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Everything posted by hlion

  1. hlion


    JPD contribiution to PTE was essential and tremendous. His help to every PTE adept was so generous. We will miss him so badly, I am so sad. Henri
  2. 10 years and a mature product, a winner ! Congratulations to Igor and his team. Henri
  3. Hi everyone, I believe this is a bit too fast and easy to use only one moving screen...without changing its direction as the direction of the route changes. I think you have to use more than one screen to achieve a real progression. See below what you see (i.e. position 5672 !) Henri
  4. Hi, Once the AVI file made with PTE ypu may use : http://www.koyotesoft.com/indexEn.html or http://rivavx.de/index.php?encoder&L=3 Rgds, Henri
  6. Many thanks Peter for this very good and concise work which will help everyone to progress on the dicussion. For the translation of "cale" I may suggest CALIBRE which has the same meaning...and the same spelling in french and english. Regards, Henri
  7. Hello Jean-Pierre, Thank you so much to have taken your time to give us and especially Igor's team these thorough explanations in order to help PTE to retain it's leadership in programs for AVs. I hope that Igor will integrate this in the next version of PTE and that your name will be associated with this important and indispensable evolution of PTE. In the meantime I hope that you will rest a little... Best reagrs and many , many thanks, henri
  8. Hi everybody, Does this say that if "original mode" was still available we would not have this situation ? Henri
  9. Hi, I believe you just have to download and install it : it will recocgnise your key. Henri
  10. HI, How stupid I was...this is exactly what I was looking for ! Thanks, Henri
  11. Hi Igor, Thanks for your hard work. The Grid could even be improved if one could adjust X and Y separately so you have 10 columns and 10 lines on the screen to center a disc transition. This is exactly what GUS is offering. Regards, Henri
  12. Hi everybody, I use iTunes7. There select your music, then "adavanced/convert the semection into MP3"...that's all ! Note that this is the english translation of the french version of iTunes but I guess it should be the same with the english version. Let me know if it works ! Henri
  13. Hi everyone, I am using a HP laptop : Mw Windosw XP SP2, Intel Pentium M Processor 2.00 GHZ, 1,0 GB RAM, ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600 and PTE V5 runs as waell as PTE 4.48. I never used PTE on a desktop so I cannot tell but was is certain is that PTE V5 does run on laptop ! I hope this is useful for those in doubt ! Henri
  14. Thanks Igor. Henri
  15. Igor, I solved the problem in copying the french dictionnary of bĂȘta 4 into bĂȘta 6 and it works fine. But is this q proper way ? It should speak french when you select french without hazving to go bzck one or two vesions ! Henri
  16. Hi Igor, This version 6 does not speak french ! It speaks englis by default. Esay to switch to german or italian or whatever but not french. Please have a look and tell me if this a bug (or am I doing something wrong ? I had no probem in the past with all the versions) Thanks for your hard work. Henri
  17. Here is a free translation : http://www.mediafire.com/?5jmdchud9ci Henri
  18. Here is a free translation : http://www.mediafire.com/?5jmdchud9ci Henri
  19. Between 5 and 12 but you will find adults as well ! Henri
  20. Hi Ken, Are n't we kids at all ages ? The pictures were drawn by the school chidren of l'Ile-aux-Moines (Morbihan, France) see : http://i.kerisa.free.fr/paint.htm Henri
  21. Oooops ! I am awfully sorry, the working link is this one : http://www.mediafire.com/?0id0rmyml1k Henri
  22. Hi, For those having a little french, here is an illustration of a song for children...it is 1'30"" and weight about 8Mo. Here it is : http://www.mediafire.com/?0nmz2lnn3st Thanks for watching. Henri
  23. Al, Thanks for your replies I have downloaded the latest PTE_Adjustor_3....and it works perfectly. I thought I had this V3 already but maybe you corrected it. Regards, Henri
  24. Al, PTE-5 Adjustor V5_1 works perfectly but not V 5_3, does this means anything to you and helps you understand what the problem may be ? henri
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