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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Two Styles and a DEMO Style. Please use a 16:9 Image in a 16:9 Project and read the notes in the Styles. 3D Triptych 1 produces three 2:3 sections and crops the top and bottom of the 16:9 Image. 3D Triptych 1.ptestyle 3D Triptych 2 uses the full 16:9 Image apart from the wraparound. 3D Triptych 2.ptestyle The 3D Triptych Demo shows the possible animations and their limitations. 3D Triptych Demo.ptestyle DG
  2. When the Converted File is added to the File List it contains the suffix "Converted". DG
  3. Or, as a Style: Text Comment (Mask).ptestyle DG
  4. Igor, Your Inbox is full. DG
  5. If you have to EDIT the Menu in a new or updated version you can choose a different option to run "older" exe files created in a previous version. If you are not editing the Menu don't publish it.
  6. https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/video/main DG
  7. I have found an interesting possibility in the creation of Caption Styles. If the Text from which the "Text Comment" is made is split into three lines then the Style Application window looks something like this: Note the lines which separate the three sections of the Text Comment. If these lines are preserved then any amount of text can be placed in each of the three sections to produce the end result - a Text Comment in three lines. (Yes I know that you can do it manually). Another tool for Style Makers?
  8. Hi Igor, The "Sorting" problem seems to be resolved now - thanks!! DG
  9. Apologies for late reply. Here is a Style which does it for Single Slides OR the whole project at once. It places the Slide Number in the Bottom Left Corner. If you want it someplace else, just reposition it and create another Style with a different name. Be aware that Styles will overwrite any existing Animation in a Slide Soooooooooooo.... either apply this as a first step in constructing a show Orrrrrrrrrrrr....... incorporate it into any other Style that you use. Slide Number.ptestyle DG
  10. Go to Objects and Animation / Properties. In the Object Pane - Right Click and choose ADD / Text In the Properties of the Text Box click on Insert Text Template Choose Slide Number DG http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/how_to_v9/addtext
  11. Both problems are solved for me. DG
  12. Done, See PM. DG
  13. http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/objectsandanimation_1/managing_key_frames#navigate_key_frames
  14. Hi Igor, Yesterday, I created a CAPTION Style and you can see the result in the Attachment. When I tried Barry's "problem" I was SOMETIMES able to do it correctly and sometimes NOT so there is something weird going on. If you can correct the problem that Barry highlighted maybe the other problem (mine) will go away. Best to wait - one problem at a time? DG Here's the Style - maybe you can see from it what the problem is. Caption.ptestyle DG P.S. I MOVED the Style to another Category and it still refused to alphabetise. However the Style (Caption) works correctly.
  15. Agree with that - both W7 and W10 - works sometimes - other times not. To add to that, when a NEW STYLE is created it is not "alphabetised" in the list of Styles in the chosen Category - it appears in a random position. DG
  16. You can APPLY a preset Style and edit the resulting Slide/Slides. You can then CREATE a New Style using a different Style Name and Category Name. Once Created, you can then Export the New Style. DG
  17. Version 8 and Version 9 will run quite happily together. Re-instal Version 8. It will not overwrite Version 9. DG
  18. A first attempt at a Bevel Edge Mirror Style. 16x9 Project with 16x9 Images only (for now). Choose images for this style carefully. Bevel Edge Mirror.ptestyle Example BIZ: Bevel Mirror_Aug1-2017_12-19-59.zip DG
  19. Rob, Please start a new thread for this (in General Discussion) and state which Version you are using e.g. Version 9.0.11 (Deluxe or Essentials). DG
  20. You can open a project, copy whatever you want to the clipboard, then open the other project and paste. DG
  21. Rob, this is a VERY old thread! This procedure is no longer necessary - PTE will now copy and paste between projects using the Windows Clipboard. I think that you need both incidences to be the same version. Does that help? DG
  22. I'm out. Don't know why I bothered. DG
  23. In addition to my last post, here is an illustrated example of the Duration / Speed relationship. Follow the instructions in the Author's Notes. At the Author's Designated Duration = 10 seconds the animation Speed = 100% or 192 Pixels per Second. If the Durarion = 5 seconds then the Animation Speed = 200% or Twice as fast or 384 Pixels per Second. Goddi Speed vs Duration.ptestyle DG
  24. No, let's deal with it now. Speed and Duration are "Interactive" - one has an effect on the other - you MUST have noticed that !! If the STYLE contains no animation then you can just deal with the Duration and ignore the SPEED aspect but if your STYLE contains animation then adjusting either Duration or speed will have an effect on the apparent speed of the animation. Please read my original reply again only this time do it carefully - I said " Speed is related to any animation in the Style. " How long have you had this Confusion thing - have you seen a doctor ? When you change the duration of a STYLE you change both the FSD and the Transition Time by the percentage indicated in the "SPEED" box e.g if you change a Style which has 15 sec FSD and 1.5 sec Transition Time to 10 sec FSD (150%) when applying the Style it affects both the Duration and the Transition Time AND ALSO speeds up any animation IN THE STYLE by the said amount. You have found a slight calculation error in applying Styles which has also been noticed elsewhere AND REPORTED but I will report it again to emphasise the need for greater accuracy. I have attached some variations on your Style - these were created by the method I outlined above. I applied a Style, altered my parameters and re-created the Style with a different name. Goddi.ptestyle READ THE AUTHOR's NOTES Styles are due for a make-over, possibly in Version 10?. Until then, why not work with what you have?? DG
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