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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Can't hide it any longer! DG
  2. Barry, It sounds like you need to line the walls with egg boxes in the new studio.
  3. I suspect that it has something to do with the resolution of his monitor?? DG
  4. Hi John, Please use this link: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/main# DG
  5. Drag the video clip(s) into the Slide List as you would with images. The Slide(s) will adjust their Duration to the Duration of the Video Clip (MP4). DG
  6. A Template will do the same thing without all of that Zipping and Unzipping. DG
  7. If your Main looks like this i.e. Pro is selected, then click OK and, in the Timeline, you should see this:
  8. Go to Settings / Preferences / Main. Is the Pro Version Ticked? Toggle the ENVELOPE Symbol in the Timeline. Try the ONLINE HELP. DG
  9. Post some screen shots. Help menu etc
  10. The attached Style will show how it is done. Import and Apply the Style to a BLANK Slide - Analyse in Objects and Animation. Scrolling Panning Text.ptestyle DG
  11. davegee


    Objects and Animation / Properties of the Video Clip. Mute Audio. Or... In the Timeline, right click on the video and "Separate Audio from Video". This places the Audio in an Audio Track and Mutes the Audio in the Video Clip. DG https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/video/separate
  12. Select all 10 slides and change the transition for all in any one of the A/B boxes.r DG
  13. How are you selecting cover slide? Try selecting cover slide for all and then setting your transition preferences.
  14. Mike, Post a screen shot showing the problem? DG
  15. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/how_to_v10/create_menu DG P.S. When you say "OLD" do you mean "aged" or "former"?
  16. You can "manually" tweak the resulting Slide and Save as a "Hybrid" Style. It is a limitation but it is not insurmountable. DG
  17. Download 9.0.22 from the Wnsoft website. https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/old-versions/ DG
  18. Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing the software using the pte uninstaller? Are you using the latest version i.e. 9.0.22? DG
  19. For this one I just clicked on the "Copy Link" icon as shown above. For the previous one I copied the "long" link from YT. DG
  20. Replace an Image or Video Clip: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/objectsandanimation_1/properties_tab#replace_an_image_or_video_clip DG
  21. Following your instructions (10.0.11):
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