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Everything posted by JohnFeg
Ken, I have never been able to attach a sound file to an individual slide in V5, using the "Sound" function in the main screen. I assumed the function had not yet been activated. At present, I find it is only possible to mixdown the voiceover and background music track in Music Editing Software (I use Cool Edit) into a single MP3 The main disadvantage to this method is that, once you have made the mixdown, all the timings of slides and transitions must remain fixed in time and position. At least, that is, for those slides to which the voiceover makes reference. John
Thank you Dominique. I'm sure you have created a record. A response to a question in only 11 seconds. Incroyable! John
I recently used a shape in a slideshow that I had, inadvertently, saved in Gif format. Normally for the application in hand I would have chosen PNG. But, it worked perfectly, as intended. Is there a particular advantage in using one or other of these formats when a transparent background is called for? John
PTE really nice : How to put a cube in a slideshow
JohnFeg replied to JPD's topic in General Discussion
Bravo! John -
No, I'm sorry, the only demos I have posted are pre. this little idea. I find that the 8px white frame looks good on screen. More importantly. it lets you know which slides will not be animated. Personally, I generate my slideshows by adding slides to the PTE slidelist one "Chapter" at a time. Most of my shows being in the "journey from A to C via B form". Then, I work, almost exclusively, from the O&A window. Another way to make the differentiation, if you have 2 monitors & Photoshop CS2, is to colour code the images and have the image folder open on the other monitor. Downside is I like to work with Cool Edit open on the other monitor. If you really don't want to see the white frame, that is, use it simply as a marker. Just take the border out of frame in O&A. In PTE 5 I use 5 different sizes of image, the largest for where there will be big zooms or pans. For my next project I plan to put a narrow colour coded border round ALL the images to indicate (to my ancient and forgetfull brain) how big each is, and thus, what my creative intention was when they were sized. Hope that makes sense and is of some help. John
Cube Tutorial in Audio Visual (AVI format)
JohnFeg replied to Lin Evans's topic in General Discussion
Lin, your excellent, lucid tutorial was very much enjoyed. Thank you for that and all the other hard work you contribute to this forum. John -
As far as I am aware it canot be achieved in the timeline. To differentiate between slides, to which it is intended to apply PZR effects, and those that will be shown as conventional slides, I add an 8 pixel white border (For 1024 X 768px slides) and, sometimes an additional 1pixel black edge. In this way it is easy to identify which are which in the slide list. It also looks pretty neat, particularly when the show is projected. John
Jeff, I also, from time to time, need to make a piece of background music a little longer or shorter to fit in with a slide sequence. I’m using Cool Edit, the forerunner of Audition. What I do is to add or remove a few bars, at the most appropriate location, or, do a fade out. However, this is not always an aesthetically pleasing solution. It would be interesting to hear how you tackle the problem. John
Lin, thanks for that excellent tutorial. So time ago I tried to create that effect using family portraits. It was "so so" successful. Creating a single cube looked OK, but, I wanted to make a sort of mosaic using several cubes. Because my geometry left a lot to be desired, this proved impossible as my cubes were not "true". When I get the current paperhanging marathon out of my hair, I'll give it another try. John
Yes it is working, but, consider using the zip backup feature instead. Come bac if you get stuck. Good luck John
The simplest way to look at this old chestnut is: (a) If you are sizing an image in inches, millimeters, furlongs or any other unit of mensuration, you can modify the resulting resolution by specifying how many pixels you want to put into each linear inch, millimeter or furlong. ( as soon as you choose to make the image a certain number of pixels wide and high you have automatically set its resolution. So, if you're cropping an image, with the crop tool parameters set to pixels, you're wasting your time to put any number at all in the "Resolution" box. John
Dominique, It's very impressive and runs beautifully on my machine. Now I'm racking my brains for something to use the effect with! John
Lin & Al, many thanks, I'll get on and do that. It's a relief to know I will not have to do a lot of file re-allocation. John
When V. 5 was made available I started a "Test" slideshow. Because I originally intended that it would be discarded, I did not, for heaven knows what reason!, follow my normal protocal of retaining everything relative to the show in one folder. But it progressed and now I want to retain the thing. The JPGs have been drawn from various and widely separated folders. This was mainly because I "appropriated files" from other projects - stupid I know! I have now made a template of this slideshow. Can I now delete those JPG files which are resident in folders I want to clean up? and can I continue working on the project by opening it from the template? John
Igor, In V.5 beta 5, even with the "repeat music" box unticked, the music repeats at the end of the show. Kind regards John
Brian, yes indeed, I did run the cleaner program. It certainly got rid of quite a bit of rubbish, but, I didn't notice any difference in the performance of my machine. That, however, may be because I'm pretty scrupulous in clearing rubbish out. I run an application called System Mechanic and defrag regularly. Over the next couple of weeks I intend to run the cleaner on a weekly basis. I'll let you know of any observations. Again, many thanks for your help. John
Brian & Ken, many thanks for those useful leads ton 2 excellent, and free, applications. I guess the knowledge gained was worth suffering the mini disaster! I did not recover the missing folders and files but the folders (empty of course) names mysteriously reappeared in Bridge this morning. Needles to say, my file naming / renaming protocols have been radically revised. After "slagging off" Photshop CS2 Bridge, I now discover that I had been using the Batch Rename function totally incorrectly - Grrr! Again, thank you both for you generous assistance. John
Brian, many thanks for that. I had not appreciated the potential problem with renaming within the same folder, or indeed, the desirability of avoiding spaces. those formulae I shall certainly apply in future. Regarding the desirability of having the numeric component of the title preceeding the alphabetic part. Personally I would prefer that, but, since Photoshop CS 2, if you choose a title with letters, the system automatically applies a number so that the finished title is in the form "Carnival (123)" etc. This is, for me, a step back from the far more flexible batch renaming facilities of PS 7 and of the 1st version of CS. I intend now to try to find a separate application for batch renaming. If you know of one, I'd be grateful to hear of it. John
Yesterday I lost a folder containing six sub-folders, total 3.8Gb from one of my hard drives. Fortunately, everything had been backed up to DVD, so, I have only lost time and my temper. I am raising the incident simply to see if anyone has any idea what could has happened. This is what I did: (a) Loaded some JPG images from one camera into a folder on my E drive, did some minor cropping, levels changes etc. ( Loaded some images, from another camera into a different folder on the E drive. © Transferred all the images to a new folder and renamed them using the batch rename facility in Photoshop CS2 Bridge. (d) I noticed that after renaming some of the images appeared in Bridge out of the correct sequence. The names I had used were in the format “ Carnival (123)” (e) Using the “Sort” command in PS Bridge did not correct the situation. (f) Manually put the images in the correct order. (g) Opened a new Sub-Folder within an existing Folder on my F drive and copied, via Bridge, the images from drive E (h) On opening the Sub-folder on F, all the images again were out of numerical sequence, so again, I manually resorted them. (i) Some time later I tried to access the folder and it’s sub-folders on Drive F. The entire folder was missing! (j) I’ve checked the recycle bin, done a search on the name of the Folder and also on the names of the Sub-folders and defragmented drive F…- ZILCH ! (k) Other than performing amazing conjuring tricks, my machine is working sweetly. Any observations eagerly awaited. John
Ron, other than for your conclusion that DVD is probably the most practical solution for "the dedicated amature"; I have to disagree that this discussion has been a "turn off". It is not, after all, compulsory to read every line of every thread. In this ever more complex, challenging and stimulating world it is seldom possible to "kiss". Wherever, or, whenever there is an attempt to "Dumb down" the result is never inspiring. Ergo, the damned awful system of education this country is now saddled with. John
Bob, to avoid the distortion when resizing use the crop tool. For slides you intend to display with no PZR effect, set the crop to 1024 X 768 pixels. Obviously, you will loose a bit of the image, but generally, you can make an acceptable picture, of the important elements, within the limits of these dimensions. If you really need all the picture, make a backgound slide 1024 X 768px and set your appropriately resized image onto it. If you intend to use PZR effects, make your image bigger in some ratio of 1024 X 768. For most effects you'll probably find 2000 X 1500 px will give satisfactory results. Come back if you need any more detailled explanation. Looking foreward to seeing your results. John
Enjoyed your presentation, particularly those fantastic eroded rock formations. John
Tom, many thanks for that information. I'm using an Nvidea G force GT 7900 video card. I'm not sure yet if it will do the business. Will let you know how I get on. John
Ken, Thanks for that, I've just tried it with sandard MP3 files, it still does not play. Can anyone confirm that they are able to attach MP3 files to individual slides in V5. beta 4? Then, if it's something my end, I'll probe a bit deeper. John
Ron, much enjoyed your slideshow and the music. Your right, it is easy to "over-egg the pudding" having all the new tricks V.5 puts at our fingertips. On the otherhand, used creatively and with restraint, wonderful, aesthetically stimulating results are achievable. John