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Everything posted by davegee

  1. http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/435-as-we-go-into-winter/ DG
  2. Try this: http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en/project-options/control_tab DG
  3. Yes, that would help. DG
  4. I can only suggest that you upload one of these images here. One of us can then try it to see if we get the same effect? DG
  5. Presumably, you are converting to grayscale in Photoshop or similar? After removing the colour you can change the mode back to RGB and save the b&w image as a normal sRGB image. Try that. I though that grayscale images were ok. DG
  6. Universal Window Style 2 is an updated version which addresses the problem of inconsistent Border Thicknesses. Universal Window Style 2.ptestyle Demo of this Style: Universal Window Demo.zip DG
  7. Start new project with just a couple of different images and try again. Will it create exe now? DG
  8. Hi Jeff, Yes, there is a bit more mileage left in that style yet But before you start playing around with it make sure that you have the original saved as the Exported Style. Copy and Paste / Rename, and work on the Copy/copies. DG P.S. Not everyone likes the Zoom on every slide - it can be turned off.
  9. To change the thickness of the "Border": Change the values of all 5 boxes (in PIXELS MODE) to whatever you require. Image Crop and Border. DG
  10. Any Image Aspect Ratio in any Project Aspect Ratio. The Style puts a Stroke Line/Border/Frame around the Main Image. The Main Image can be Zoomed within the Stroke Line/Border/Frame using the Framing Control. The Colour and thickness of the Stroke Line/Border/Frame can be changed and saved by the User. The whole Window can be zoomed to any percentage required using the Frame. (75% to 100% suggested). A Blurred copy of the Main Image is used as a Background (using the new Splitter Function) for use with Custom Transitions with "Use Background from Slide" and "Transparent Background of Slides" enabled. Universal Window Style 2.ptestyle DG P.S. Version 9 only. Universal Window Style 2 is an updated version which addresses the problem of inconsistent Border Thicknesses. Universal Window Style.ptestyle
  11. Roel, I had to remind myself that this subject has cropped up before and one way around this would be for you (as a Deluxe user) to create a Style and pass it on to anyone with essentials to Apply. Insert a Text Template in O&A and choose Slide Name. Position and Size the Text Template and Save as a Style. Essentials users can Import the Style and Apply it to all Images and even re-position the Text. Hope that helps. Slide Name Caption.ptestyle DG
  12. File size limits here are just over 3Mb and at Slideshowclub around 180Mb.
  13. Strips Horizontal and Vertical - FINAL. I have added Smooth Speed of Animation to both. 16x9 and 3x2 versions in Both. See next post.
  14. P.S. Barry is right - I see these Styles as "building blocks" for further experimentation. Here is the FULL Style for the Strips DEMO in the first post. You can change the BG to something of your own after applying the Style to two 16x9 Images. Strips 16x9x2.ptestyle DG P.S. You can apply this Style to Multiple Slides as follows: Add 4 images to the Slide List in the order 1,2,2,3. Highlight all and apply the Style. You should now have 6 slides - delete slide 4. Set "Repeat Show" and play in Preview.
  15. http://www.wnsoft.com/en/support/ DG
  16. Carmelo, Can you wait for a few more Beta? I am not sure what the structure is going to be - as soon as Igor makes a decision I will contact you. DG
  17. Vertical Strips: These should suit either 16x9 or 3x2: Strips 01 Vertical.ptestyle Strips 02 Vertical.ptestyle
  18. Settings/Preferences/Templates?? Export them to a folder of your choice and import on the new PC. DG
  19. I think that the problem that you had was purely to do with the 16x9 Frame that I used. When that was changed to 3x2 it all fell into place. So creating 3x2 from 16x9 is not that much of a problem (horizontally). DG
  20. That's great - is there a demo to follow? DG
  21. it is a Basic Style meaning that all i have done in both styles is the "hard work" of splitting the image into 20 horizontal Strips. It appears that it does nothing until you look at the Objects Panel. You can animate any or all of the Strips. DG
  22. I will PM you. DG
  23. I won't Labour it any longer Thanks. DG
  24. Thanks Barry, I can't help thinking that you mis-read the question. At present in V9 we have: 16x9 = 1920x1080 3x2 = 1920x1280 Would it not make more sense if they both had the same height instead of the same width?? It's OK - I can live with it. DG
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