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Everything posted by davegee

  1. Thanks Ken! DG
  2. The 3x2 Version: Framing Triptych 3x2.ptestyle Use a 3x2 image in a 3x2 Project. Please keep in mind that Version 9 is still a Beta and there appear to be features that are not yet implemented. Version 9 Beta Styles will not Import into Version 8 or earlier. DG
  3. Jill, I agree that 4x3 will be around for a while - the upsurge of the 4/3 cameras will ensure that. I prefer the 16x9 format (in a projector) for showing ANY Aspect Ratio Show. However, the PAGB decision has shown that it has a different way of looking at things. DG
  4. The problem with that argument though, is that the PAGB is stubbornly sticking with 4x3 albeit with a slightly larger pixel dimensions. Was 1400x1050 Now (or will be) 1600x1200. DG
  5. Lin, I asked about the 5x4 Slide Show Format which I assume would be driven by the use of a 5x4 Monitor. My main Monitor was once the 5x4 that I now use on a "Legacy" PC. I wouldn't use it for Slide Shows as a format though. 4x3 will be with us for a while yet. So your point about Prints is a little off subject. What is the point in anyone wasting time on 5x4 Styles etc for PTE if no one is going to use them? I have to take it from the responses that no one uses 5x4 any more - you said you "would" but I take it that you "don't". Thanks for responding though, DG
  6. A Simple Triptych Style created using the Framing feature in Version 9 Beta (no masks). Framing Triptych 16x9.ptestyle Use a 16x9 image in a 16x9 Project. Please keep in mind that Version 9 is still a Beta and there appear to be features that are not yet implemented. Version 9 Beta Styles will not Import into Version 8 or earlier. DG
  7. This is a single Custom Transition with 8 Variations built in. Choose the direction of slide. Use between two slides with Main Images at 80-90% of full slide. Use a Solid Background OR add a modified copy of the Main Image as a BG in Slide Options. Slide Away 2.pteeff Version 9 Beta Custom Transitions will not Import into Version 8 or earlier. DG
  8. This "Window" Style was created Version 9 Beta using the new simplified method for "Framing" or "Windows" and does not use Masks. Framing 16x9.ptestyle Use a 16x9 image in a 16x9 Project. There is a short "How To" here: http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en/v9howto/framing Please keep in mind that Version 9 is still a Beta and there appear to be features that are not yet implemented. Version 9 Beta Styles will not Import into Version 8 or earlier. DG
  9. Thanks, I will take it that very few people (if any) are still producing 5x4 Shows then. DG
  10. There was this a while ago: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18676-pte-doesnt-want-to-stop/#comment-125104 DG
  11. Underwhelmed - so far!
  12. I "think" that's JPEG only? I only shoot RAW - can't imagine why anyone would use that - but, fair enough. DG
  13. You'll have to explain that. DG
  14. Help required. Does anyone here still use the 5x4 Project Size to Create Slide Shows?? DG
  15. Variation 3. The size and Aspect Ratio of the Window and the size of the Border are adjustable in real time via Key Frames. Variation 03.zip DG
  16. Demo of another Variation based on the Window Style - Stars. Variation 02.zip DG
  17. Demo of Variation on the Window Style - Triptychs. Variation 01.zip DG P.S. Uploaded modified version with zooming of main image.
  18. I used any old sound - it is just a demo
  19. Igor suggested the workaround a couple of years ago. This is just a demo - proof of concept. Windows has a number of sound effects you can use - search for wav files. Use PTE to convert to avi. DG
  20. P,S. The Sound is set to start at 2 seconds - to edit this highlight the AVI and go to Properties of the Video. DG
  21. Example of a Simple Style which includes a Sound Effect. The Sound Effect is an AVI made in PTE using a Windows WAV File. 16:9 Style with Sound.ptestyle
  22. New Demo of this Style: Window Mask.zip DG
  23. A set of three Styles which will produce a Window containing a 3:2, 4:3 or 16:9 Image and an adjustable border. Also included is a blurred copy of the Main Image as a Background. The Window has a shadow. The Image has a subtle zoom. Choose the appropriate Style according to the IMAGE Aspect Ratio - not the Project Aspect Ratio. Window 16x9 Image.ptestyle Window 3x2 Image.ptestyle Window 4x3 Image.ptestyle Adjust the Zoom Percentage of the Window Size Object. Adjust the width of the Border using the "Size/Position in Pixels" Control (unlinked) for the Border Inside Object. Click on the Image Object and adjust or cancel the zoom via the Key Frames. The Border Colour is adjustable in O&A Properties for the "Border Outside" Object.
  24. If you set up the first and then copy and paste it, all you have to do for the second and subsequent Text Boxes is alter the Text and adjust the positions of the already configured KF. DG
  25. Can anyone recommend software which will monitor internet useage in real time? I would like to be able to tell what the activity is between computer and Internet in both directions in real time - which software is causing the activity and possibly which site is being accessed? DG
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