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Everything posted by davegee

  1. https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/24599-pte-av-studio-105-for-windows-beta/?do=findComment&comment=154316 Scroll down. DG
  2. Am I right in thinking that if I was using the Windows version that I would have been able to use the Master / Link to approach? No, Mark. The reason why it will not work for you is that your Snow.MOV is too short. Try a little experiment with a longer video and see how many slides you can overlay using Master for slide 1 and Link for all subsequent slides. DG
  3. John, If you are serious about this as an option (which you obviously are) you need to make a suggestion for next version(s). DG
  4. Hi John, Apologies - the Size / Zoom is not saved. I made the mistake of trying it at 15% DG
  5. ....P.S. without a screen shot or example of some sort it is difficult to visualise what you are trying to achieve. DG
  6. Does not the "Save Font and Use By Default" give you what you want? It saves all attributes including the Font Size (Zoom). DG
  7. John, If your text is the "child" of an image or frame etc then it will always inherit the zoom value from the parent. Can you use two frames, with the text being a child of the main frame and the image being a child of the sub-frame? They would then be linked by the movement of the main frame which would remain un-Zoomed while the sub-frame could be zoomed and not affect the text. DG
  8. I would try this option. Your transitions might hide "the join". DG
  9. The PTE Feature you are using is NOT designed for LOOPING Video. The video must be long enough to do the job required. It is designed to play a video for the Video's duration over x number of slides. Suggestion: Start a new Project Add the Snow Video sufficient times to create a long enough video for your project. Save it as an MP4 THEN add it (the MP4) to your project in the way described - Master and Linked. It should work. DG P.S On second thoughts I do not think that you create the long mp4 as I described in PTE - you will have to create the long MP4 in some other software.
  10. New feature in Photoshop will create a Super Resolution .dng file from your RAW, JPEG, TIFF etc file. Doubles the resolution and turns your 24MP Image into an acceptable 96MP file. Ideal for deep(er) zooms etc or for use on existing 1920x1080 JPEGs where you want a 4K image. Right click on your image in Adobe Camera RAW and choose ENHANCE. Other methods are available and none are as good as having the original in High Resolution but might be useful for someone. DG
  11. I would just like to add that the difference is hardly noticeable in use and is only really apparent in highly zoomed comparisons. If it makes the movement of the cursor smoother then, for me, it overrides the appearance of the "blur". DG P.S. The Shadow Presets continue to save OK for me.
  12. The red line in 10.5 Beta 27 is the same thickness as in 10.0.14 on my Monitor, BUT it is BLURRED which makes it look thicker and you have to zoom to about 500% to be able to see it. DG
  13. It looks better, but someone is going to want a different colour. Will it ever be possible to have the Highlighting operate on anything other than Main Image 1? You can add an image in O&A and Index it Main Image 1 and the highlighting works (as before) but this does not work for Main Image 2 etc (as before). DG
  14. OK here, albeit with the loss of some recent posts. DG
  15. You could also try outputting the wav files as a single mp3 and use that in place of the wav masters.I DG
  16. No Laszlo, Not a solution, but it would tell you if size is a problem. DG
  17. Try splitting it in two - will it then create the exe? DG P.S. Does it behave the same in V10.5?
  18. Which Aspect Ratio do you MOSTLY use for your shows? DG
  19. File Menu / Backup In Zip. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/main_menu_1/file?s[]=backup DG
  20. You can create a Style from any Slide. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/slide-styles/create#creating_your_own_styles The Slide Duration and Transition Duration of the Slide from which you created the Style will be part of the Style. You can change the Slide Duration at the time of applying the Style but it also changes the Transition Duration proportionally. DG
  21. Well done, Igor. Will this be a single download or two downloads?? DG
  22. All good info, but I believe that the original intention of the OP is to avoid going into Audacity or any other software to achieve the "normalisation/equalisation". DG
  23. The Volume control in Project Options/Audio can be used to Globally Normalise/Equalise an Audio Track (Zero to 200% with respect to other audio tracks) while still allowing for localised equalisation via the Envelope. DG
  24. Is there a facility for automatically lowering the volume of the background music while increasing the volume of an audio comment? DG
  25. Are you saying that you have not yet found out how to set Fade-in and Fade-out? DG
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