10Bit Security. Increasingly regularly when close down my PC I find that it gives me a warning that an application is running and needs to be closed. Task Manager does not show any program running. I either have to accept the “forced close down” procedure or on occasions even switch off at the main switch. On switching on again it goes through the repair process and even returning to an earlier state. It has even that has been known to “hang” during this process. I suspected Elements 8 could not be finishing its closing routine so reinstalled that with no improvement. Any suggestions would be welcomed. I relise there may be some other specialist forums but in the past they seemed rather technical and difficult to follow. Regards John
  6. That's a great idea Gary. I feel sure that the RPS being the forward thinking organization they appear to believe they are will have this in hand....but don't hold your breath! John
  7. Hi Jeff, Just thought I should update you. I went for the G2. Took it, together with the three lenses I purchased, on a 13 mile hill walk yesterday and hardly new I had it, it was so light. Wore it round my neck all day without any discomfort. Even when it rained it was small enough to lie below my anorak without any problem. First results are encouraging. Still quite a few things to learn however. One of the nice points is the 16:9 aspect ratio. I have been moving in this direction for PTE recently to match my PC screen and TV. Thanks for your encouragement. John
  8. Andrew, I'm flattered! Certainly, use what you wish. This started out as an exercise with exactly the same objective as you have. I will be expected to explain this to members of my group shortly and I recognized that I was not very confident so ended up with this document. Credit should also be given to Peter Appleton who proof read and raised a number of aspects which I subsequently included. Hope its useful. John
  9. Jeff, Thank you for your reply. A bridge camera has gone off the radar. Were I to be considering retaining my SLR then perhaps a bridge may have been an option given the cost. However, I am really trying to take the decision to replace the D40 with the best light weight alternative at minimal cost still with one eye on quality and price. I am still tempted with the Pen but am concerned about the "add-on" viewfinder. Not its quality which, I'm sure will be every bit as good as the Lumix G2 but it looks a bit vulnerable for scrambling about mountains etc. So at the moment I'm favouring the G2. Your input has been much appreciated and very helpful. Thank you John
  10. Hi, I have a dilemma that I would appreciate any opinions on resolving. I am finding my SLR and associated lenses are becoming too heavy to carry over mountains and on long walks which is a regular hobby and source of material for my AV activities. I have been considering down sizing to a Micro Four Thirds, probably the Lumix G2, or even a bridge camera but I am concerned about image quality. Any views? John
  11. David, It's even later in the evening for me, so I'll leave that one till tomorrow but it looks like I have an additional bit of data to add once I've thought it through! Thanks for taking the time to reply. John
  12. Ray, Don't rely too heavily on this as I'm no expert. This simply started out as an exercise to try to understand the topic a bit more clearly and it sort of grew! I am hoping that some of our more talented members will confirm one way or another its accuracy. John
  13. I understand there is a limit of 2 MB on the Forum, this is 3.5 MB. John
  14. Hi, This is an area that I have never been too confident with so I thought that now was the time that I should make the effort to understand it more clearly. I have put together a document that was intended to be two pages but has developed into twenty. I hope it may be of help to others and I certainly hope that there are not too many errors. I would very much appreciate anybody who spots an error to bring it to my attention and I will endeavour to put it right. One particular area of doubt is crossover. I have carried out some basic research with Audacity which suggests to me that I am correct in what I say, but I still have a little niggle of doubt! I am indebted to Peter Appleton who manfully agreed to proof read for me. He did much more than that, pointing out at least a couple of howlers that I have been able to address. I should also give credit to Lin's video tutorial which I would strongly recommend all to watch. This is the link http://www.mediafire.com/file/uvnx8e46dx7lsu9/Audio in PTE 060810.pdf Regards John Barnett
  15. Igor, What I have done is to, at the Duration box in the Audio clip Properties dialogue box, click on the up arrow adding a second of time for every click. My point is that that adds the appropriate number of seconds of silence to the end of the clip in the Timeline waveform but not to the Envelope Tool waveform. John
  16. Igor, I hope this explains what I am talking about regarding not showing the added silence in the clip waveform. Regards John
  17. Igor, I notice that when adjusting Duration in the Audio Clip Properties dialogue box any increase or decrease in time is reflected in the main PTE waveform graphic. However, in the Clip Waveform any decrease is illustrated by shading but any increase (to form silence at the end of a clip) is not illustrated in this waveform. Is there a reason for this? John
  18. Igor, I have been spending some time exploring the new audio facilities and have the following observation to make which perhaps you would like to comment on. My observation is to do with the display of the time of a clip in the Audio Clip Properties dialogue box, the Project Options dialogue box and in the clip waveform. I note that when initially opening a fresh clip of a size equal to or greater than say 17 seconds (e.g. 0:17:001 or 0:17:999) it is displayed as 0:17 in the Project Options dialogue box, yet its actual time is displayed in the Duration location of the Audio Clip Properties dialogue box. Would it not be less confusing if the milliseconds were displayed at both locations? 999 milliseconds is quite a large discrepancy. Still on this theme, do you think that it would be useful if the actual (original) length of the clip were retained as a displayed piece of data in the Audio Clip Properties Dialogue? As you know the original Duration data changes when either it or the Start time is altered and the only way of telling its approximate original length is by referring to the Waveform Envelope Tool box. These are just observations that I have found to have been confusing as I try to understand the process. I hope they are of interest and value. Regards John
  19. Igor, I am spending a bit of time trying to get to grips with the music options which I must say are very impressive. I know that there will be further enhancements in later editions which may impact to a greater or lesser degree on the present methodology. I feel that I would like to understand the present arrangement in as much detail as I can in order to use it to its full. I have spent some time trying to get to grips with the Music Tab in Project Options. I notice that there would appear to be some discrepancy between the times displayed for clips and tracks as they are shown in the Music Tab as compared to the Properties Tab. It appears that the Music Tab does not round up or down consistently resulting in conflicting times being displayed in certain situations. If this could be addressed I believe it could erase a possible area for confusion. Regards John
  20. Igor, Thanks, I should have thought of that. Regards John
  21. Igor, Would it be possible in the track wave form box to have a button to return the cursor to the start of the wave form? I would suggest that when a start time has been set the suggested return key would move to that point at it's first depression and the actual start on it's second depression. I realise that the cursor can be selected and dragged but this is a bit fiddly and not very accurate. Regards John EDIT I HOUR LATER Just realized that the slider in the Properties Box does what I'm after. Sorry folks!!! John
  22. Hello Igor, I have noticed that in the main timeline view the thin blue line that used to appear above the scale indicating the point between each clip of sound no longer appears. I, for one, found this helpful. I suspect now that we are getting into more complex sound options this will become more useful. Can it be reinstated? I can foresee how there may be problems with this now that we have multiple tracks and crossovers to contend with. I am sure this is all going to be addressed differently when you provide full slide/sound integration down the line but even if we can have some indication I think it would be helpful. Regards John
  23. Thanks Igor, That's fixed it. I don't wish to sound ungrateful but will it ever be possible to show simultaneously, more than one track wave forms? Even if that were possible for two or three selected tracks at a time I think that would be quite helpful. In any event what you have given us is a wonderful enhancement to this great package. Thank you and the team. John PS I see you have fixed the colour issue too. I must go off on holiday more often. It makes coming home much more exciting!
  24. Hi, I think this may be a small bug in the 6.5 Beta 9 I am presently using. When selecting colour for a font from within the Project Options/Comments tab I am not getting consistency. If I select a colour from the drop-down box under the font box I get the correct colour initially but if I choose to change the colour I get something quite different from that selected. I do click on “Set for existing slides” It would appear to be OK in Vs. 6.0 John
  25. Igor, You certainly know how to build up the tension!! Can't wait!!! Regards John
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