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  1. When you add the Text Object in Objects and Animation make sure that nothing else is selected in the Objects list i.e. Click in an empty space before adding the Text Object. DG
  2. Because you will be working in Objects and Animation, maybe "Text Object" is a more appropriate description. You could copy and paste the whole slide as you described or go into O&A and copy the Text Object from slide to slide on top of other objects. DG
  3. Add your text/animation to a Frame in the correct position and copy/paste the Frame. Change the Text as required. DG
  4. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/how_to_v11/templates DG
  5. One way would be to type the two (?) Columns separately (left justification) and line them up as children of a frame. Use the same Zoom settings for both.I Alternatively use right justification for the left column and left justification for the right column. DG
  6. Thanks Kieron. Maybe, some time in the future, if I have enough. DG
  7. Thanks Bert, that is a valid point. DG
  8. Please make sure to watch in HD Quality and Full Screen. These are some Street Portraits from 2008-2012, mostly in Portrait Format.
  9. Difficult to tell from your screen shots but it looks like your border is the same all around. That does not result in a 16:9 cutout. The borders have to be adjusted to suit the Aspect Ratio of the cutout DG
  10. In addition to Jill's comments: Files or Images which are added to a Slide in Objects and Animation are not automatically assigned a "Main Object" Status. Until a Main Object Status is assigned the Highlighting does not take place in the File/Image List. It is the Main Image Status which determines whether or not the Highlighting takes place in the File/Image List. DG
  11. Jozef, Please use Google Translate? DG
  12. Play the DVD. Pause and Print Screen. Copy to Photoshop etc and Save. DG
  13. Does the 16x9 MP4 play ok on you PC? Is your PC Monitor 16x9 or 16x10? Use VLC Media Player for best results on your PC. DG
  14. The size of the text is controlled by the "ZOOM" control in O&A/Animation Tab. By default the Zoom for the Text Box is 15% for one line of Text, 30% for two lines etc. You can keep the text consistent by keeping the Zoom % the same across multiple slides. Alternatively, you can Copy and Paste a Text Box from one slide to another and change the Text. DG
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