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Everything posted by Taza

  1. I can't seem to autorun my presentation off a CD. Simply put, I want it to auto start when it is placed in the drive. I followed instructions off the Pics2exe help file (#14) and advice or instruction off the guru site but I must be missing something (or just thick). My presentation is titled, Imagesafe Digital Photography Promo, I have created the slide show and copied it to CD with a seperate inf file, which reads: [autorun] open=Imagesafe Digital Photography Promo.exe icon=Imagesafe Digital Photography Promo.exe Saved as autorun.inf (notepad) I have tried it with and without " " What am I doing wrong, or could someone write what it should read and verify putting this autorun.inf file along with the pics2exe file is all I am supposed to do. No it's not in a folder, just straight onto the disc using sonic data transfer. The files (both) show up on the disc and the show can be viewed through the icon but I want it to autoload for clients if possible. Has anyone the time to help please.
  2. New to picToExe and this site. I have had a look around on here but can't seem to find the answer or solution. Can you or not write the buttons or hyper links in the slide shows so they automatically send the user to that link. I have placed a button and hyperlink with links but hey don't appear to work. As in, on my last slide which I want to reamin on screen till it is cancelled has a link to my website, its not working, what am I missing. Taza
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