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  1. VLC works well on the mac, you can put it all after your hand, and set it so that the arrow keys jump a x number of seconds. Gerrit
  2. Thank you for your answers, Then make an MP4 file, disadvantage is that I sometimes go forward and backward during a presentation, you know a video player for the mac that I can set to a few seconds forward and backward, now it's often 10 or 30 seconds. Gerrit
  3. Hello, everyone, I skipped version 9 and now work with version 10. in version 8 it was possible to create a file and play it on mac, I can't find this possibility in version 10. Is it no longer available? Gerrit
  4. 15% think that I was not too bad. Maybe I still dualcore 2.3 to 2.66 Ouad eg the core q8400, that would be a big step, I move to i5 too expensive considering the use of the PC I use the PC only for presentation, the rest I do's on a mac pro, a. Gerrit
  5. Hello I made ​​them take a second shot, it looks like PCI Express 1.1 is slightly less. Gerrit
  6. Hello. I looked at the program, and do not understand much, see Appendix. The card has the latest drivers. regards, Gerrit
  7. I bought the asus gts 450, and the results are excellent. The zoom in and out sometimes not flawless was running pretty smoothly now. Gerrit
  8. I ordered the GTS 450 from Asus.

    I can test this afternoon in the shop, on a high-resolution screen.

    The power supply is 400watt give than we have to use

    like a heavy diet.

    The images show avi now hardly problems, only a few heavy images that I quickly zoom in and out run not completely smooth, it would be completely solved.



  9. I'm going to look at it, the price looks reasonable. The motherboard is an Asus P5K or PCI E 16x, but not 2.0, the map would have to fit, but the difference in effect could possibly be I do not know. The power supply is 400 watt.het would like to Gerrit
  10. What would be a good card?
  11. You mean this? Windows7 64 Bit 4 GB Ram Intel E6550 dual core 2.33 MHZ GeForce 7300 GT
  12. 64 Bit
  13. Windows 7
  14. There is 4 GB of memory in the PC The processor is something harder than I thought Intel E6550 dual core 2.33 MHZ There is a GeForce 7300 GT Video Card in
  15. I was just trying to convert it to AVI, it does give a good picture. A few weeks ago I had some testing done with smooth video, there was no difference in view between avi and mov files Now I fast-flowing water, which froze completely. I'm thinking about it some more to the PC, I only use it to take to presentation, s I doubt between. a quad-core processor 2.6 or a 1GB card. Gerrit
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