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Everything posted by davegee

  1. .....continued...... Tried the VTS file. Trim OK. HA OK. Sound OK. DG
  2. Igor, I just tried the Sofia.mpg file. HA worked OK. Trim was OK. But, no sound. DG
  3. Will it only rename the image file or will it also update the reference in the .pte file??
  4. Igor, In the case of there being two different images with the same name and option 2 would not the .PTE file (in a BIZ ) use one file incorrectly?? DG
  5. I think (?) that when you update Photoshop to V21, ACR (latest version) is included. I didn't update my ACR separately but my version is 12. The default installation seems to be to install V21 alongside the previous version so any Desktop or Task Bar Shortcuts will need to be renewed. I have never used Lightroom (or Bridge). DG
  6. Firstly, did you mean a DVD? Possibly, if the author used Videobuilder, the wrong choices were made for playing in the USA, or maybe the author did not intend that the disc find its way to the USA. A far better solution is to make an MP4 and write it as data to a CD/DVD. Alternatively the author could upload to YouTube or Vimeo for instant viewing. MP4 files have no international boundaries whereas a DVD does.
  7. Frans, Right click on the video clip in the FILE list. DG p.s. Thanks, I have corrected the OH.
  8. This was written for Version 8 some time ago and will be updated soon, but should give you a starter. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/10.0/techniques/menu?s[]=menu https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/how_to_v9/button#add_hyperlinkaction_on_mouse_click (Refers to Buttons but can also be used with Images). DG
  9. Recent updates available: Photoshop CC 2020 - version 21 Nikon Capture NX- D version 1.6 https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/download/sw/142.html DG
  10. You Version 9 Serial will be in the format: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX DG
  11. OK. DG
  12. Igor, I have "Check for Updates" Ticked. I just opened 10 and I was not offered the information that 10.0.2 was available. I notice that Wnsoft "Downloads" still offers 10.0.1 At what point is the Automatic Update Triggered?? DG
  13. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/10.0/main-window_1/timeline_view DG
  14. P.s. I am puzzled by the resolution of your video? If you are using 3:2 images and/or video then why not use them as 1620x1080 in a 1920x1080 project? Can you explain a little more about the resolution of your source video/images and your project resolution? DG
  15. Early on in this thread Igor explained one way of converting the mp4 into an avi file. Drag your mp4 into a slide and Publish as an avi. You can then insert the avi back into your Slide list. It should not be necessary to convert to avi but if you have eliminated all other possibilities it is worth a try. Is the mp4 out of your camera or some other source?? DG
  16. Do you mean "Convert to a different video format"? DG
  17. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/10.0/video/main?s[]=convert In the file list:
  18. Try starting with a Quick (i.e. No) Transition and alter your Slide Duration until you get the "flow" that you want. Start with a One Second Slide Duration and then halve it. If it needs less halve it again etc. Select all slides and changing the Slide Duration on one will change all. Or do it in Slide Properties. When you are happy with the "flow/speed" you could then try a very short Dissolve Transition to try to smooth it. Using the Timeline View will show you if you are in danger of overlapping your transitions. P.s. Barry and I were typing at the same time.
  19. I can only speak for myself but juddering of mp4's is a thing of the past with version 10. Could it be your system and not the software which is the problem? Could it be the settings that you are using to create your mp4 files? Could it be the player that you are using? More details? DG P.s. We have the same graphics card. Could you post a link to a short sequence which displays the juddering on your desktop pc?
  20. No, in PTE on your desktop. Open your show project. In the File Menu choose Backup in Zip. Transfer the resulting folder to laptop. Extract. Double click on the .pte file. DG
  21. Is there a .pte file in there? Extract the zip file and, if you have created a proper "Backup in Zip", there should be. Just double click on the .pte file and it should open in PTE. DG P.s. Backup in Zip is in the File Menu (on the Desktop PC).
  22. In the Timeline you can still Cut Transitions - sends all but the first slide to the End - or use the "-" Button. You can still re-introduce those Slides/Transitions in real time using the + Button - by positioning the cursor and pressing the "+" Button. Can you remind us of any other method? I prefer to use the F4 Option in the Slide View and organise Slides in the Full Screen View of the Slide List. DG
  23. If you create a “Backup in Zip” on the desktop pc and transfer that to the laptop then yes, you can open the project on the laptop and add to it.
  24. .......and if PTE A/V Studio 10 is running? Will it ask you to Save and Close the Programme? DG
  25. You can think of a Category as being a folder and as you can see there is quite a lot of scope for Categories/Folders :
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