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  1. Also thanks from me Lin. Ted
  2. Ken, I have now installed the codecs in the appropriate folder and they now appear in the Pte custom create dropdown menu. Unfortunately,for me, there was no file marked, "install" , in the zipped file which I downloaded.It was marked set up information it simply needed a left click of the mouse and not a right click which showed merely the contents. I visited www. free- codecs. com web site several times for the install instructions. Don't worry Ken I was only using my desktop as a temporary measure for the zipped file.Many ,many thanks for your help. Finally, what is mostly used to place a PTE slide show on a web site, a executable file or a video file? Ted.
  3. Hello Ken, Thanks for your reply.I downloaded the zipped file of mirosoft MPEG 4 codex to my desktop. I also unzipped it on the desktop with the intention of removing the unzipped file to the oppropriate file so that it would appear in the Pte "create custom AVI dropdown list" for use. I would very much appreciate some one letting me know where the Pte file is located. I am using windows xp. I assume the codex must be in the said list otherwise how can the codex be used? Thanks again; Ted
  4. Having downloaded the MPEG 4 codex and installed it on my desk top, can any one please tell me where to install it so as it appears in the custom dropdown list of PTE? I presume it has to be installed in the PTE folder but where can I find the folder. I am using window XP. When using the create custom AVI video file method with what sizes are the size and FPS boxes completed Thanks in advance for your replies. Ted
  5. Hello Jane As stated in my previous post I purchased a Mitsubishi XD400 projector (1024 x 768 native) it will also project wide screen format. When looking for a laptop I was presented with a similar problem to the one you now have.The general opinon was that a wide format laptop would be OK to project 1024 x 768. and use with a 1024 x 768 projector.However, I received no assurance , in photographic terms ,that no "resampling" would take place which might degrade the image. I have now purchased a Packard Bell Easy Note with a resolution of 1024 x 768 & 800 x 600.The deciding factor was the Intel 915GM chipset and intregated graphic card This chipset is installed in some more highly priced laptops. The model is L 4013. Rgds Ted
  6. Hello Jane, Refering back to my previous post on this topic,I have purchased the Mitsubishi XD400. I have not yet properly used it on the computer side because it is a bit difficult to access my desk top computer. Playing a DVD is fine. This week I shall decide which Laptop to purchase. There is a far greater choice on wide screen laptops ,not so many on the 4x3 format ie XGA 1024x768. I suppose it is advisable to stay with XGA 1074x 768, but I am advised that it is not essential to do so. Regarding audio, I shall be looking into the possibility picking up audio from a USB port by use of a USB adapter at a cost of about £30. This by passes the sometimes "iffy" sound card in some laptops therefore giving better audio. All that is then required is powered speakers , which need not be too expensive, thus avoiding the need for a sometimes bulky amplifier. Try a search on Goolge usuing USB AUDIO. Ted
  7. Thank you all for your replies, two from gogs. It is interesting that no two projectors have been mentioned more than once, and all of you are satisfied with your purchases. I have spoken to two on line retailers. Projectors getting a mention were the NEC LT245, Plus U5632, Infocus ( I forget which model ) and the Mitsubish XD 400 was mentioned twice. I am happy to share the above information.Thanks again. Ted.
  8. Thanks for the two replies. I have no objections to uploading my AVs,at least the digital one as it not from copied slides. My one concern would be copyright issues of the 6 minute classical music track. I believe there are no such issues if it for personal use and /or not for personal gain. Is this correct? The current model of the Infocus 4805 projector is for wide screen presentations(wsvga). I have been mainly researching XGA ie 1024 X768. Please tell me gogs whether your Club's Infocus 4805 is wsvga, and if so what size digital images are accepted from members. I am a long time member of my local Camera Club. Rgds. Ted
  9. Has any one purchased a digital projector within the pasted year for the purpose of presenting PTE Audio Visuals to, say, a group of about 30 ? I am looking for one priced at £1000 to £1500 . That would be slightly more in US dollars, although when purchasing items marked in dollars we seem to pay about the same in GB pounds here in the UK. Any advise would be most welcome. I am new to the forum, but have been reading the postings for a long time which I have enjoyed. By the way of introduction I have been active in amateur photography for about 35 years. I still have my own dark room but not used now. Mono and colour prints are now more easily produced digitally. I have several AVs constructed the old way. Recently I scanned the slides of two short ones and reconstructed them with PTE. Also made a new one with digital images. Look forward to some feed back. Regards Ted
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