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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Are you saying that you have not yet found out how to set Fade-in and Fade-out? DG
  2. Do you mean the BG of a SLIDE? Go to Slide Options / Background. You can do it globally in Project Options / Main / Background. DG
  3. In O&A you can add an image to a Blank Slide, designate it Main Image 1, and its name will be BOLD in the File List. However this does not apply to a second image added in the same way. DG
  4. Right click on the IMPORTED Style that you want to Move. Choose Change Directory. Type in the Name of the Existing Directory that you want to move to or New Directory that you want to Create. Click OK. DG
  5. When you create a Style you can choose or create a Category. You can Change Directory for an IMPORTED Style. When you do so you can choose or create the Category. You cannot move a built-in Style. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/slide-styles/main#changemovecreate_categories DG
  6. In a 16:9 Project, Converts any AR images into a 16:9 Carousel: Carousel 8 16x9.ptestyle Converts any AR images into a 3:2 Carousel: Carousel 8 3x2.ptestyle DG
  7. No, but you can "Change Directory (Folder)"
  8. Thanks Kieron, I will try to upload a version which is compatible with multi AR shortly. Thanks to Bruno and Stranger for the original idea. DG
  9. My Logic is that all Styles could go into a "Temporary" folder because, using this one as an example, you might want to move it to a folder full of "Carousels" rather than categorise by Author's name. I agree that it can be difficult to find Styles after importing. I have been using Temporary for some time now. DG
  10. In this case it goes where I told it to go. By placing it in a "Temporary" folder it gives the user the opportunity to move it to wherever is appropriate. There is plenty of scope at the creation stage to place wherever the author wants and also to add instructions for the use of the Style. Taking nothing away from your suggestion but you seem not to understand the why's and wherefore's of Creation of Styles. DG
  11. Excellent demo of PTE capabilities. The Style took a little longer but here it is. 16:9 Project -8 images - any AR up to 16:9 wide - do not mix AR. Carousel 8.ptestyle DG
  12. By file do you mean jpeg? Try dragging your jpegs into to Slide List instead of the Timeline. DG
  13. I think he might have answered it elsewhere. Apparently, such a slide is converted to a video by the software and inserted as a video. It would then have the movie frame. DG
  14. Well, while you are waiting for Version 11….......... DG
  15. You have misunderstood. You can change the SLIDE name without changing the image or video name - go to Slide Options / Slide Name. DG
  16. Well, that is one thing that you will never have to do again. Does my suggestion of changing the Slide Name to identify Video Slides help?? DG
  17. Alternatively, you can rename the Slide Name in Slide Options when the Video is added to the Slide List (or in O&A). DG
  18. How does MOTV handle a situation where there are multiple short video clips and also multiple still images in the slide? DG
  19. I think that Igor needs to take a look at it. Or maybe someone else who is Beta Testing the MAC version just to confirm. I also think that it would be helpful if, when posting in troubleshooting, the poster specifies which Version - Windows or MAC. DG
  20. What Percentage Zoom is the Book Cover showing? I cannot duplicate your anomaly. At 50% zoom for the "Child" my pixels reading is 540x540 (50% of 1080x1080 Actual Pixels). DG P.S Sorry - is this the MAC version?
  21. You can just right click on the "x" under ZOOM and choose "Actual Size". DG
  22. Styles have the .ptestyle extension and Transitions have the .pteeff extension. If they don't have these extensions they are not Styles or Transitions which can be imported via the Tools / Import dialogue. DG
  23. The "Soundtrack" includes all audio clips. DG
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