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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Also create a folder on your hard drive named "Exported Slide Styles" in which to store Downloaded and Exported Styles. They will then be your backups in case of problems. DG
  2. Ernest, I think that you might need to IMPORT the Style from the Slide Style dialogue? Click on Slide Styles/ Tools/ Import and navigate to the Downloaded .ptestyle. DG
  3. Album 3d is one of Igor's built in styles. DG
  4. Lin, I had to check to see what it was you were talking about. The "Rippling" images were no more than "window dressing" for the Demo of the two CTs. The construction method was first suggested by Igor a few years back and is the same as that used in the Advanced Curling Page CT. I made no effort to determine a left or right side bias. It is what it is - a Rippling Image. You should be able to put any ar image in there but will obviously lose some from either top/bottom or sides when it is converted to 16:9 by pte. DG
  5. His comments about Crop lead me to think that FB actually crop to 820x312. The downside of that is you do not get the opportunity to adjust the part of the video which shows- possibility of heads being chopped etc. If their crop is predictable then surely it is better to provide a suitablly positioned video?
  6. Question: What happens if you offer FB a 16x9 video instead of an 820x312 video? Does it crop it equally top and bottom? Or does it apply some other weird crop? Using O&A/Properties/Image Crop to set 820x312 within an 820x461 project is not difficult and making a temporary Style from it would make life even easier. The result would give a video ready cropped so that (if FB applies a 16x9 video in a predictable way) you can place the 820x312 portion in the required position. DG
  7. DG
  8. 16x9 is 820x461. Will 1 pixel be that much of a problem? DG
  9. Demonstration of two Advanced Custom Transitions in a Demo Style. Add two images to the Slide List (any Landscape AR) and apply the Style. Optimum is 16:9 Images in a 16:9 Project. I haven't tested in any other AR Project. The CTs will be available in the Advanced Transitions Category to transfer to another Category.. Note that the transition only affects the 85% Main Image while the BG Image Dissolves from slide to slide. Run in Preview in Repeat Mode. Demo of CTs.ptestyle As always, feel free to edit or adjust. DG P.S. PLEASE report any error messages.
  10. Igor, Is that recommendation for ALL Macs or just the Macbook Air? DG
  11. Possibly, but I suggested this a LONG time ago when most were only using dissolve anyway. ☺ Today, it should work with any transition where the new options in CTs and "Splitter" are enabled. I have converted most of mine. However, with my TV, I don't need it. DG
  12. The Media Players on both my Sony BR Player and Sony TV play full HD without issue. I have checked my TV options for the Media Player and cannot find any reference to anything about it. If this is something that you need to do regularly for your own viewing then a workaround which I posted a few years ago goes like this: Use a transparent 1920x1080 png file as the Main Image on all slides - create a slide and copy and paste as many times as required - add all further images etc to the main image as "children" on each slide. Before making the MP4 turn the "% of Main Image....." control to the correct value for your TV ( trial and error). DG Perhaps Jeff could explain: Then I remembered about the "Show Safe TV Zone" check box and , ticking this, could see the amount of image lost. Did this cure the problem?
  13. That is ok. It is a different layout to v8. DG
  14. Does this help? https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/how_to_v9/mask?s[]=mask DG
  15. Here's an example. Add an image to a 16x9 Project - ANY AR IMAGE - apply the Style. The result should be a 2:3 Image in a 16x9 Slide. Take the resulting slide into O&A and adjust composition using Framing Controls in the Animation Tab. Note the setting of Aspect Ratio in the Properties Tab. To change the Image go to Properties Tab/Picture and choose another image (try a different AR). Adjust composition using Framing Controls in the A Tab. Note the size of the Style and compare with the size of a Template to do the same thing. The Template would contain the Images used. The Style does not. Example 01.ptestyle DG
  16. If you use the right combinations of Fit/Cover, Aspect Ratio Crop, Image Crop, and Border (if required) then you can pretty much replace any image with any other image in the Properties Tab. You might need to adjust Framing and Zoom (Animation Tab) to compensate for AR mismatches. Styles are more suited to this (IMO). I have always used Templates for setting Preferences and Project Options in a Blank Project or for instant access to an old project. Others will tell their own story. DG
  17. Off topic? If it were in a different Topic I would like to add my comments. DG
  18. Style: Happy New Year Style.ptestyle EXE: Happy New Year.zip As always, please feel free to edit / adjust etc as required. DG
  19. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/video/main#properties_tab DG
  20. ADJUST TIME RANGE gives you a second (and third) chance to get it right by dragging. However, it will upset your video clip duration/slide duration if you dragged the video clip into the slide list originally. DG
  21. Just working on a Transition - clicked on Manage Transitions - Change Transition Settings. Repeatable. I have sent a BIZ.
  22. https://mpc-hc.org/2017/07/16/1.7.13-released-and-farewell/ DG
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