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  1. Even an acceptance to a salon can not be as great as when someone asks this! It would be an honour! Someone asked, this was shot in South Africa, just about 30 -40 km from thr Kruger National park.
  2. Tried my hand at a new show, "eden" on beechbrook.
  3. Personally I think you should do what ever makes you happy. I am also from the old school of photography. I have some developer and fixer hidden in the fish pond. Late at night when all is quiet I go and have a sniff at it just to keep me going! After all it should be about photography and enjoying it. Should anybody else appreciate what you have done the high is much better than what you get from fixer and developer late at night. At the moment balls and cubes are not my thing but in the future it might be. Pans and zooms I still struggle to understand and use. I am not a balls and cube person. Others may look at a "staight" show and shout "BOOOORRRING". I know to little about programming but I am sure that all this will make for a better programme in the end, not that what we have at the moment is tops! The use of PTE have bettered my photography! I learn from all presentations, even the ones with zooms, pans. Would like to see one with rolling balls! Links?
  4. I will do so this week end. The file is also quite big as I never intended this for the internet. Could download it
  5. Thank you for the kind comments. For more about Ingid visit http://www.sahistory.org.za/pages/people/jonker,i.htm
  6. I thank you. The initial shows were not intended for internet tranfer thus I made use of large files. By tomorrow I will paste a ruff translation of the poem used in Ingrid and a link to some story of her life.
  7. some shows to download at http://www.extremedigital.co.za/entries.html The one is a bit old, Hong Kong Comments would be welcome
  8. Also did a show to DVD this week and found the quality to go down. I thought it might be compression. I used Pinnacle and Ulead DVD Movie Factory and PTE. Al give the same results. Bur overall the new version should qualify for some award somewhere. Nobel Prize? It is a work of art.
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