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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Have you searched the Online Help / Project Options sections? https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/project_settings_1/project#main_tab DG
  2. Post your Exported Style here and I will look at it. Go to https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/main# for help on most topics. Go to https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/slide-styles/create for help specifically on Styles. DG
  3. You need to post a link to a "Backup in ZIP" of your project so that someone can look at it and give you some suggestions. DG
  4. .........regardless of the number of lines of text. Add a Frame (Project Resolution) Add a Text Box to the Frame (Parent/Child) Using the CENTRE and PAN Controls in the Animation Tab, "Glue" the top of the Text Box to the top of the Frame (Apply the attached Style and analyse the settings) When multiple lines of text are added the top of the Text Box "sticks" to the top of the Frame. To adjust the Position of the Text on screen, use the Pan Controls for the Frame. Lines of Text.ptestyle DG P.S. The Frame is not essential but gives more options for animation.
  5. The "problem" with this approach is that the Caption Style will overwrite any animation which you may have. The answer is to incorporate any animation that you want together with the Caption Style and make a new Style from that. DG P.S. Demo: Demo Caption Style.ptestyle
  6. Apply a Caption Style, change the font attributes and create a new style based on your changes. DG
  7. Look in Styles/Experimental/Cube. Info on Styles: https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/slide-styles/main DG
  8. Igor, Many people have asked for this, myself included, over a LONG period of time. DG
  9. Updated version of the Demo of Advanced Custom Transitions . Optimised for 16:9, 3:2 and 4:3 Project Sizes. Any Image Size or AR. Please advise of any Error Messages or problems. Advanced CT Demo.ptestyle DG
  10. I often see requests from tme to time for links to older versions of the PTE Installer. To Save having to look for a previous version this is what I do: The download will look like this - picturestoexe-setup.exe I rename the file to picturestoexe-setup-9-0-15.exe (e.g. for the current version) and Save to a Unique Folder named PTE DOWNLOADS. I can then access this file at any time in the future and go back to this version quite easily if required. I am sure that many of you also do this, but you are not the ones who ask for links to previous versions. DG
  11. Seen on UK TV this morning. The Slide Show was almost identical to the one in the post above. The reduced % Images over a Static Blurred BG. Animation/Video within the bounds of the white stroke line - PTE? :
  12. If you make a "Safe Executable" for PC (preferable) there are two files there also. DG
  13. Any Audio Files or Video which could be problematic? If you can reproduce the problem with just one or two slides post a Backup in ZIP (max file size around 3Mb) so that someone can check it out. DG
  14. Hi Denis, Thanks, I know HOW to do it and if you look back at previous CTs of mine you will find that they are optimised for multi aspect ratio. You might remember that I posed a question about the 5:4 AR? My reasoning at that time was there was little point in preparing my Styles and CTs in that AR if nobody used it. Some of the CTs presented here have been previously published in this thread and are optimised for multi AR. It is, basically, a demonstration of the effect of the Splitter and not a presentation of individual CTs although they can be accessed easily in 16:9 AR from the applied Style. But I now do these things just for my own amusement in MY prefered AR. It is not difficult for the average user to do the optimisation for alternative AR and the time spent doing it will reap rewards. DG
  15. Demo of Advanced Custom Transitions This Style creates a 7 minute 7 second Demonstration of some "Advanced" ** Custom Transitions that I have played with recently. Just add 3 images to the Slide List and APPLY the Style. The FIRST Image should be chosen as a suitable background for a Title Slide. I have only tried it in 16:9 Projects - the CTs were designed for that AR. You could add 7M 7s of music if you wish. Please report any Error Messages. I have tried it on two PCs (W10 and W7) both running V9.0.15 without Errors but any errors relating to Styles or CTs would help Igor. Advanced CT Demo.ptestyle (updated) DG ** "Advanced" is my designation for CTs which are compatible with the Splitter and reduced size Images.
  16. Thanks Lin, There is a workaround for adding a Stroke around Text which is entered in PTE but it renders a soft edged Stroke which does not look as good (to me) as the method I described. Also, using the method I described the thickness and colour of the Stroke can be varied dynamically. I think that it is more versatile - until we are able to do it in PTE without workarounds. DG
  17. Hi Lin, Perhaps you should explain the necessity for the .png text created in Photoshop in the original? DG
  18. Kath, That is a Version 8 feature which has been carried over in the Online Help erroneously. I will sort that out. A suggestion: Create a Temporary Style which puts a Text Box on a Slide with the attributes that you require. Alternatively, you could use one of Igor's "Caption" Styles and Modify and resave it with your attributes. DG
  19. Also create a folder on your hard drive named "Exported Slide Styles" in which to store Downloaded and Exported Styles. They will then be your backups in case of problems. DG
  20. Ernest, I think that you might need to IMPORT the Style from the Slide Style dialogue? Click on Slide Styles/ Tools/ Import and navigate to the Downloaded .ptestyle. DG
  21. Album 3d is one of Igor's built in styles. DG
  22. Lin, I had to check to see what it was you were talking about. The "Rippling" images were no more than "window dressing" for the Demo of the two CTs. The construction method was first suggested by Igor a few years back and is the same as that used in the Advanced Curling Page CT. I made no effort to determine a left or right side bias. It is what it is - a Rippling Image. You should be able to put any ar image in there but will obviously lose some from either top/bottom or sides when it is converted to 16:9 by pte. DG
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