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    Solihull, England
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    Cycling photo's and shows

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  1. Hi Peter, thanks for the reply. I think I've sussed the issue. In this version of P2E, there is a small checkbox on it's own in the bottom right hand corner called 'hold transition points' or something similar. If this isn't checked (looks like the default option), then when you insert or remove photo's (that have no special properties...like fade or other effects) and replace them with new ones, for some reason, this alters the transition points that you've already set against the soundtrack and so you have to reset all your carefully worked out transition points. If you do have this checkbox checked, then your transition points are maintained in their correct positions irrespective of which photo's you've shifted around to give the presentation more impact. If this was in earlier versions, then it was always set to on. I'm going to do a bit more testing on this as I'm not showing the presentation until the 18th. thanks Robin
  2. Hi...I only get to work with P2E a couple of times a year and I've been working on a show with P2E 5.5. I seem to have a problem whereby the timing of my transition points changes when I change photo's around. So I've set the transition points to my sound track and have a lot of pics at my disposal to use. When I move photo's around in the timeline to make them appear more organised, this action seems to affect the timing of my transition points so much that I have go back and reset them all again. Perhaps it's a feature that I haven't unchecked or perhaps this is a known issue. I certainly don't recall having this issue with earlier versions. Anyone shed any light on this ? thanks, Robin
  3. Something else learned today then !!. I don't know the Lame encoder. Is there a preferred choice of wave editor that used this encoder ?
  4. hi Dave....I got most of my MP3's from ARES GALAXY and did rip a couple of them from CD's using Media player. I did think that once I'd mixed them using CoolEdit pro and then saved a master MP3 (about 10 mins) long, that this would have resolved any variable bit rate issues.....but obviously not ! Anyway, thx for the reply. I'm likely to do a couple more PTEs in the new year so I'll keep an eye out for this problem. regards Robin
  5. Hi JRR....I don't know you but I love you !!!. I went back to Cool edit pro and resaved my mixed audio tracj as a WAV file. Once I used this as the reference audio track, the audio track and waveform now tie up completely and I can move all of my transitions that are in the wrong place. Really....many thanks for coming on here and adding your support. I'm showing the presentation on Thursday so really happy I've got this sorted.
  6. Hi thanks. Actually the problem is consistent to all slides. some of my transitions are reasonably close together but some are a little wider apart. I have to emphasise the problem occurss in the configuration windows against the wavefile output. The audio gradually goes out of phase so by the end of the 10 minute track....it's lagging the actual waveform display by about 1.5seconds. When I move my transition points to the correct parts of the wave (by identifying those parts in the wave form), the preview and the .exe file run exactly correct....even the quick transitions work OK. Have to add that the PC is a 2Ghz P4, 1Gig Memory, Sapphire 128M graphics card and Sounblaster Audigy4 sound card.....so all in all, I don't think it's a PC performance issue. ....however....I am considering building a test presentation tonight over 5 minutes and trying it again. all of the slides are being presented OK. The slides transition with the waveform OK....it's just the audio thats lagging behind which is causing the problem
  7. Hi there....I am just completing the 4th PTE presentation in the last 12 months. The single audio track I've created (by mixing different MP3's together) is over 10 minutes long. (the longest single track I've done). I am custom syncing the photo's to specific beats in the music therefore the waveform display is essential. however, for the first time I've encountered the following problem. When setting the points for the slide transitions against the waverform, I've noticed that when the audio is playing, it starts to get out of phase with the appropriate part of the waveform. It starts OK for the first 2-3 minutes and then starts to drift so at the end of the 10 minute show, the audio is playing about 1-1.5 seconds after the same point in the waveform. I had considered this to be potentially a problem with the sound card (SB Live 128) which I updated over the weekend. (good excuse ) However the problem remains. I have to now interpret the music beat changes by looking at the waveform instead of listening to the audio and then placing transition points. It's offputting and some of my transitions aren't right on the beat because it's very difficult to interpret the waveform without the audio at the same time. I now suspect its the length of the audio track that could be the problem. Has anyone else suffered this and is there a solution ? thanks
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