Our camera club has asked members to provide AVs for a club evening to be played via our laptop (new Dell Inspiron 510m) and digital projector (Canon XEED Sx50). Problem: first AV sent in will not play on laptop or my desktop, but does OK on my Shuttle. It runs fine on the authors own desktop. I made an AV on my desktop & have same bad result. Remade in ProShowGold with same result, tried with MP3, WAV & WMA (Proshowgold). Tried different music tracks, same result. My file has 85 slides and lasts 6 min. The problem seems to be lessened if fit slides to music is used. Several other members have now submitted their entries (and tell me they used PtE) without any problems occuring. Help! I have to put our first show on next Thursday to demo the new equipment!