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Everything posted by davegee

  1. You set the Fade In and Out Times in Project Options - Fade In + Fade Out. If you want a cross-fade you follow the procedure in the illustration above. Add two audio files (same track) and drag one over the other. https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/22912-missing-orange-line-in-audio-timeline/?tab=comments#comment-147158 It is MUCH easier in the Pro Version. DG
  2. That pagecurl cannot be modified. DG
  3. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/main-window_1/audio_files DG
  4. Celia, I assume that this is a transition? During the creation of the transition the transparent bg etc are available. It looks like they have not been ticked. Can you upload the transition here - possibly, it can be modified. DG
  5. Use Background of Slide and Transparent BG of Slides - tick these when creating a transition. DG
  6. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/main-window_1/audio_files#the_envelope DG
  7. Add a second Keyfame (KF) and set pan y to zero in that KF. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/simplepan Or look for one of Barry's Videos. DG
  8. What type of file is it?
  9. No need Ken, There is a direct relationship between the Zoom Ratios of one line and X number of lines of Text. DG
  10. That is explained in depth in the Online Help. DG
  11. By Templates you possibly mean "Styles"?? See the Online Help for assistance in Importing and Applying Styles. However, if you mean Templates, point to one and perhaps we can help (with the latest version). DG
  12. Use the ZOOM parameter to create different text sizes. You can also resize by clicking on the text object and use the “handles”.
  13. John, If you have a desktop there should be no reason to have to "Log In" to an account to be able to download from nVidia. There is something called "GeForce Experience" which I have on my desktop which makes updating nVidia drivers a breeze. If you are happy to download it you should be able to update your drivers and at least eliminate that as a problem. https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/geforce-experience/download/ DG P.S. The reason I asked about Desktop vs Laptop is that HP (on my laptop) modified the Drivers for my nVidia card and afaik can only be obtained from HP - not from nVidia.
  14. John, Laptop or Desktop?? DG
  15. I think that is what I said? If I want to show a specific series of shows it is a simple matter to put them into a folder and play them in the required order. DG
  16. The TV Media Player Home Page is your Menu. That way you have all of your MP4 files separately and not in bundles with chapters. DG
  17. Gary, Perhaps i missed it - what is the source of the video clip? DG
  18. Just a guess. Replace Side 1 etc with your own pic. Use PICTURE in the Properties Tab to replace the files. It looks like you will need to prepare your images in square format. DG
  19. From PTE - File / Open. When you browse that folder is there a .pte file there? If so - open that. DG
  20. Main Window F1 - User Guide Online F3 - Full Screen View of File List F4 - Toggle Full Screen (Slide List) - see also http://docs.pteavstudio.com/en/main-window/slidelistview#full_screen_view_of_slide_list F5 - Quick Preview F6 - Toggle Slide List / Timeline View F7 - Create AVI file F8 - Create Executable File for Mac F9 - Create Executable File for PC (EXE) Ctrl+A - Select All Slides Ctrl+B - Select Objects and Animation Ctrl+H - Manage Templates Window Ctrl+N - New Project Ctrl+O - Open Project Ctrl+P - Open Project Options Ctrl+R - Start Preview from Current Slide Ctrl+S - Save Project Ctrl+T - Create Template from this Show Ctrl+U - Customize Current Slide (Slide Options) Crtl+W - Edit File Ctrl+Y - Redo Ctrl+Z - Undo last operation Ctrl+Shift+S - Save As Ctrl+Alt+H - Cut All Transition Points Alt+B - Create Backup in Zip Alt+F - Rotate Counter Clockwise (lossless) Alt+S - Insert Blank Slide Alt+X - Exit Spacebar - Play/Pause in Mini-Player Spacebar - Full screen view of selected image in the Fullscreen View of File List Edit File / Slide List F2 - Rename Selected File in the File List F5 - Quick Preview Ctrl+F4 - Sort File by Name Ctrl+F5 - Sort File by Extension Ctrl+F6 - Sort File by Date Ctrl+F7 - Sort File by Size Ctrl+1 - Toggle File List as Table (Details) / Thumbnails Ctrl+F - Rotate Selected File Clockwise in File List (lossless) Ctrl+G - Toggle File Tree On and Off Ctrl+I - File Info for File List Image Ctrl+A - Select all images Ctrl+D - Add all images to Slide List Right Click and choose “Add Selected Files (Images) to Project (Slide List)” Hit Enter to add selected Files (Images) to Project (Slide List) Double click on a Single File (Image) to add it to the Project (Slide List) Ctrl+C - Copy Slide Ctrl+V - Paste Slide Ctrl+2 - Toggle Slide List as Table / Thumbnails Shift+End - Select all Slides to the Right of the selected Slide Shift+Home - Selects all Slides to the Left of the selected Slide Shift+Left MouseClick - Contiguous selection between two slides Ctrl+Left Mouse Click - Non-Contiguous selection Ctrl+Mouse Wheel - Adjust the height of the Slide List Alt+C - Opens the Folder containing the selected Image Alt+F - Rotate Selected File Anti-Clockwise in File List (lossless) Alt+R - Random Order Del - Delete Selected Slide Edit Timeline F5 - Quick Preview Ctrl+E - Shift Transition Points (by selected amount and direction) Ctrl+Alt+H - Cut All Transition Points Ins - Insert a Transition Point at the Cursor Position Ctrl+L - Lock / Unlock All Tracks (See icon at end of track) Ctrl+M - Mute / Restore the Sound in a Track (See icon at end of track) Ctrl+F11 - Adjusts the Width of the Timeline (Zoom in) Ctrl+F12 - Adjusts the Width of the Timeline (Zoom out) Ctrl+Mouse Wheel - Adjusts the Width of the Timeline (Zoom) Ctrl+PgUp - Move Track Up Ctrl+PgDn Move Track Down Ctrl+Shift+T - Set Time of Points ???????? Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Wheel - Height of selected audio and slide tracks in timeline view Alt+C - Opens the Folder containing the selected Image Shift + Left Mouse Click on a Track - Move all Clips in the Track (to the Right of the Click Point) to the Left or Right Shift + Left Mouse Click on a Key Point- Constrain movement of Keypoint to Vertical Plane Shift + Left Mouse Click on an Audio Track- Constrain movement of Track to Horizontal Plane Del - Remove Selected Audio Clip Edit Objects and Animation F5 - Quick Preview F11 - Previous Slide F12 - Next Slide Ctrl+1 - Add Image Ctrl+2 - Add Rectangle Ctrl+3 - Add Text or Hyperlink Ctrl+4 - Add Button Ctrl+5 - Add Frame Ctrl+6 - Add Mask Ctrl+7 - Add Video Ctrl+A - Select All Parent Objects Ctrl+E - Shift Key Frames (by selected amount and direction) Ctrl+I - File Info for Selected Image Ctrl+P - Start/Stop Ctrl+R - Start Preview from this Slide ???????? Ctrl+S - Save Project Ctrl+Shift+S - Save Project AS Ctrl+T - Change Slide Duration Ctrl+U - Customize Current Slide (Slide Options) Ctrl+X – Cut selected object Ctrl+Y - Redo Ctrl+Z - Undo last operation Ctrl+Page Up - Shift Object up one level in the Objects Panel Ctrl+Page Down - Shift Object Down one level in the Objects Panel Ctrl+Shift+Page Up - Sends Object to the Front in the Objects Panel Ctrl+Shift+Page Down - Sends Object to the Back in the Objects Panel Ctrl+Mouse Wheel - Change percentage of Slide View Click Left Mouse button in View Percentage Window and Scroll Mouse Wheel to change by Presets Alt+I - Ignore Objects Not Selected Alt+G - Show Local/Global Times of Key Frames Alt+S - Cover Screen Alt+Left Click+Mouse up/down - Change Pan Z Alt+Arrow Keys - Moves the selected object by one pixel per key press Ins - Add Keyframe at the Cursor position Alt+Insert - Clone the Highlighted Key Frame / - Set 100% View Del - Delete Selected Key Frame / Object Down Arrow - Scroll down through Objects in the Objects Panel Up Arrow - Scroll up through Objects in the Objects Panel Spacebar - Start/Stop Order of Objects Ctrl+PgUp – Forward One Ctrl+PgDn – Back One Shift+PgUp – Bring To Front Shift+PgDn – Send To Back Edit Play Animation Spacebar - Play/Pause in Objects and Animation Ctrl+P - Play/Pause in Objects and Animation Edit VideoBuilder Shift+F1 - DVD-Video Disc (From Main Screen) Shift+F2 - HD Video for PC and Mac (From Main Screen) With Video Builder open: Ctrl+N - New Video Builder Project Ctrl+O - Open existing Video Builder Project Ctrl+S - Save Video Builder Project Ctrl+U - File Info for selected Pte File Ctrl+Shift+S - Save As Video Builder Project Del - Remove selected Pte File Edit Styles Ctrl + J - Create Slide Style Edit In Executables With “Permit control of show using keyboard” in Project Options / Control Tab ticked: F1 - Help Window (See Project Options / Advanced Windows / Customize) Left Arrow / Up Arrow / Page Up - Back one slide Right Arrow / Down Arrow / Page Down - Forward one slide Spacebar - Pause / Play the show Home - Go to First Slide End - Go to Last Slide Esc - Exit show Print Screen - Copies the screen to the clipboard (Project Options / Advanced to Disable) For Keyboards with Function and “Tape Recorder” style controls: Fn+Play/Pause - Plays or Pauses the show Fn+Rewind - Previous slide Fn+Fast Forward - Next slide Fn+Stop - Returns to Zero and Pause Using the Mouse: It is also possible, with the Navigation Bar active, to drag the cursor from any point in a show to any other point in the show
  21. Right click on the kf that you want to clone. Does the option appear? You have multiple objects selected - try with a single object selected. Alt + Insert are keys on your keyboard. https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/hotkeys/main DG
  22. Think of what it MIGHT do to each slide preceding a Non - Contiguous Slide to which you have applied a style. Added : in its current form .
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