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Everything posted by Yves DETON

  1. You're welcome...
  2. You'll find your happyness by creating an ALBUM, stored as "template" in the same folder than the programm. It's easy to cut or copy it, and paste in a folder you create where you want, with the name you want. Instead of ".pte" his name's end is ".pt". What a beautiful life, is'n't it ? Post-scriptum : I don't know if the term in the english version is "ALBUM" or "TEMPLATE", because I use the french version !
  3. When coming back to a previous project, stored some weeks ago, I receive sometimes this message : "I/O error 103". What does it mean, and what can I do ?
  4. I don't know if you ask it seriously, but if yes : 1) when I was (much) younger (I'm now 64), me and my sisters said "waf waf waf !" what is translated now on the web "lol", translated in french by "mdr" ("mort de rire") : but I guess somebody having english as usual language will be able to explain the signification on those 3 letters ! 2) "alot" means of course "a lot", for "very many" ou "very much" : thanks a lot, a lot of time, and so on... Hoping it answers to your trouble...
  5. Sorry : I thought it could be some hours, no some days. So, we'll wait and wish good luck to Bill !
  6. You're right, but if Bill decided then to go on, today his site is down again : same reasons ?
  7. Me too, I can't download this moring (around 09:30 AM CET)...
  8. "Thank you, Dub !" exists in an english version, and in a french version : I hope you'll like it...
  9. How could I see-&-hear something else than a black screen and a music roundturning ?
  10. An homage to this pilot who gave his life to our freedom, and to a Belgian who spent five years of his life to discover WHO was this pilot, and WHERE are his remainders : "Thank you, Dub !"
  11. Oops... It's wrong to write : 'cause I jumped in the running train !
  12. Thanks, Al, thanks, GĂ©rard ! But to be sincere, I started this subject hoping our friend Igor could help us to make it easier, by including a shorter way to copy/paste the template's folder... When it's possible, I like what we call in french : "La loi du moindre effort" ("Easiest way's rule").
  13. I see I'm not the first one to meet the problem of exporting a template. My problem was to send it to a webfriend, able to print (excuse my bad english) it on a DVD. Finally, I went to Programm files > PicturesToExe > Templates, where i zipped it to send it to my webfriend. I accept it's impossible (now that I found the solution) but it could be easier to can export it easily to create a directory with the .pt and the .exe of a presententation for a back-up : no ? Friendly yours, YVES
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