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Everything posted by veronica

  1. Excellent news
  2. Hi I also would be happy to Beta test (not sure about Alpha) when available I am missing using the software since changing to a Mac 3 yrs ago I have an Imac and a unibody laptop Thanks
  3. Hi I tried it a year or so ago but it did not work,I am at this moment installing VMFusion and am Tearing my hair out.PTE will not accept my registration so I shall have to ask for another,My mac is just so slow running widows I think i shall give up I have not been able to use this lovely program for 3yrs since changing to a Imac even though I still purchase the updates. I read that there is a Mac version in the pipeline can't wait I did post way back on this subject but the post is no longer on here now and I am back to being a new member now
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