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About MichelleM

  • Birthday 07/15/1976

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    Photography and computers

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  1. Ah! Thank you! That worked!! I was hoping doing it that way would allow for it to be played on my higher end DVD player, though. When I did a slideshow using Roxio it didn't play it. My husband informed me that particular player won't play DVDs that are compiled with images. Both versions play in my $30 DVD player, though. Go figure.
  2. OK, I'll try that and let you know how it goes. I thank you all for the really quick responses!!!
  3. Yes, that is the window that I don't close until the burn is complete. I did preview it and it previewed just fine.
  4. Thanks! I enjoy my photography. The slideshow runs flawlessly! I love the program!! I tried to play back the AVI in Windows Media Player 10 and all I see is black, but I hear the music. I imported it into my project in Roxio and when I previewed it, I got the same thing. I did not press FINISH until the burn was complete, as it directed. I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  5. I'm trying to utilize the video feature to create a DVD of a slideshow. I get the avi file successfully burned, but when it plays, it is only the audio and there is no slideshow. I imported the file into Roxio DVD Builder 7 and still the same thing. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance!! Michelle
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