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Everything posted by davegee

  1. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/project_settings_1/preferences#double_click_in_the_slide_list DG
  2. If your second side is a child of the first side then what you are try to achieve should be automatic. Are you using the "parent and child" relationship? Perhaps you could attach a simple one slide example? DG
  3. A search of the Internet reveals that there are a number of free applications which will create a BR via an ISO file. I don't think that you should expect PTE to provide this in the future. DG
  4. Can you create an ISO file? Untick everything else and just try to create the ISO. If that is successful then from memory, your problem is not PTE. DG
  5. Select the new batch and do the same but do not use Apply to all Slides. You can add the DATE automatically by using Insert Template/Exif Info/Exif Date. DG
  6. Project Options/Defaults/Insert Template/Customise/Apply to all slides. DG
  7. If you have just one audio clip in each track then moving the Audio Clip from one track to another will result in deleting the source track and leaving two Audio Clips in the other existing track. If you have two or more Audio Clips in each of two tracks then moving an Audio Clip from one track to another will result in a Move action leaving two tracks intact. DG
  8. You are confusing me and possibly everyone else. 4K Video is 3840x2160 pixels 8k Video would be 7680 x 4320 pixels I realise that you are quoting 16:10 figures. DG
  9. 8 Mb sounds about right for your JPEG Images. (Why do we have to keep repeating that the 300dpi is irrelevant when saving jpegs?) It should not matter if you are publishing an MP4 but why use the full resolution? Are you doing some deep zooms? The size of the MP4 will depend largely on the length of the video. How long is yours? 30p or 60p? Are you publishing at 1920x1280 for 4GB? DG
  10. https://beckhamdigital.photo/2023-tutorials/ DG
  11. Take the Applied Style into Objects and Animations and go to Properties / Border Colour. If you want to make that your default just create a new style with your modifications. DG
  12. Does "Preview" work OK before publishing the EXE? Can you publish as an mp4? DG
  13. On the first point, you "just carefully need to go through and deselect any mp4 files". On the second point, you can change any style by applying it and making the changes you desire and then re-create it with a new name and location. You also have the options on the RHS of the Themes Box. DG
  14. Make the slide longer? DG
  15. I do not have a MAC to try it on but on my Windows PC it works OK. Right click on first slide and click on Insert Blank Slide puts a new slide in front. Same thing from the Slide Menu. DG
  16. You could click on (deselect) "Show Front Side" and/or "Show Back Side" for the Objects that you want to make transparent. There might be an easier way - someone might chip in. DG
  17. Main Images: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/slide-styles/main?s[]=main&s[]=object#main_images DG
  18. Maybe the Anniversary Edition? Well done Igor!! DG
  19. My memory is that we have only ever had to apply modifiers to all three (Pan, Zoom and Rotate) if all three are used in an animation of an Object. It is easy to check the current situation. DG
  20. By "odd" I mean that as well as Zooming into your Image you have also added an offset to the Pan Parameters (in this case). You have also added your white border "outside" whereas I have added mine "inside". You have still not explained what difference the 98% makes to the overall look when viewed onscreen? It is a personal preference but I cannot see the advantage. DG
  21. Jill, I do not think that we have ever had to use Modifiers on ALL of Pan, Zoom and Rotate if an object only has one or two animation parameters applied. In other words, if an object has Pan and Zoom applied then the Modifier should be applied to both Pan and Zoom but it is not necessary to apply it to the Rotate Parameter. DG
  22. Gary, Going slightly off-topic, I am puzzled as to why you are using Framing in the way you are doing it. The offset positioning of the image which is being "framed" is a little "odd". If you used Framing with a full-screen image it would perhaps make more sense. Here's an example of on of my Framing Styles. P.S. for best effect apply to 3 or more images (16x9) Frame-Zoom In.ptestyle
  23. Glad that you (and Jill) were able to resolve it. An interesting observation about Framing and Child Objects. In addition to Jill's comment about the Smooth Move Modifier, I noticed that you have redundant Modifier Parameters at KF 3. They are only required at the start of an animation. DG
  24. Sorry, I meant post a Style or a Template or similar which we can examine. DG
  25. Works OK for me. If you have not already done so I suggest deleting the Text and start again or post a single slide example. DG
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