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Benjamin R Miller

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Everything posted by Benjamin R Miller

  1. I also liked the extra wide smoothing line in some of the blends. Very nice effect. Great music also. Gorgeous shots, all of them. The last one though was not the strongest image that you have, IMHO. My goodness but there is a lot of water in Iceland! I must visit there one day!
  2. That was Very, Very Nice! Beautiful photos. I'm jealous of your coyote shots... sharp, clean, nice background. Terrific scenics also. I especially like your style of capturing small wildflowers in the nearest foreground and including gorgeous vistas in the background. I thought the music was pretty nice. I liked the gentle flute beginning, didn't like the more sythesized electric bit in the middle and liked the last third. I find it interesting that someone didn't like the different size images nor the different formats. Neither bothered me. If fact, I prefer to see smaller images of small objects. For example, I think a small bird should not appear hugely larger on screen than in reality. On the other hand, I want the biggest image possible for a scenic. Just my preferences, I guess. Let's see some more, eh? Cheers, Ben
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