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Everything posted by davegee
Gogs, It is possible to put both an EXE and it's mp4 equivalent on Slideshow club for a comparison. Simply upload the mp4 to YouTube and add the embedding link in the description. That would give you a chance to compare and also for others to comment. It is possible that you NVidia setting is 16-240 and that o-255 would be better? DG
Your first image was dragged into the slide list and was automatically assigned Main Image Index 1. The rest were added in O&A and need to be Manually assigned Indexes 2-6. Any image not indexed is included in a style and causes the size of the Style to "Bloat". DG
1. What are your quality settings in PTE? 2. What video player are you using? Are there any settings there that need looking at? 3. If you have the nVidea Control Panel there are separate controls there for video. I think that each PC reacts differently to different players - as much as I try to like other players I find that, on my desktop pc, Windows Media Player works best for the MP4 files on my PC.
The O&A / Properties / Aspect Crop Control:
Glad that it helped all three of you DG
The problem seems to be that the Scaling (or not) of the Time Range takes place correctly but the figures in the Time Range boxes are not updated. ....and now I cannot reproduce it!! DG
I believe that the scaling is intended to work in the same way as key-frames so unticking the scaling box in Slide Options would give absolute figures to the Time Range on a change of slide duration. However, I "think" that there is a bug in there somewhere and I am taking it up with Igor. At this time I would advise NOT changing slide duration when you are constructing an animation. It "might" cause you a problem. Choose a duration greater than you will need and "trim" it afterwards. DG
Jill is correct and that is the way that I do it. But, you might remember I asked what it was that Mike wanted to do, exactly? If Mike had wanted image name for instance, then the correct setup in Comment would allow it to be done automatically. I have a vague recollection that Igor intends to correct this in a future version. DG
P.S. Comment should be in the top right toolbar. If it is not there to go Settings/Preferences/Toolbars and turn EVERYTHING on. DG
Project Options / Defaults / Customise Font and then use COMMENT. DG
Mike, Are you putting text on every slide and if so what is the nature of the text? Is it descriptive, or do you want to add the image name or what? There are ways around this but it depends on what you are trying to achieve. DG
Anything that you add to a slide is an "object" - that is why it is called Objects and Animation. An Image Object; a Text object etc. DG
I don't disagree with you but rather I was offering a compromise. I have already put forward a suggestion regarding posting MP4 at Slideshowclub where the EXE is in excess of 128Mb. It works and allows for the MP4 to be added there in the description or comments if that is what the poster wants. My feeling is that by doing what is suggested here would turn Slideshowclub into another PTE Forum albeit dedicated to shows. Slideshowclub for EXE's, where IMHO 128Mb is ample. If the show is too large because it is predominantly Video then, following Igor's advice, the output for that show SHOULD be MP4 and CAN be embedded here without problem. My 2p. DG
Take a look at Time Range in O&A /Properties? DG
Why not do the embedding here instead? It costs nothing and has already been proven to work. YouTube and Vimeo presentations could be posted in the Slideshows and AV section. If it would have any negative impact on the Forum I am sure Igor could advise on that. Maybe the whole section needs to be looked at after the work on v10 is completed. Should it be open to all or just to members who have logged in?
Tom, I have always had a little difficulty in knowing what to call the Line/Border because in PTE terminology it is officially a BORDER. If you do it in Photoshop I assume that you are using the STROKE command to put a Stroke Line around the image. Photoshop creates this line INSIDE the boundary of the image but can also place it outside or on the selection. PTE places the BORDER (Stroke Line) OUTSIDE of the Image Boundary hence the need for this "workaround" to get the Border/Line inside the Image Boundary and not change the Aspect Ratio of the composite Image with Border. Framing (not FRAME), in PTE Terminology allows you to Pan and Zoom within the boundary of an Image, with or without Border, which has been reduced from 100% Zoom to (for instance) 80-90% of full screen. Note that in the Video I referred to FRAMING (in O&A) and not to A FRAME.
Gary, Can you please just drop it or take the argument elsewhere? I have heard it over and over and over. Igor has given you an answer. Don't take advantage of every mention of frames to pursue this quest of yours. If and when it happens I will celebrate with you, but in the meantime it is not relevant to this thread. I have shown what IS possible. You can show what is NOT possible in a thread of your own. DG
Thanks Gary. There is a serious echo in this forum. DG
Thanks Gogs. DG
Lines / Borders in PTE:
I don't know about CS6, but in the current Photoshop CC it is a sub-folder in the Adobe Folder. It can also be left uninstalled if not required. If Barry says it cannot be downloaded separately for CS6 then I would go with Barry. DG
In Explorer, go to C drive / Programme Files / Adobe and see if there is a folder marked BRIDGE (CS6). DG