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Everything posted by davegee

  1. As Jill said: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/project_settings_1/slide_settings#main_tab DG
  2. It is possible to apply a Style (or Quick Style) to multiple slides. DG
  3. Does it not depend on your intended output? For optimum quality, a 1920x1080 mp4 needs 1920x1080 images for full screen display with no zooming applied. If zooming is going to be applied then larger is better. For a 4k mp4 the optimum would be 3840x2160 if no zooming is applied. For an mp4 there is an argument for using full size images out of your camera and letting the mp4 output do the resizing for you. It will not affect the size of the mp4. For executables you must consider the maximum monitor/projector size on which it is likely to be displayed. There is no "best" but there is optimum. If the output is going to be submitted to a competition then the competition rules will usually state a maximum resolution/pixel size for the mp4/exe. That maximum size will determine your optimum image size.
  4. Why not use WeTransfer? Send a short test mp4 - maybe one at 30p and one at 60p and find out which works best. DG
  5. Do you mean something like this? Grad Border.ptestyle Ad a 16:9 Image to a 16:9 project and Apply the style. Change the colours of the border to suit DG
  6. What operation causes you to have to go through the "reCaptcha" routine? DG
  7. It would nice to know how he resolved it. It might be helpful to others in the future. DG
  8. Perhaps it is this. When you ADD a Key Frame all of the tick boxes for the various animations are UNTICKED. If you CLONE a Key Frame then all boxes are TICKED and the they will duplicate the settings of the previous Key Frame. I suspect that you need to use CLONE for your purpose. DG
  9. Hi Tc, Is this just a Mac peculiarity? I can select either an MP3 or a JPEG in the File List and hit Ctrl+W and my file will be opened in Audacity or PS respectively. DG
  10. It is difficult to tell from your screenshot, but I first suspected that your setting for Key Frames in Preferences/Editor/Key Frames might be to "Show Global Times of Key Frames" (i.e. Ticked"). If so, untick and see if this makes a difference? The Time Range settings always refer to the slide being viewed in O&A - Zero is Zero for slide 2 in your case. Second thought: The cursor time that you need to use is the one in O&A and not the one in the Time Line view. DG
  11. You could try using TIME RANGE in the Properties Tab of Objects and Animation to determine the Start and Stop time of the visibility of each Text Label added to the Video Slide. DG
  12. It depends on the Style. The FIT parameter must be included in the Style. You can apply the desired Style, change the Fit parameter and re-save the Style under a different name or create your own Style. What Style are you trying to use?? DG Example - here is a Style which uses 2:3 upright images, adds a border and zooms to 115% Upright slight zoom.ptestyle
  13. In GeForce Experience it is possible to start the Capture (F9) and then Start the EXE. When the EXE is finished press F9 again to finish the Capture. Record at the Highest possible quality. The resulting mp4 can be dragged into PTE and trimmed to suit before saving/outputting as a PTE mp4. DG
  14. nVidia GeForce is also free and does a great job. As well as being able to screen record it keeps your drivers up to date. Highly recommended. DG
  15. Please use ENGLISH - Google Translate. "I wanted to update the PTE AV STUDIO 10 PRO version to PTE AVSTUDIO 11 PRO. I paid 48 euros, but the key sent to me must correspond to version 11 simple because it does not work!!!!! I feel like I'm not understood. What to do ?" Are you getting any error messages? Have you installed version 11 from here https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/34835-pte-av-studio-11011/ If you go to Settings / Preferences / Main, does it show "Studio Pro" or "Studio"? DG
  16. The Style shows a method of Stroking Text in PTE AV Studio. Apply the Style to a Blank Slide and Change the text to your requirements in BOTH versions of the resulting Text Objects. Suggestion: If the Slide to which you wish to add Stroked Text already contains an Image or has Animation, add the Style to a Blank Slide and Copy and Paste the FRAME into your Slide. Adjust Size and Position using the Frame. When changing the Font the changes must be applied to BOTH Text Objects. Stroked Text.ptestyle DG https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/how_to_v11/stroke
  17. See the last two posts here. https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/38631-zip-file/#comment-176588 DG
  18. P.S. I just remembered that a Style does not include the colour of the background of a slide which was in my case RED, to be able to distinguish between the inside and outside borders. Apologies - just change the BG colour? DG
  19. Here's a reminder of the method of applying Borders Inside of an Image within PTE and without changing the Aspect Ratio of the Image. 1. Apply your border and determine the width that you require (in pixels). 2. In "Image Crop" apply the same value to each of the Top, Bottom, Left and Right of the Image. 3. If you decide to change the Border Width remember to change the value in the Image Crop settings. Drag an image into the Slide list (16:9 Project) and apply the following Style. Examine the resulting four slides in O&A and observe the settings in the Properties and Animation Tabs. Borders.ptestyle DG
  20. Hi Ken, This is probably not the answer you want but if you click on "Do not save" it does not alter the time stamp. DG
  21. All replies should be in English. Please use Google Translate. DG
  22. You can upgrade. It is worth the price. Compare the editions. DG
  23. Hi Brian, Which version did you purchase - PTE AV Studio or PTE AV Studio PRO? The Envelope Tool Keypoints feature is not available in the PTE AV Studio version - you need the PRO Version for that. Compare Editions - see the AUDIO section: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/compare/ DG
  24. That is correct - you will only see what you have set when you clicked on Set Graphical Editor. By the way, unless the version numbers etc are different for Windows and Mac you should be on Photoshop 2024 and Version 25.1. DG
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