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Everything posted by JohnFeg
So that's where it came from! John
Ken, yes, you're right. But, I havn't a clue where I picked it up. I'm planning to wipe my drive and reinstall everything in the new year, so, now I know it's not an MS font I'll back it up before I lose it! Thanks also for those useful links. John
No it's definitely "Ravie" I've e-mailled you the font and also the project for the Demo. Tom if you want the font, let me know where to mail it. John
Tom, the text is based on a font called "Ravie" it's a standard, so, if you have Widows XP you probably already have it. You need to create the text effect, either as individual letters, or, as words, in Photoshop. Start off with a suitably sized JPG image (leaf litter in this case) Then: a) select the horizontal mask tool type your words or letters in the selected font at an appropriate size c) put the selection/s you thus create onto a new layer (Ctr. J) d) Open a new suitably sized transparent document. e) drag the layer of letters/words onto the transparent document. Resize if required. f) merge visible layers > crop to size > save as PNG If you don't have the font and/or Photoshop, (and providing you don't want to rewrite "War & Peace!") you can send me the words/letters you want to use, with a picture for the text "infill", then I'll knock it together and mail it to you. John
NOTE The full slideshow "Autumn" has now been posted on the Beechbrook site. Hope you enjoy it. John
Ron, Sent it to The Doms Sharing place. When he picks it up you can download it. I left off the music and the 2 last "fill in" slides to keep the size down. As a matter of interest, the slideshow itself is almost finished. Unless the Gods frown upon me, it will be on Beechbrook tomorrow. John
Ron, I've zapped it from my hard drive because, as I said, it,s only a part of a project uner development. However, I'm pretty sure it has been backed up. If so I'll dig it out in the morning. If I dont have the project file "as you saw it", I'll cobble an extract together from what I'm now working on. I'll ask the Dom if he will host it again. John
Hope this will help with your question 3. I find that the picture quality is better playing the exe file into the TV from my computer. John Connect_Computer_to_TV.doc
Very interesting, if a little hard to get ones head round. It's paradoxical that a vacuum is not the least likely source of energy. I've always thought that the fusion route had the greatest chance of succeeding. But, little is heard about that nowerdays. A cynic might think that is because some significant progress has been made! It's ultimate advent, or something like it, will have a wonderfully relaxing effect on the grip certain parties have on the west's dangly bits! John
Guess I should have looked a bit futher down before sending my last mail! Truth is, I never dreamed you would get things back together so quickly. Do you ever sleep? Your perseverence deserves the highest praise. John
Dominique, thank you, how are you getting on with repairing the damage? John
Lin, off topic I know, but, this snippet caught my eye. Do you have a link where I can get more information? John (formerly with Shell!)
Larry, do you by any chance have a dual monitor display? John
I have made a little demo in V. 5 #6. It is, in fact, the introductory sequence for a Slideshow being prepared for showing at our local Camera Club. As it’s very topical, thought you might like to see a preview. Al Robinson has kindly offered to host it on his site for a few days. It can be downloaded at http://www.alrobinson.com/Autumn_Demo.zip John
Dave, I cannot think of anything other than those images, you used when the show was originally created, are now in a new location, or, the name of the folder/s they were in has changed. When you get the message "cannot find image/s", PTE should also tell you where it was expecting to find them. Hope you can track them down. John
Michel, most enjoyable. Ran faultlessly on my "Self-Build" machine: i) Processer - 1.85 Ghz AMD Athlon 64 ii) Video Card - G Force 7900 XFS 256Mb of RAM John
Have you, since creating the show/s, either: i) changed any of the file names? ii) moved the images to a different folder? John
Dom, Courage mon ami. Shattered to hear of your misfortune. Unfortunately, there are those, lacking the ability to create anything worthwhile themselves, ensure their effect upon the world by destroying the works of others. It occurs to me that, as a result of the generous response you will get from this forum, you will end up being overwhelmed by duplication. Therefore, two things I can offer to do: a) mail you a list of all the stuff I have, that was downloaded from your site. Then, when you get all the data, members are sending, it will be a simple matter to see if I have anything that you are missing. put into English anything you find easier or quicker, to write in French. John
Brian, I'm very grateful for your very detailed reply. I'm going to work my way through what you suggest but am not sure if I should send the exe file as an E-mail attachment or some other way. John
During attempts to upload a bulky file to the forum recently, I hit a serious snag. I was trying to upload via either "Yousendit", "Dropload" or Beechbrook Cottage. Each time I got the same sort of failure. The upload would start, then, after between 5-80% had been transmitted the "The Page you are trying to reach is not available" screen comes up. The one you get when a URL is down or you internet connection has been broken. When I try, using my wifes machine that uses the same Service Provider, it works perfectly. I've tried turning off my Firewall, Virus Checker and Zone Alarm, to no avail. Anyone any ideas where this problem might lie? John
At top left, in to group: File, Project, Slide, View, HELP John
Lin, Currently, I do resampling in Photoshop usung the crop tool. Having read your comments I'd like to hear your opinion on whether better results would be obtained using IrfanView. Quite fancy one of those $6000 monitors too! John
Thanks Ken, thats clear now, I was just hitting help on the toolbar. John
Dominique, many thanks, no misunderstanding though. On reflection, it seemed to me that I would get a broader feedback response if I published the thing as widely, and to as diverse an audience, as possible. I'm planning to restart work on it, depending on what sort of response I get, in about 10 days John
The first draft of this Tutorial, intended as an introduction to the Controls used in Pictures to Exe, Version 5, has been posted on the Beechbrook site. http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=1383 It is intended, principally, as an introduction to the “Tools” used in Version 5 and as an occasional reference source, for more experienced users. It is posted to elicit your comments, on its contents, relevance and style, Please consider the following when you watch it: 1.0 Because PTE V.5 is still under development, and some of its features do not yet function, this tutorial has been created in PTE V.4.48. This, it is hoped, will give some impression of how it will work when it is finalised. That is, after V.5 has been released. 2.0 The tutorial is made in “Windowed Mode” so that the Control Buttons will remain in correct alignment with the underlying slides, irrespective of your screen resolution. Unfortunately, this also means that the higher your screen resolution, the smaller will appear the image on your screen. To improve matters, try setting your screen resolution to 1024X768 pixels. This problem will not arise after this tutorial has been made using V.5 3.0 When it is set up in version 5 the “Post-It Notes” (Tool-Tips) will be animated and will put in their appearances in such a manner that their relationship, to the Controls they describe, is obvious. 4.0 Development of the tutorial, so far, covers only those controls that appear on the main screen. Before more Tool-Tips are produced, for the contents of the dialogue boxes, lying below the main screen, I would like to have some feedback. Then, if there are errors or there is a different approach that would improve the tutorial’s usefulness, changes can be made before reworking becomes a monumental chore. 5.0 Listed below are some aspects on which your opinion would be particularly appreciated: 5.1 Does it need the Voiceover? And if so, should that dialogue exactly follow the screen text? 5.2 Are any of the terms that have been used inappropriate? I was torn between “Command” and “Control” to describe all the various buttons. 5.3 The .exe file is at 11 Mb now! So, when finished it could have grown to 25MB. Any views on keeping the size down? 5.4 Would it be better to replace the Navigation Bar with an additional button? 5.5 Lastly, one for IGOR. At some time, in the future, might Tool-Tips be made available when the cursor is herd over a control? John