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Everything posted by smacbutch

  1. Oh boy I must be pretty dense. Never thought to change the resolution on my laptop. Once I changed that to 1024 x 768 pretty much all my "jaggies" are gone.
  2. Thanks for all the help. Went back and did a proper search on "jaggies" and pixelization. After trying about everything under the sun. I still don't have very sharply defined edges and the "jaggies" are still quite apparent when viewed on my new Dell 2300MP which the literature claims is a true XGA, 1024 x 786 pixels. Just to review my workflow, I shoot my Canon 20D images in raw format, convert in Breeze Browser, most only require small amount of Levels and/or Curves, small amount of USM. I swith the color profile from Adobe 1998 to sRGB Then I have been just resizing the horizontals longest side to 1000 pixels, let the short side fall where it may with normal boxes checked: constrain proportions & resampling with Bicubic Smoother. As advised I'm creating jpegs of quality 6 which give me roughly a 190K jpeg. The Dell is set up as follows: Analog RGB 1600 x 1200/60 Hz Aspect ratio 1:1 Video Mode sRGB The images projected are not bad, just thought for a $1,000 DLP projector that my skiers ski poles would be straight, and "jaggie/artifact" free, as they are when viewed on my computer monitor. Oh well, possibly this is as good as it gets? Thanks again for any tips, Scott MacButch Pocatello, ID
  3. Putting my first show together for this weekend using my new Dell 2300 MP projector. Most of the images look good on the screen, but the edge detail, for example on skiers ski poles shows "Jaggies", that is to say the pole doesn't project as being straight. I though possibly I was using to high a setting with USM, but I have only applied: Amt 110, Radius .8, Threshold 6. All my images were taken with Canon 20D, only minor adjustments of levels and curves in PSCS, and converted all images to sRGB and that is what projector is set to. This is my first post and have already learned a bunch from this exceptionally informative board. Any help appreciated, wonder what other folks setting are in regard to Unsharpmask Filter & thanks a bunch. Scott MacButch Pocatello, ID
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