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Everything posted by davegee

  1. That is correct - You cannot use a PNG as a Background Image. DG
  2. Sorry, I do not know the purpose of the Transparent image which you have placed in Slide Options / Background? DG
  3. The PNG which is not working correctly is placed as a Background in Slide Options. Place it as an Object - as you have done with the other two PNG files. DG
  4. We are trying to help you in your other thread! If you post a screen shot of what you are seeing maybe we can advise. If you want to submit the support ticket, see the JPEG below - just type PTE in the box.
  5. Len, it looks ok. Post a screen shot showing your problem?
  6. This was what I had in mind. Use Space Bar or Right Mouse Button to reveal text. Text_Jan22-2021_22-43-52.zip DG
  7. You could use Space Bar to Pause/Play but that is not as efficient as using two slides for Question/Answer.
  8. Put the question on slide one and the question complete with its answer on slide two. Mouse click changes slide. DG
  9. Use two key frames to fade the text in and another two to fade the text out. Opacity = 0 - 100 - 100 - 0. DG
  10. This was Igor's introductory post re: Motion Blur. Watching for more input. DG
  11. Have you checked your junk mail folder? Putting your email address and telephone number in a forum post is NOT a good idea! Igor is aware of your query and will reply soon. DG
  12. The "3" is telling you that you have three indexed images. check the indexing for all objects. DG
  13. Just click on "Backup in zip". You do not need a third party software. DG
  14. Rosemary, The .pte file is not enough. Go to File / Backup in ZIP and send the result. DG
  15. JOHN, Are you running the LATEST version of PTE 10? DG
  16. Please consider the following for Version 11: With an Image/Object highlighted in O&A, the ability to use SHIFT+Mouse Wheel to control the "S" Value in the FRAMING feature. Also, with an Image/Object highlighted in O&A, the ability to drag the Image in the FRAMING feature with the mouse to control the horizontal and vertical position of the image (X and Y). DG
  17. You can EDIT a Custom Transition (not a Built in Transition). Highlight your Custom Transition in the Transition List - Manage Transitions / Change Transition Settings / Edit. DG
  18. You can EDIT a Custom Transition (not a Built in Transition). Highlight your Custom Transition in the Transition List - Manage Transitions / Change Transition Settings / Edit. DG
  19. Your projector is 4x3 so if you set 4x3 in Project Options and set "Original Size" for images then there will be no upscaling.I DG P.S.
  20. In Objects and Animation (Animation Tab) select the Object (Photograph) and right click on the X in ZOOM X. Choose ORIGINAL SIZE. You can do this for each photograph individually or create a Style which you can apply to single or multiple slides. DG P.S. What is the resolution of your projector?
  21. All of the information you require is on this page: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/buy/ New versions (9 to 10 or 10 to 11) occur at about 12 month intervals and cost $39 (Pro). Minor updates are free. Suggestions for new versions can be made via the forum and Beta testing is encouraged. DG P.S. Installation on Desktop and Laptop is allowed.
  22. Works ok for me: rosemary.ptestyle The imported style will appear in the Temporary Folder in Styles. Drag 9 images into the Slide List and apply the Style - analyse. DG
  23. Rosemary, What are "Top left" etc?? You only index the IMAGES - not frames. I can only see four DSC images and Background. DG
  24. PLEASE use Google Translate on all posts in this Forum - it is EASY. e.g.: Super !! Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2021 DG
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