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Everything posted by davegee

  1. You can make your own Style based on this one after making any adjustments. You can also add the ability to add a Text Box and enter your Text when applying the Style. Can you elaborate a little on the renaming of Slides. If you have already renamed a Slide it is a similar problem to the adjustments problem you mentioned. Nothing we can do about that. DG
  2. Hi Gary, While you are waiting try this Style, which is an example of what you can achieve now if you really want to rotate an image within a frame. The Imported Style will appear in your Temporary Folder. It gives you the ability to rotate your image and also has a blurred BG which you may or may not want. It also has a shadow which you may or may not want. The Stroke Line Width, Zoom, Rotation, Shadow and Blur are all adjustable. Mask Frame.ptestyle DG
  3. If you have a PRO License, you can use the ENVELOPE to increase the Volume. In Settings / Preferences / Timeline you can set the Audio Track Height. Click on the dropdown menu and drag the slider to the right. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/project_settings_1/preferences#timeline https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/main-window_1/audio_files?s[]=envelope#the_envelope DG
  4. By setting -100 (%) for the Centre of the Text Box you are moving its Centre to the Left Edge of the Box. The Text will then "expand" from the left. Similarly, by setting Centre x at 100 (%) you are moving its Centre to the Right Edge of the Box. The Text will then "expand" from the right. Bruno explains it, albeit in French. DG
  5. Add your image to the Slide List and click on Objects and Animation In the Properties Tab set the Fit Mode to COVER. In the first KEY FRAME (KF) adjust the PAN X control in the ANIMATION TAB until the image sits correctly on the left of the screen Right click on the First KF and ADD a new KF - it will appear at the end of the Timeline. Click on it Adjust the PAN X control until the Image sits correctly on the right of the screen. Click on the first KF again. Click on "ADD MODIFIER" in the Pan section and then on ANIMATION SPEED - set SMOOTH. PLAY. DG
  6. Just tried your "problem" procedure and did not get the same result as you. Try downloading and installing the latest version from here: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/download/ Alternatively, try going into O&A first and changing the image via the Properties / PICTURE dropdown menu. DG P.S. Have you tried this procedure with a different project?
  7. Does this help? https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/21413-dual-monitor-slideshow-switching-and-windows-shortcuts/#comment-141339 DG
  8. Please try this: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/video/main#chroma_key
  9. Thanks Jill, I have never had the need or desire to explore this feature so I left it to Lin. I seem to remember that his article was a lot more "wordy" than yours, but that was Lin. Or was the procedure perhaps more involved in Version 8? DG
  10. If you feel that you have a pressing need to apply "Chroma Key" principles to a JPEG you could create a short mp4 (in PTE) from the jpeg complete with animation and apply the Chroma Key effect to the resulting MP4. DG
  11. Lin's article on Chroma Key was a Version 8 "How To". If you search for "Chroma", you will find a broken link to it. I will delete that broken link. Version 8 is no longer supported and all of the "How To" articles were deleted some time ago, most having been updated to Version 9 or Version 10. Perhaps someone here saved it as a PDF? If anyone who uses it would like to write an updated version of "Chroma Key" in Version 10 it could easily be added to the OH. DG
  12. Settings / Preferences / System / Double Click........... https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/project_settings_1/preferences#system DG
  13. Time Range: 1932232=1932.232 seconds=32 minutes 12.232 seconds DG
  14. Stuart, Please bear in mind that the Title of this section of the Forum is "Suggestions for the NEXT Version(s)" Version 11 promises to be a Major step forward. DG
  15. That might also work but fade in/out would still be tricky. DG
  16. Please wait for Version 11 and your prayers might be answered? DG
  17. Just type PTE in the box. DG
  18. It is a way of achieving it! It deals with the OP. I have replied to his question on multiple occasions. Split the video (within PTE) into manageable chunks so that the KF are further apart on individual slides. Try it. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/how_to_v10/split_video DG
  19. Playing a Video over Multiple Slides: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/addvid?s[]=master#playing_a_video_over_multiple_slides https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/video/main?s[]=master#single_videomaster_video_button DG
  20. This sets the Font / Colour for the whole project:
  21. Click on Slides in bottom right corner. DG
  22. Which Publish option did you use? DG
  23. I think that you need to PUBLISH the show to use the Player. Alternatively Publish as mp4. DG
  24. Bottom Right Corner - click on Slides? DG
  25. Transitions and Styles are .pteeff and .ptestyle files respectively. Transitions: Click on the AB button of a slide and then click on "Manage Transitions" and "Import...". Point to the location of your downloaded files and click OK. Choose the imported Transition to preview its effect. Styles: Click on "Styles and Themes" and then on "Tools" - click on "Import..". Point to the location of your downloaded files and click OK. Choose the imported Style to preview its effect. Transitions: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/customtransition/main Styles: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/slide-styles/main
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