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Everything posted by davegee

  1. It usually works that way Mur. The other two which are "problematic" we're created by Igor. I wonder if it is a different version of the W10 problem which the use of "Safe Executables" is a cure. I have experienced a couple of W10 updates recently - it might be something which came with those. The usual notification seems to have been replaced by this one. DG
  2. Has anyone else seen this notification when trying to open a "normal" EXE in W10? Safe EXE for Internet apparently is not affected. This pops up every time when the the following EXEs are opened: MUR's Texte Decoupe Igor's Flaming Sky and Engraving. Clicking on NO closes the notification and the EXE starts up normally.
  3. You can either CLONE Key Frames or ADD/INSERT them. The difference is that in a Cloned KF all parameters are replicated and switched ON. In an Added/Inserted KF all parameters are switched OFF allowing you to just switch on the parameters you need at the added/inserted point. It is explained more fully in the Online Help. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/objectsandanimation_1/main DG P.S. Take a look at the following and analyse the KF of the "Y Frame Blue": Example_Aug15-2018_10-13-55.zip The vertical movement pauses while the horizontal movement continues.
  4. Igor, As you said, within 1 second on both my Laptop and my desktop. DG
  5. ..... And the fact that that you were able to create the iso "sort of" points to it being a problem with your system and not with pte software (not 100% certain though). DG
  6. Have you tried creating a new project with just a few jpegs and a single mp3? Can you upload your project as a Backup In Zip and provide a link? Someone here will check your project and try to burn it to see if it is something to do with your project or possibly your pc. It could easily be one of your files. DG
  7. You have burned the iso as a data file (probably). You need software which will burn an iso file. Ashampoo does it. Try searching for free software to burn iso files.
  8. If you meant the Separator for Background Objects the above example shows how it can be used. Two Images/Slides at 85% of Full Screen. Separator (Splitter for BG Objects). Main Image with Blur. During the Custom Transition the Foreground and Background are treated differently. The CT operates on the Main Image and (in this case) the BG Dissolves from Slide 1 BG to Slide 2 BG. DG
  9. Project4_Aug4-2018_15-09-31.zip
  10. Project4.exe
  11. Added Scrolling Text with Main Image. Add an Image and apply the Style. DG
  12. Not sure what you could be doing wrong - it works perfectly for me. Add an Image and change duration to 40 seconds with 2 sec transition. Copy and paste scrolling text. DG
  13. .....or just copy the Mask Container 1 to any slide of your choice? DG
  14. Apply this Style to a Blank Slide. Instructions in the Style. Scrolling Text.ptestyle Scrolling Text with Main Image - works nicely with a B+W Image: Scrolling Text with Main Image.ptestyle DG
  15. Drag three clips into slide list. Configure clip two the way that you want relative to clips one and three. Create your Style from your configured clip two. If your first and last clips are different configuration to the intermediate clips they too can be part of the Style. It is all in the Online Help. DG Added: OK, I get it now. The Duration of the slide from which you made the Style (video) is being used for the Applied Style. Maybe a suggestion for a future versions would be to "Use the existing Slide Duration" as an option when applying a Style. However this would have a knock on effect on the Transition Times and proportional positioning of Key Frames.
  16. Instant Pseudo Warhol. Add one suitable (colour or B+W) image and apply this Style. Lots of adjustment possibilities in O&A/Colour Correction. Instant Pseudo Warhol.ptestyle Warhol.zip DG
  17. Try burning an ISO instead of the DVD. Then use 3rd party software to burn the ISO to the DVD. However it sounds like your TV with built in DVD Player does not support the disc made by PTE. How old is the TV?? DG
  18. How is the DVD player connected to the tv? Is it DVD player or Blu-ray? It could be a player or tv setting or connection problem. Does the tv have usb? If so use mp4 - better quality.
  19. What happens when you produce an exe or mp4?
  20. It is called "Going Home" (Dvorak). DG
  21. I uninstalled 1803 and got back to normal that way.
  22. English. ☺
  23. A 19 shot Panorama from which I created the 17441x5807 JPEG for the show. This allowed zooming into the Image at Original Pixels to show the detail of the area for the residents. The Safe EXE is on Slideshowclub. Here's the MP4 version - Please view full screen:
  24. I seem to have heard that before somewhere??
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