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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Used Images are marked with BOLD (coloured) TEXT. This does not currently apply to Images added in Objects and Animation.
  2. Try here: https://diaporashop.com/en/categorie/transition/ In PTE you can design and produce your own Transitions. DG
  3. I tried this just out of interest and could not duplicate the reported problem. 1. Copied Text from source. 2. Add Text Object - the word Text is already highlighted. 3. Paste Text - The cursor remains at the end of the line of text pasted. (Windows 10)
  4. In addition to the above comments regarding Video, I would like to see video clips presented at Full Slide Duration and not freeze suddenly at the beginning of the following transition. DG
  5. The .exe that you clicked on "triggered" the .ptshow. That is how a Safe Executable for PC works. The exe was of the order of 14mb. Have you now upgraded to 10.5 - it is a free upgrade. DG
  6. PTE 7.5 will not open a .ptshow. Regarding Version 10, the latest version is 10.5. You should be using that. Can you tell us where it came from? Is it a "Show for Mac"? Was it one of the files in a Safe Executable for PC? If you put ANY exe file from a Safe Executable for PC in a folder with the .ptshow file and double click on the .exe, it will run the .ptshow. You will be asked to identify the .ptshow that you want to run but it should work. It works for me. DG
  7. Thanks. I was going by a screen shot of the Mac Publish Show button options. DG
  8. Safe Executable is the only (exe) option you mac users have so maybe people should get more familiar with their use in both camps. Standardisation is imperative to make things as easy as possible for all. DG
  9. I believe that the mac will play the .pteav file contained in a Save Executable produced by a Windows PC. Am I correct? DG
  10. PTE 9 is available for download here: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/old-versions/ You would certainly benefit from an upgrade to Version 10 (now 10.5) - you can download V10 as a trial for 30 days and it will install in a different directory keeping V9 intact. Have you checked your Junk folder for replies from WNSOFT Support? DG
  11. Len, Please explain your problem? DG
  12. I tried using this method from a Menu and although it works I wonder if some will think it an annoyance to have to re-direct the .pteav file in order to work. It would (perhaps) interrupt the flow of a sequence of shows (on a Windows PC) where the shows are a mixture of Windows .exe files and MAC .pteav shows? DG
  13. Great news!! I have posted this news on three forums: Nikon Cafe, Nikonians and Steve Perry's Backcountry Gallery. DG
  14. The option is welcome, however I prefer the Light Mode. DG
  15. PC or MAC?? Create and Apply Custom Transitions work OK in the PC 10.5 Version. Can you be more specific in your query? DG
  16. Use Insert Text Template and select from the dropdown list. DG
  17. If you are adding your images in O&A you need to manually index them as Main Images (Objects). Images dragged into the slide list are automatically indexed Main Object 1. See O&A / Properties Tab. DG
  18. A wonderful achievement !! Congratulations to the team !! Now work on Version 11 can begin DG
  19. Elsebels, Which version? It works fine in Version 10.0.14 and Version 10.5. The Waveform in the Timeline is NOT modified but the Fade in/out is performed properly. DG
  20. You have to have the GeForce Experience installed. DG
  21. https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/24599-pte-av-studio-105-for-windows-beta/?do=findComment&comment=154316 Scroll down. DG
  22. Am I right in thinking that if I was using the Windows version that I would have been able to use the Master / Link to approach? No, Mark. The reason why it will not work for you is that your Snow.MOV is too short. Try a little experiment with a longer video and see how many slides you can overlay using Master for slide 1 and Link for all subsequent slides. DG
  23. John, If you are serious about this as an option (which you obviously are) you need to make a suggestion for next version(s). DG
  24. Hi John, Apologies - the Size / Zoom is not saved. I made the mistake of trying it at 15% DG
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