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Everything posted by ckfox

  1. Al, Thank you very much! Ken
  2. Clicked to show Navigation Bar and it didn't work. Please any ideas? Ken
  3. File Names? I'm with everyone else. This is a fabulous upgrade. The DVD's look great! One question: My file names didn't show up in the TV format. Is there a way to make them appear? Thanks again, Ken Fox
  4. Thanks for the responses and tips. I'll try them and hope for it to be added to a future version. Ken
  5. Just a thought It would be great to be able to add a Studio Name or a Maker Name on the screen. Could the customize comment option be expanded to add this option. Or is there another way? Thanks, Ken Fox
  6. Thanks very much for the info. I downloaded Al's Excel spreadsheet. Ken
  7. I have two pieces of music and 150 slides. I want the one piece to end at slide 96 and the other start at 97. Is that possible? If so, how? Thanks, ken
  8. I just downloaded the latest version. I tried to open a subfolder on a firewire drive and I couldn't see it. It was visible in Explorer and ACDSEE. I copied the subfolder to another standard drive and I could see it and access it. I am able to access this firewire drive in all other situations with all other programs. What's going wrong? Thanks, Ken
  9. I created a new slideshow of 200 slides in 4.01. I added an mpeg that runs around 4 minutes. I clicked sync to music. The first slide appears and the music starts but the slideshow does not advance. What could be the problem; could the music be too short? Ken
  10. Is there any way to convert a PTE slideshow to something that can be played on a Video CD? Ken
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