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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Gary, they will all do the same thing. See bug reports. DG
  2. See Bug Reports Another Style problem. DG
  3. Updated to Beta 18 Splitter. Universal Window Style 2.ptestyle DG
  4. Updated the Style to Any AR Image in any AR Project and also to the Beta 18 Splitter. Window with Border in Mask.ptestyle DG
  5. Updated all three Styles to Beta 18 Splitter changes. DG
  6. Update of the Style to PTE 9 Beta 18: Title of Show.ptestyle DG
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Burns_effect DG
  8. A Multiple Choice Custom Transition with Concertina Doors effect. Concertina Doors.pteeff Choose from three options. Please use with ONLY Full Screen Images in a 16x9 Project (for now ).
  9. Add several images to Slide List, Type in your Title and Apply Style. Title of Show.ptestyle The Option to include the Caption is explained in the Version 8 Online Help File on Creating Styles. This "Blank" Title Slide can be included as a First Slide in a Style and then setting Number of Slides for Beginning = 1. DG
  10. I have updated the "Framing Triptych Universal" and "Framing Triptych Horizontal Uni" Styles to cure a couple of small Problems which were pointed out. Thanks. DG
  11. Bob, Does changing the transition on slide 1 to a Quick Transition solve it? A title slide with no transition should do what you want. DG
  12. More Triptychs. First a Universal Vertical Triptych Style: Framing Triptych Universal.ptestyle Add a single image which is the Same Aspect Ratio as the Project. Next, a Universal Horizontal Triptych Style: Framing Triptych Horizontal Uni.ptestyle Add a single image which is the Same Aspect Ratio as the Project. Next a Demo of the Horizontal Triptych Style: Framing Triptych Horizontal Demo.ptestyle Add 2 16x9 Images to a 16x9 Project.
  13. http://www.slideshowclub.com/search/?type=downloads_file&q=colombia DG
  14. Lin, He is right. There are W10 Laptops which refuse to allow certain software to use the dedicated graphics cards rather than the basic built in card. I think that it might be something related to whether or not the laptop is connected to an external monitor via HDMI. DG.
  15. Wideangle, After a bit of fiddling I got it to work - see the other thread. Suggestion - why not offer it sans Music and let the User add his own and synchronise to any piece of music? It would reduce the File Size of the Style from 6Mb down to a couple of Kb and make it a much more flexible option. The Jigsaw pieces are great but it is a lot of hassle to get the music "right". DG
  16. Update: Uses three Modifiers - Animation Speed (Smooth); Jumping Y; Jumping Z. Sliding Away 4.pteeff DG
  17. Apply the Style. Remove the BG. Click on Tools/Create in the Slide Styles box. The settings - Name, Category etc should be as for the original - Mine. Click OK - Overwrite the original. Apply to another Image, or the same image again.
  18. 1. You can go to Settings / Preferences / Templates (V9) and change the Default Location for Custom Styles and Transitions to wherever you want. I would not put them on a USB drive which is likely to be removed at any time. I also have my Exported Styles and Transitions Folders in the same location. Creating the New Default Folders will move all Styles and Transitions to those Folders. 2. Simply remove the BG from the slide produced by the Style and Create it again from the Tools Menu in exactly the same Category etc and it will overwrite the original and ask for permission to do so. Alternatively change the Category Name etc to Create a Variant. DG
  19. Xenofex, You can already ADD/RENAME Categories. 1. You can ADD a Category by Creating a Style and Typing the Name of the New Category into the Category Box. 2. You can ADD a Category by using the (Right Click) "CHANGE STYLE CATEGORY" function and Type the name of the New Category into the box. 3. You can RENAME a Category by right clicking on it and using the "RENAME CATEGORY" function http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en/slide-styles/main DG
  20. Categories are created by the author of the Style and not the User. The user can Move the Style to a category created during the Move. I have been "begging" Igor to build in a section where the author can write a description of the Style; how many images etc. DG P.S. to create a Category simply type its name into the Category box when creating or moving a Style.
  21. One image in a 16:9 Project: Visualising Modifiers 2.ptestyle DG
  22. Do the Cropping in PTE? Drag your Video into the Slide List and resize it (in Objects and Animation) to fit the 4:3 Aspect Ratio of your show using the corner "grab handles". When you Convert it, leave the resolution at 1920x1080. You are going to lose a bit either side but that is inevitable unless you are prepared to compress the 16:9 AR down to 4:3. BTW I have just tried this in Version 8 - I think that it should work in Version 7.5. If not, you REALLY need to upgrade to Version 8. There is a great offer on at the moment - look into it. BTW (2) the default 4:3 screen resolution is 1024x768 in Version 7.5 - have you changed this to 1400x1050?
  23. 16x9 Project. 3x2 Image. Window with Border in Mask.ptestyle DG
  24. Custom Transition with Z: Jumping Modifier Sliding Away 3.pteeff I suggest a Transition Time of around 7 seconds. Demo: See later post Add 2 16x9 Images to Slide List in a NEW 16:9 PROJECT and Apply this Style. Set to Repeat Show.
  25. Have a Merry Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous New Year! DG
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