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Everything posted by RudiRe

  1. Smart idea, boxig, at least for as long, as Igor hasn't implemented the slide number in the slide list yet.
  2. anthrodoc that far is right. But one essential thing is missing: After you made your slides as anthrodoc desbribed, you have to unmark the 1x1 black image underneath the slide list, where it says "show image".
  3. Truelight and guru, I can understand both of your positions and argumentations. But I think, there's no reason to complain about PTE (yet). Every version so far was a steep enhancement. We all do know, that making a convincing PTE presentation DOES involve external software, depending upon the complexity of your presentation. These external software experiences we recommend to each other or warn others of using them. That's one of the reasons, why ALL of these inputs make this forum so valuable to me. I get a lot of new ideas, testing new software, which I didn't know yet, and Igor always pulls the best suggestions out of the forum to improve PTE in future versions. What else can we ask for? In Germany, there is a saying: Die eierlegende Wollmilchsau! It means a pig, that gives you meat, milk, wool and eggs doesn't exist.
  4. Never make a begging show!
  5. Since macs are not able to run exe files, there's no way.
  6. Again, use windowed mode without frame with your screen resolution (You DO get full screen then). Otherwise, the background image will be moving to different places on other monitor resolutions.
  7. Hi Deb, you have to tell us more details in order to really help you. Which screen resolution does your monitor have, which resolution do your slides have? I assume, you used bmp files for your images. That's why your file sizes might be that large. Convert them into jpg or gif and they will be condiderably smaller in file size (not in resolution). The shadow effect you can get rid of when you go to the individual settings for each slide.
  8. Charles, did you make your presentations in "windowed mode" (presentation options)? If not, users with other resolutions than your own will run into exactely the problem you just described.
  9. I came across a program called EAC, which stands for Exact Audio Copy. Download from http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/eac6.html or directely from http://studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0165/eac09b4.zip I'm thrilled. EAC really avoids mistakes in reading audio CDs. It's Freeware (Postcardware) and there's a great documentation about it at http://mp3.radified.com/ I think, it's "le must" for any serious PTE user.
  10. Casey, the idea of a "digital microphone" is anachronistic utopia. Microphones HAVE to be analog, due to their mechanical membrane technique. I do have some microphones, which are beeing used in the film business for live action sound. Most of them are manufactured by Sennheiser and start at around $ 1500. There is no such thing like a "digital microphone" and there never will be. By the way, the sounds/effects/music, which they are recording, are analog as well.
  11. anthrodoc, really good sound effect libraries as being offered for the film industry are very expensive and cost thousands. For the amateur, there are some cheap audio CDs in nearly every good CD store available, where you can check, whether or not your sound effect is included (mostly, what you're looking for, is not in it). The best way to get the sound effects you desire is by recording them by yourself.
  12. boxig, I think both devices don't make much sense, for they both can be fooled by any good screencapture program like FullShot, UltraSnap, SnagIt, HyperSnap or PrintKey. In all of these programs, you can define your own screencapture-shortcut-keys other than "print key".
  13. Lloegyr, I've tried out 24 splitter-programs. The following ones turned out to be the best: Piece-Maker WinSplit GSplit Just enter one of them into google and you've reached the solution of you problem.
  14. Which program did you use to make this fabulous Windows extension?
  15. I downloaded the program SharpControl. Is there anywhere a description of how to use it? A help file is not contained and I don't know anything about the various settings, which SharpControl offers. The only thing I could figure out, that only jpg and tiff files can be processed with it. Also, whatever setting you apply to an image, the file size increasizes tremendously, usually 3-5 times compared to the original.
  16. Guru and nobeefstu, thank you for your insights. I decided, to let the Jukebox as it is. The FullScreen Mode really causes trouble with all those many objects it contains, even when grouped. The only thing I would be doing different in the next presentation, is designing an own frame for the framed mode, since I abominate those standard MS Winsows frames.
  17. nobeefstu, I cannot change my resolution on my Notebook, for 800x600 is already the limit.
  18. alrobin,I'm not being notified automatically everytime, a change occurs. I just make an update a day and then I see in colorized backgrounds within WebSite-Watcher, what has changed and what hasn't. By doing that, I can decide, which threads to include in the WebSite-Watcher and which not. This way, I directly can browse to the really updated pages and don't have to surf to pages, where nothing has changed meanwhile.
  19. Today, I saw the Jukebox for the first time on another monitor than my own, which is 800x600. The monitor I used today was 1280x1024. I had to realize, that one thing did not work out the way, as I intendend. I want the background on larger screen resolutions to have the same color, that exists within a slide in the Jukebox (black, a special blue, sometimes white and a yellow behind the final screen), so that users with any different screen resolution than 800x600 also get a Full-Screen-Feeling and don't see their desktops around the 800x600 presentation any more. The whole Jukebox is made with objects settings set for framed mode 800x600 without frame, and I added to every slide a 100x100 colored gif for tiled background, which I was hoping would fill the background OUTSIDE the 800x600 presentation. This obviously did not work. The problem is, that I do not have another monitor for screensize-test-resolution purposes at hand. Does anybody have an idea, how the problem can be solved? Or did I mark anything wrong in project options? What do I have to do, to get the desired result?
  20. Visiting the forum with the phantastic software program WebSite-Watcher, I build my categories individually on my computer, after having synchronized the forum. Therefore, the way the forum looks right now, is just perfect for my browsing habit.
  21. Michel, I downloaded Maria. Beautiful images, very nice timing. On my computer, the image transitions run smoothly, yet, whenever a transition starts (which happens every two seconds or so), the music gets jerky, which I blame on my slow Pentium 2 Celeron (266 MHZ) in my Notebook. At the end, the presentation finishes with the music not being finished yet. So the music is being chopped off by the exit of the PTE presentation. Therefore, I suggest adding some silence to the mp3 music track at the end. I had to do the same thing with all the midi files in my Jukebox and all the mp3 sound effects.
  22. Guru, those, who wrote you, might just have tested, which of your eMail accounts they could shut down next. The Mafia works will all means, even with friendship.
  23. Guru, I feel guilty.
  24. I just uploaded a new, updated version of the JUKEBOX to beechbrook. Due to Igors help, this new version now loads immediately and not after two and a half minutes. Igor did a tremendous job in speeding up the loading routine. I also could eliminate some minor bugs, regarding background in different screen size resolutions. This should be the Jukebox final, unless someone finds some other bugs, that can be expunged. Bill already replaced the old version with the new and fast starting. Thank you Bill.
  25. With that italian Mafia, you never know, what happens next.
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